
What are the Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome?

What are the Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome?

Asperger’s syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate, interact, and socialize with others. This is a type of autism spectrum disorder, and many of the symptoms of this disorder are similar to symptoms found in autism. Generally, Asperger's is not as profound as autism.

Asperger's syndrome begins in childhood, and persists throughout life. Those who have this syndrome have normal intelligence and language development, when compared to those who have autism. People with this syndrome can be taught to interact and socialize just like individuals who do not have this condition.

  • Children with this Asperger's find it difficult to start a conversation with others, and feel awkward in situations where they are expected to socialize. They also have difficulty in initiating friendships through small talk.
  • Many people with this syndrome show repetitive behaviors.
  • Children with this disorder often insist on following the same routine day-to-day. An example of this would be getting dressed at the same time everyday.
  • Individuals with this disorder may not always make eye contact when speaking. They often fail to read gestures and body language. They also have awkward postures and gestures while talking and interacting with others.
  • They often have strange and obsessive interests, such as an interest in the weather, train schedules, and certain animals.
  • People with this syndrome are clumsy, and demonstrate poor coordination.
  • They are extremely skilled or talented in certain areas, like math or music.
  • While speaking, they often talk fast and sound very monotonous.
  • They may fail to understand humor.
  • People with this syndrome are generally not very sensitive to the feelings of others.
  • They generally avoid friendship.
  • Developmental delays in motor skills are normal for individual's with Asperger's.

It is natural for children to have weird interests in specific topics, like butterflies and dinosaurs; this is not a concrete indication of this syndrome.

If you notice that your child has an issue adapting to school and making friends, contact your health care professional to look into these issues further.