
1 What is Dolotic?

Brand: Dolotic, Benzotic, AB Otic, Dec-Agesic AB, Auroto, Aurodex

Generic: Antipyrine and benzocaine

Antipyrine and benzocaine are used in combination through the ear for the relief of pain, congestion due to infection or any swelling.

Benzocaine is topical anesthetic which decreases the pain sensation while Antipyrine is an analgesic aimed to reduce the pain itself by decreasing inflammation.

An antibiotic is sometimes referred with this combination to eradicate the infection.

These drugs are also used to soften the earwax prior to its removal by washing.

Antipyrine and benzocaine combination is only available in the form of solutions and can be acquired only with a proper prescription.

2 What to Know Before Using

The decision of starting any new medication or any treatment method is under the consent of a patient.

The choice of using the combination drug should be made according to complete information from the consulting doctor.

The doctor and the patient should involve in a discussion as a team and follow things should be considered:        

A detailed history of a patient is a necessity before any medical procedure. It is important to lay emphasis on the allergies or any history of allergy to any drug, food, preservatives, dyes or animal products.

History of drug usage, past medical or surgical procedure should also be kept in the record to predict any drug interaction.          

Physical examination is part and parcel before starting this drug so that a doctor can rule out any physiological or pathological condition by which this drug may interfere.         

Age-specific assessment is important to have a safety profile. Geriatric studies have not been extensive to conclude the effectiveness of this combination in elderly.

However, its use has shown that there are not any different side effects in elderly than in young adults.

This drug combination has high sensitivity for infants up to 3 months of age, but for elder ones it is almost similar to that of adults.        

Drug interactions may occur when many drugs are used together. Other drugs may enhance or diminish effects of antipyrine and benzocaine combination.

A consulting doctor should be well aware of the drug history of the patient and inform the patient about any possible effect.

Drug interactions may occur as a result of using the counter drugs along with the therapy. Alcohol, tobacco, grapefruit juice and certain types of foods may also lead to increase in drug interactions.

Make sure you tell the doctor if your ear is draining as a draining ear may lead to severe effects.

3 Proper Usage

Wash hands properly before application of drops and make sure that tip of the dropper or any part of the ear is not touched by hand.

Antipyrine-benzocaine drops are warmed to body temperature by keeping the bottle in hands for few minutes. Lie down and rotate the head to raise the affected ear up.

Pull the earlobes backward and up in adults (backward and down in children) to clear the ear passage.

Put the number of drops in the ear, as prescribed by the physician, and keep the ear raised for 2 minutes. Clean the tip of the dropper to avoid any contamination.

Another way of applying drops is to soak a cotton plug with drops and put it in the ear for few minutes.

The former method has less chance of contamination while the latter one is used commonly in non-cooperative patients.

If these drops are used for removal of earwax, the application of the drug is followed by rinsing of ear with warm water for 2-3 days.

This procedure is preferably performed by a physician. If any dose is missed, take it as soon as possible.

If time for next dose has arrived, forget the missed dose and take the next one and carry on with the cycle.

4 Precautions to Take

There are no specific requirements to be observed before, during and after the therapy, however, there are some tips which can optimize the working.          

Good hygiene during application is the most important precaution to avoid future infection as direct contact with ear may lead to a severe problem.        

Allergy to any of the two drugs, if present, should be reported to the doctor to avoid severe complications.          

Storage of drug should in a dry environment with room temperature. Keep it away from the reach of children.        

Regular visits to the doctor should be made sure to see if the drug is working properly.        

Consult the doctor if any serious problem is suspected.

5 Potential Side Effects

There is no life threatening side effect associated with the use of this drug. As it is used topically, it reduces the effects on the body systems.

The most common side effects include stinginess, redness, itching and pain around ears.

There are some rare side effects like the blue color of skin, weakness, dizziness and allergic reactions.

These effects vanish after discontinuation of a drug. However, it is important to consult a doctor in case of any problem.
