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Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS


Dr. Jonathan Donath is a Chiropractor practicing in West Harrison, NY. Dr. Donath specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, while improving each patients functionality and quality of life. Conditions treated include sciatica, neck pain, and arthritis pain, among many others. Dr. Donath seeks to reduce pain and discomfort through manipulation and adjustment of the spine.
18 years Experience
Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS
  • White Plains, NY
  • UBCC
  • Accepting new patients

Is it ok for a chiropractor to crack your spine?

Yes, chiropractors are highly trained in joint manipulation, which does sometimes make a cracking or popping sound. As long as you went to someone qualified, it is completely normal. Dr. READ MORE
Yes, chiropractors are highly trained in joint manipulation, which does sometimes make a cracking or popping sound. As long as you went to someone qualified, it is completely normal.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

What are the dangers of chiropractic care?

There is very, very little risk to your daughter getting adjusted. Chiropractors have one of the lowest malpractice costs of any doctors, just to give you a little comfort of how READ MORE
There is very, very little risk to your daughter getting adjusted. Chiropractors have one of the lowest malpractice costs of any doctors, just to give you a little comfort of how safe it is.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

What happens if sciatica is left untreated?

It depends what's causing the pinched nerve. If you have sciatica, I'd go get it checked by a good chiropractor. The same pinched nerve causing sciatica could potentially cause READ MORE
It depends what's causing the pinched nerve. If you have sciatica, I'd go get it checked by a good chiropractor. The same pinched nerve causing sciatica could potentially cause numbness, tingling, and weakness which left untreated could become permanent.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Is a massage or chiropractor better for sciatica?

Chiropractors are very good at getting rid of sciatica.

Is a chiropractor a real doctor?

Chiropractors go to chiropractic school for 4 years after completing college. They have to pass 4 sets of national board exams to get licensed to practice. They get a DC or (Doctorate READ MORE
Chiropractors go to chiropractic school for 4 years after completing college. They have to pass 4 sets of national board exams to get licensed to practice. They get a DC or (Doctorate of Chiropractic) after their name. A dentist is a DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine). a Podiatrist is DPM (Dr. of Podiatric Medicine). They are all real doctors, but they are not MD's (Medical Doctors).

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

What are the risks of chiropractic neck adjustments?

This is a controversial topic. There is an infinitesimal small chance of anything bad occurring from your daughter getting her neck adjusted. There is far greater risk of her taking READ MORE
This is a controversial topic. There is an infinitesimal small chance of anything bad occurring from your daughter getting her neck adjusted. There is far greater risk of her taking just about any over-the-counter medication and I'm not implying the-over-counter medication isn't safe. It is very safe if it's being done by a licensed chiropractor. You can find more info about this from the American Chiropractic Association website:

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can a chiropractor be beneficial after childbirth?

Absolutely! Childbirth is very traumatic on your body. You will probably see very profound results from good chiropractic care.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

What is better a massage or chiropractor?

Either could potentially help you. I would go to and search Find a Provider. Active Release Technique, in my opinion, is the best technique for muscle pain. READ MORE
Either could potentially help you. I would go to and search Find a Provider. Active Release Technique, in my opinion, is the best technique for muscle pain. It is done by chiropractors and massage therapists.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Do chiropractors treat muscle pain?

I’d say at least half of what we treat is muscle pain. There’s also a chance you think it’s a muscle problem and it’s not. Very often muscles will hurt or even spasm to protect READ MORE
I’d say at least half of what we treat is muscle pain. There’s also a chance you think it’s a muscle problem and it’s not. Very often muscles will hurt or even spasm to protect a more serious underlying problem. Chiropractors are good at figuring out what the underlying problem is and fixing it.

Do chiropractors realign the spine?

Some chiropractors would say yes. I wouldn't necessarily use that language of realigning the spine. Chiropractors look (feel) for joints that are stuck and not moving well and READ MORE
Some chiropractors would say yes. I wouldn't necessarily use that language of realigning the spine. Chiropractors look (feel) for joints that are stuck and not moving well and we adjust them so that they move much better. This can be unbelievably helpful to those who feel "misaligned" or in pain.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

How long does a chiropractic adjustment for neck pain last?

That completely depends on so many factors. There are times I have adjusted someone one time in severe pain and they never had pain again. Other times, it can last minutes, hours, READ MORE
That completely depends on so many factors. There are times I have adjusted someone one time in severe pain and they never had pain again. Other times, it can last minutes, hours, days, weeks or months. Often, it takes a series of adjustments for it to "hold" and last. Each individual is different, and their problem may be different.

Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS

What happens when a chiropractor cracks your neck?

The crack you hear when a chiropractor adjusts your neck is simply a bubble of carbon dioxide popping. It's the same sound you would hear when "cracking" your knuckles. It will READ MORE
The crack you hear when a chiropractor adjusts your neck is simply a bubble of carbon dioxide popping. It's the same sound you would hear when "cracking" your knuckles. It will just seem a lot louder and stronger since it's in your head and very close to your ears. The chiropractor is trying to get stuck joints to move and when it moves past a certain point a cavitation will occur and will get those stuck joints moving properly again.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can chiropractic treatment ease sciatica pain?

Yes, in most cases of sciatica, chiropractors are the perfect specialists to see if you have sciatica. It's one of the most common things we treat and in the vast majority of cases READ MORE
Yes, in most cases of sciatica, chiropractors are the perfect specialists to see if you have sciatica. It's one of the most common things we treat and in the vast majority of cases we can help resolve it.

What can I do about my hip pain?

The short answer is yes, you should probably see a doctor if your hip isn't improving. There are quite a few things that can cause pain in your hip and there's no way I can know READ MORE
The short answer is yes, you should probably see a doctor if your hip isn't improving. There are quite a few things that can cause pain in your hip and there's no way I can know more without getting a full history of what you feel and a proper examination.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can pregnant women go see a chiropractor?

Great question. Back pain during pregnancy is very common and you're not able to take any medications so sometimes pregnant women really suffer. Chiropractors have been treating READ MORE
Great question. Back pain during pregnancy is very common and you're not able to take any medications so sometimes pregnant women really suffer. Chiropractors have been treating pregnant women for over one hundred years safely and effectively. In my practice, it is one of our main specialties as we shared space with a practice of midwives for seven years. We pride ourselves in helping pregnant women get relief and get it fast.
I hope this was helpful.

Dr. Donath