Dentist Questions Dentist

What is the gel like substance I spit out when I use mouthwash?

I have been using mouthwash twice a day, after brushing. Should I be worried about the gel substance I spit into the sink?

4 Answers


What type of mouthwash are you using? In my experience, most mouthwashes that I recommend to my patients are liquid. I am unsure of the gel consistency.
Do not use mouthwash after brushing your teeth. Simply floss, brush, and use water to rinse.
Hope this is helpful!
No need to worry, you are just having your saliva mixed with the mouth wash spit out.
This is most likely gum sloughing. Some products that cause Stan oils flurried cause this. There have not been any studies done about this but I have found this with a lot of patients in my practice.