Diet and Nutrition

Do I Need Vitamin E Supplements?

Do I Need Vitamin E Supplements?

Do I Need Vitamin E Supplements?

Vitamin E is a group of eight fat-soluble compounds with distinct antioxidant properties that protect the body against free-radical damage. It is also important in the functioning of the immune system and aids in developing healthy skin. Vitamin E is also key in the maintenance of the muscular system. Another reason why this vitamin is necessary for the body is that it helps in the formation of red blood cells. Studies have also shown that vitamin E may be helpful in relieving the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and in protecting the body from diabetes-related damage.

How much vitamin E do you need in a day? The recommended dose depends on the age of the person. For those above 14, the recommended allowance is 15 mg a day for both men and women. The dose increases in the case of breast feeding women, who should have up to 19 mg/day.

Vitamin E deficiency of is rare since it is found naturally in foods. Some of the best sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils like wheat germ, sunflower, and safflower oils. Nuts like peanuts, almonds, and hazelnuts are also rich in this vitamin. You can also get vitamin E from vegetables like broccoli and spinach. Vitamin E deficiency is found in people who have digestive disorders and cystic fibrosis. Following a low-fat diet may also lead to lower levels of vitamin E in the body.

Studies have shown that taking this supplement is beneficial for those with a vitamin E deficiency. However, the actual benefits of taking vitamin E supplements in a healthy person are still not known. Just like the benefits, the risks associated with the long term use of these supplements are also unclear. Some reports suggest that taking vitamin E supplements during early pregnancy may be harmful. It is better to talk to your doctor before taking the supplements to decide whether it is right for you.

Too much of vitamin E may affect the body’s ability to clot blood. Getting vitamin E from rich foods is not risky or harmful. Vitamin E supplement overdose may have side effects like headache, fatigue, and nausea. As per the recommendation by American Heart Association, it is ideal to have antioxidants from food by having a healthy, balanced diet, so try to include more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.