Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Where are the acupuncture points for the liver?

I want to get acupuncture treatment for liver health. Where are the acupuncture points for the liver?

7 Answers

You would need a complete intake to make sure that’s what you need
When I treat a patient with liver issues I do a combination of treatment points. For example, I would poke liver 3 and LI4 to get balance. Please look at Chart Notes to see the acupuncture points.
there are many point for the liver
There are 14 points in the liver meridian that runs from the liver to the foot. There are combinations of other meridian points that also treat the liver. There is no one set of points for liver health. Your acupuncturist will know which points to use for your case.
It is hard for me to tell you. The doctor has to choose some points from whole body points, it depends on your conditions for what points to choose. You can talk to your acupuncturist.
There is an important one called Liver 3 that is on the top of the foot between the big toe and second toe where the bones meet.
it depends on what, exactly, is going on with your liver and whether or not it's really a liver issue - at least from the standpoint of Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine is based in systems theory. In a nutshell, this means that were more interested in the relationships between body systems rather than isolated parts or pieces. A liver issue may not be treated using liver points. Something that presents like a liver issue may actually be rooted somewhere else.