Dentist Questions Dentist

At what age do gums start to recede?

I am a 38 year old male. I want to know at what age do gums start to recede?

7 Answers

The answer is they should really never recede. Gingivitis tissues recede because of inflammation. Chronic inflammation causes bone loss. The gum tissues follow the bone loss. Prevention of periodontal disease and/or treatment of periodontal disease will prevent gingivitis recession.
There is no specific age when gums recede. Gums can recede for heavy handed brushing, inflammation, gum disease, heavy occlusion (bite), bruxzism (habit of grinding teeth in sleep).
Gum recession is NOT related to aging. Recession is caused by teeth that do not line up properly or clenching/grinding which can be related to possible sleep related breathing problems (like sleep apnea)
Gum recession depends on a few factors. Aging does not necessarily cause gum recession. Specifically at age 38 there should not be gum recession unless you brush too hard, use electrical toothbrush too often, have gum disease, clench your teeth or etc etc....Also gum disease can be generalized or local.
It’s good to check with your dentist as why there is gum recession

There is no certain age, but gums usually starts around age 30. Gums recede with age just as your hairline does. If you are not predisposed genetically and have good oral hygiene with regular dental cleanings and exams, you should be good.
Gums can start to recede at any age, I have a 6 year old patient with receding gingiva on one of their lower front teeth due to malocculsion (bad bite).
There is no specific age for that. Your dentist should find out the cause of your recession. Some are caused by gum disease, some are caused by grinding or clenching same by occlusal trauma. If the cause is found, one can find a solution to stop it.