Ophthalmologist Questions White bumps

What is this white bump on my son's eyelid?

My son is 11 years old and has a few white bumps on his eyelid, it almost looks like a pimple. What could this be? Is it likely to go away on its own?

5 Answers

It's likely a stye. See an ophthalmologist.
Likely inclusion cysts. They can go away but sometimes they have to scrape the surface then they go away
Only an ophthalmologist can answer you. Get an appointment.

Jeffrey D. Gold, MD
The list of “could be” diagnoses is long. Starting with superficial folliculitis or Meibobian cysts to more dangerous elements such as Basal cell or sebaceous cell cancers. Best opinion is to have child be seen by a qualified ophthalmologist or dermatologist. A biopsy might be needed, or not.

Roger Ohanesian, MD
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