Ophthalmologist Questions Eye freckles

Is it possible to remove an eye freckle?

I'm 22 years old and there's a bluish mark in the white of my eye, kind of like a freckle or a birthmark. It's been there since birth. Is it possible to get this removed?

9 Answers

A small, round ,blue spot in the white of the eye is likely the entry point of a vein called the vortex vein into the eye. This of course cannot be removed. Other causes of bluish spots on the eye are thin areas of the sclera that allow the pigmented tissue called the uvea below to show through. This is more common in older patients or those with rheumatoid arthritis. Freckles or other areas of pigment in the conjunctiva contain melanin and usually appear brown with irregular margins. These can be removed if benign, but may recur. If suspicious for melanoma, they should be excised and biopsied with wide margins, similar to suspicious moles on the skin. The best bet is to see an ophthalmologist for an exam to determine the cause of the spot and discuss possible treatment.

Mark F. Pyfer, MD, MS, FACS
No. If it is on the sclera, it is likely to be melanosis oculi. No treatment available.
No, that is not safe to remove
It is possible but would likely not be covered by insurance if it is not causing harm.
This could represent a thinning of the sclera, the white fibrotic part of the eye. Alternatively, it could be a lesion that arose from some pigmented tissue and would need to be examined by biopsy under the microscope. In either case, you should be seen by an ophthalmologist for further evaluation and recommendations. Preferably one who specializes in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Roger Ohanesian, MD
Removal of spots on the eye (unless they are malignant) are not recommended. There are risks to surgery. Additionally, the removal may replace the blue mark with a red mark. Please visit your EyeMD ophthalmologist to fully evaluate your particular concern.
If it lies on the sclera, then removing it means cutting a hole in the eye. No, that cannot be done.
Yes. It is possible to excise it