Which Doctor Should You Visit for Your Weight Concerns as an Obese Person?

Sara Evans Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid Disease)

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Obesity is a condition in which extra body fats have accumulated to the point where it negatively affects health. It is generally caused by a combination of excessive food intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic factors. A sedentary lifestyle, as well as an unhealthy diet, can lead to obesity.

When your BMI measures 25 to 29.9, you're overweight, and 30 would be obese. Not only that, but obesity can cause other health problems, too. That is why all obese people are recommended to visit a healthcare specialist for consultation. 

If one day, you realize that it just gets harder to breathe and you want to change something in your lifestyle, you need to take a step in contacting for help. To be of service to you, here are a few things that you need to know to help you start this journey.

Who Should I Visit for My Weight Concerns? 

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including your overall health, weight loss goals, and personal preferences.

A General Physician is a good place to start, but if you are obese, the GP may refer you to a bariatric surgeon for assessment. The decision to have surgery is usually only made after other weight loss methods, such as diet and exercise, have failed.

A Bariatric Surgery Clinic in countries like Australia, the USA, Canada, and more, specialize in weight loss surgery, and they can help you determine if surgery is right for you. They can also answer any questions one may have about the procedure and the potential risks and benefits.

Obese bodies have different characteristics, so you need to see an expert for consultation instead of your regular physician. Bariatricians are people that have received training that earned them the certification to work in this field. 

Furthermore, you shouldn't get confused between a bariatric physician and a surgeon. The bariatric physician only helps in the medical treatment of obesity. Meanwhile, the latter is the one responsible for weight loss surgeries. 

What Should I Expect?

Bariatric physicians or geriatricians are experts in treating obese patients or those with health concerns related to obesity. Visiting a bariatrician will help its patients formulate a healthier weight loss plan exclusive to you. This includes a specific diet, essential medications, behavioral therapy, and talking you over some surgical procedures depending on your condition. 

As mentioned, people usually confuse bariatric physicians with bariatric surgeons. If you see a bariatric specialist, it doesn't mean that you will immediately be going under the knife. It's important to understand that you will first be assessed, and these experts will present you with a comprehensive plan that will minimize the need for invasive surgery. 

Although bariatric surgery is a good way to lose weight effectively, this procedure is not for all obese people. There are still criteria that they need to meet before they are qualified for this type of method. The patient will first undergo certain health screening processes to ensure they are fit for the procedure. 

Since the surgery entails risks, it can be twice as dangerous because of their condition. That's why bariatric surgeons first assess their patients and why bariatric physicians try their best to offer you a much safer plan.

After your initial visit, the physician will check your progress during your next checkup. They will make essential improvements or changes to your treatment depending on your progress. They may suggest a more intensive plan, give you minor changes, or let you continue what you've started. 

This now makes your follow-up visits as necessary as your initial ones. Some people tend to skip the following checkups for some reason. However, you must prevent yourself from doing this as much as possible to have better chances of a successful weight loss journey.

What Are Other Other Health Risks My Weight Caused?

If, at this point, you're still unsure if you should visit a bariatric physician, you should be aware that being overweight entails dangerous health risks that will further endanger your wellbeing. The worst case is that it can put your life at risk, which includes:

When Should I Visit a Bariatric Healthcare Practitioner?

If you're an obese person that hopes to achieve a much healthier life, seeking help from a bariatric healthcare provider will significantly help you. As a severely obese person, losing weight can be very delicate, and what may work for others may not be as effective for you. So, bariatric physicians will devise an efficient plan just for you.

However, the only downside is that visiting a bariatric physician can be costly, especially the surgical procedure. If you are under any health insurance, you need to discuss it with your insurance provider or seek any possible government assistance that can help you cover such fees.

Final Thoughts

To live a healthier life requires effort and a courageous step to start. Determination is sometimes not enough for change, but the will to start and do something about your situation. It is also the same when trying to diet. It's not an easy activity that everyone can just start doing. Others will need special care, like obese people. 

If you accept the challenge for the better, you can consider calling for a bariatrician to be with you throughout this journey.