Healthy Living

5 Tips on Living with Heat Rash

Heat Rash

5 Tips on Living with Heat Rash

Heat rash is also called "prickly heat" or "miliaria". Most children can get it, although it can also happen in adults. Heat rash is a condition that can cause discomforts, especially for people living in the tropical, hot, and humid environments. 

Heat rashes are sometimes accompanied by several symptoms that can be very disturbing. It leads to the formation of tiny blisters and bumps on the skin. Most of these blisters are pink or red in color. People having prickly heat may also experience a burning sensation on their skin. This happens as a result of blockage of the sweat ducts, which obstructs the removal of sweat from the skin. Once the sweat is restricted, it accumulates in the inner layers of the skin causing various effects. Blocking of the sweat ducts may also be caused by bacterial infections of the skin, particularly in children with underdeveloped sweat pores. 

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There are a number of other factors that can cause heat rash. They include:

  • Medicine that leads to the blockage of the sweat ducts
  • Excessive sweating
  • Staying in very hot environments
  • Wearing of clothes that do not allow sufficient evaporation of sweat from your skin
  • Too much physical exercise that can cause excess sweating

How will you know if you have a heat rash?

Being able to identify that you are suffering from heat rash is a matter of observation since most of the symptoms are experienced on the skin. Some of the symptoms to observe may include:

  • Blisters on your skin
  • Itching
  • Having small bumps that sometimes turn red or even pink
  • Burning sensation in the skin

Living with Heat Rash

Miliaria is a condition that lacks specific medication for its treatment. It is known to disappear within a short period of time depending on the environment, especially if you stay away from hot areas. However, here are five tips you can follow to help you live with the condition and manage the symptoms:

1. Managing sweat

The first cause of prickly heat is known to originate from sweat. Accumulation of sweat in the inner layers of the skin causes the rash. People who experience too much sweating will mostly suffer heat rash since the sweat glands are not able to remove all the sweat. Reduce sweating by staying away from hot areas. Another tip is that you can avoid staying asleep for long, especially if you are using an electric blanket.

2. Cooling mechanism

Maintaining your body cool at all times can help you deal with the effects of heat rash. This reduces the itching in your skin. To do this, you can take regular cold showers or baths. Wear light clothes that will allow movement of cold air through the skin. Always stay in an air-conditioned room if possible.

3. Maintain a good health

In some cases, miliaria comes as a result of certain infections. Bacterial infection of the skin can be a cause of heat rash. Ensure that you consult your doctor for any bacterial infections. You should also refrain from using medications that can lead to a blockage of the sweat ducts.

4. Avoid scratching your skin

Miliaria goes away within a short period of time. People having a heat rash are advised to avoid scratching their skin as much as possible to prevent the spread of blisters. The more you scratch, the itchier your skin will become.

5. Make use of antiseptics and antibacterial medications

These are medications that help to relieve skin burning. They also help in treating your skin back to its original condition.

The Bottom Line

People living with heat rash are advised to seek medical attention in case symptoms are experienced for a long time.