How Effective are Facelifts?

Facelift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that is known for reducing the age-related changes on skin, including wrinkles and sagging. Also known as rhytidectomy, this procedure is a very popular method for making one look younger. In this method, skin is repositioned after the tissues have been tightened under the skin. This gives a smooth and even appearance to the skin without wrinkles and creases.
Facelifts are used for correcting:
- Sagging skin
- Creases under the eyes
- Loss of muscle tone in the lower face
- Fatty deposits under the skin
- Creases along the nose
Other age-defying procedures, like brow lifts and eye lid surgery are usually performed along with a facelift surgery.
Facelift surgeries may be done under general or local anesthesia. In this procedure, the skin is raised and the muscle and tissue tightened. If needed, some amounts of fat and skin may be removed. The incision is sutured after positioning the skin. The incision is usually done in places which may fall under a natural crease of skin or hairline so that it remains hidden from direct view. One should always keep in mind that a facelift does not change the actual appearance or stop the natural aging process. Moreover, the procedure has some risks associated with it. Surgery may result in bleeding and infection.
The risks for facelifts include:
- Hematoma
- Damage to facial nerves
- Difficulty in wound healing
- Persistent pain
- Numbness
Some people who undergo this surgery may have other issues like:
- Scarring
- Collection of fluid under skin
- Change of skin color
- Tissue loss
- Irritation in suture
Facelifts make the skin look young and healthy. This procedure will help in taking years off the skin, but the natural process of aging will still continue. Looking young can definitely improve one’s confidence, while for others, it will help in reducing anxiety.
The surgery may not result in much discomfort. Pain medications are generally used to alleviate discomfort, if any. Numbness, which is usually present in the initial days after the surgery, may reduce within a few weeks.
Some additional procedures might be required to give better results:
- Neck lifts
- Liposuction
- Fat pad removal
- Laser or chemical peel