Plastic Surgeon Questions Buttock Lift

Is a butt lift safe and all it's made out to be?

I have been considering getting a butt lift. I am worried about the risks associated, and am wondering if it is worth it?

6 Answers

Butt lifts have gotten some bleak marks recently in view of a string of deaths in areas where the procedure is very popular like Miami, Fla. Certainly alarming indeed, as these procedures have gained greatly in popularity, especially among the younger generation. Excessive amounts of fat injected too deep in the buttocks combined possibly with the sketchy training of some poorly trained, self-styled plastic surgeons. A wide investigation is ongoing. Discount surgeries and surgeons can be a very poor choice for your cosmetic surgery procedures!
Although it has been done hundreds of times, the parameters to decide how to do it safely are still being worked out. There have been a large number of deaths from improper technique.
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A butt lift is a surgical procedure. There are various types of butt lifts, but the most common one is a Brazilian Butt Lift. This is done by removing fat from one or more areas of your body with liposuction. The fat is then prepared and re-injected into the buttocks using blunt fat grafting cannulas. This is a surgical procedure and does have risks associated with it. I would recommend you consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your concerns and for an evaluation. The plastic surgery societies keep their members up to date with all of the latest in techniques, advisories, and warnings concerning plastic surgery.
I have a personal dislike for the “butt lift” procedure because I anticipate problems with implant failures down the road. However, when it is done by properly trained, and I emphsize PROPERLY trained, surgeons, it seems to be a safe and effective choice for many patients. Just choose your surgeon carefully!
The implants are in serted into the buttock muscles and do not move about and for that reason it probablyfeels a lot like sitting on your wallet, but that is a choice only you can make for the long term.

Every procedure has certain risks as well as benefits. Even an “easy procedure” has risks that are more likely to happen if not done properly. In the right candidates, a butt lift is amazing. I would recommend you make an appointment for a one-hour consultation to go over your concerns and evaluate your options.
I hope this helps!


Dr. Kelishadi
I would only perform a buttock lift without fat injection