Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Do I need surgery for floaters in my right eye?

I am a 25 year old male. I have floaters in my right eye. Do I need surgery for floaters in my right eye?

4 Answers

Floaters usually don't require treatment however, floaters could be a sign of a more serious eye condition. If you notice new floaters or a sudden increased amount of them that don't go away, you should visit your doctor for a dilated fundus examination.
First, make sure they are not a normal condition termed entoptics. You need to check with an ophthalmologist about that. Most true floaters, not common at your age, are best left alone.
No. No effective way to treat.
No generally, 'floaters' do not require surgery; however, a laser procedure is available for chronic , visually significant 'floaters'