Ophthalmologist Questions Glasses

How can I avoid glasses?

My eyes are quite healthy and I don’t want to get glasses for them at all. Is there anything that I can do to keep my eyes strong so I can avoid glasses?

7 Answers

Everyone will need reading glasses eventually.
You can’t avoid it! If you need a prescription, you need to get glasses or opt for LASIK corrective surgery, if you’re a good candidate.
If you see well enough to do all your activities, then that's great. People who have good vision usually will need reading glasses when they get to around age 40-50 depending on their measurements. You can do all the exercise and eat all the right foods but you will still need to wear glasses for reading. Contact lenses, laser surgery or even lens exchange are ways of reducing dependence on glasses. It's nature's way of reminding you of your age.
There are some very good contact lenses available which will take the place of glasses. Now the eyes, to my knowledge, are not equipped with the type of muscles you help with refractive condition. The contacts will be chosen by your Eye DR MD and he can answer all to your eye health.
No glasses. It's possible if your eyes are emmetropic up to the age of 40. In later years, presbyopia will set in and reading glasses will be needed. If you reach that stage, it's possible to replace your lens with one that allows near and distance vision without glasses.
Evidence shows sunlight can prevent development or progression of nearsightedness. Take breaks every 20 minutes from near work. Blue light blocking glasses may benefit, look for FL-41 designations.

Frank Cao
At this point in time, the answer to your question is a very small percentage of people do not need glasses until late into their 50’s or 60’s. Most people require reading glasses in their 40’s because of a natural change in the eye called presbyopia.