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Dr. Lata Sonpal, PH. D.,FCHT


Dr. Lata Sonpal PH. D.,FCHT is a top Psychologist in Miami, . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Lata Sonpal PH. D.,FCHT is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Lata Sonpal PH. D.,FCHT is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in their field, Dr. Lata Sonpal PH. D.,FCHT is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. They embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In Miami, Florida, Dr. Lata Sonpal PH. D.,FCHT is a true asset to their field and dedicated to the profession of medicine.
Dr. Lata Sonpal, PH. D.,FCHT
  • Miami, Florida
  • Accepting new patients

My son is a different child since the death of his father. What can I do to help him?

Dear Parent, I am so sorry to hear the loss of your spouse and the loss of your son's father. As he is having difficulty opening up to a therapist, I would like to suggest that READ MORE
Dear Parent,

I am so sorry to hear the loss of your spouse and the loss of your son's father. As he is having difficulty opening up to a therapist, I would like to suggest that you find a children's bereavement center in your area. They have groups for children and parents who are in a similar grief situation. This may allow him to come out of his shell and stop from being quiet and withdrawn. The one in Miami area has a website: They may be able to refer you to similar centers in your area. You may also want to get a book titled "On Grief and Grieving" by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Her "Letter to Dougy" has comforted many a grieving people. Read it and decide whether that would be appropriate for you to share with your son.

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal

My son has a hard time paying attention to instructions, and tells me he feels nervous all the time. Should he be in counseling?

Dear Madam/Sir: Thanks for your concern regarding your son's difficulties in listening and his feeling nervous all the time. Have you asked him what he is nervous about? And READ MORE
Dear Madam/Sir:

Thanks for your concern regarding your son's difficulties in listening and his feeling nervous all the time. Have you asked him what he is nervous about? And what he is doing when not listening to your given instructions? That is what is he instead focusing on? It seems like a good idea, to have him be checked out by a licensed psychologist. Finding out what is troubling him and what needs to be done about it so he can start paying attention will be the first step. Teaching him meditation and relaxation will also be very beneficial as he will then learn to be mindfully present in any given moment without being nervous all the time.

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal

Why does my mom hear sounds that don't actually exist?

Dear Madam/Sir: I appreciate your concern regarding your mom's hearing loud noises. In case it is Tinnitus, she needs to see an audiologist. In case it is a hallucination, she READ MORE
Dear Madam/Sir:

I appreciate your concern regarding your mom's hearing loud noises. In case it is Tinnitus, she needs to see an audiologist. In case it is a hallucination, she needs to see a psychiatrist. For Tinnitus, an alternative treatment is hypnotherapy which I provide as a licensed psychologist, but I am not a psychiatrist and so won't be able to help in case it is a hallucination and she needs medicine for it.

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal

Can kidney disease cause depression?

Dear Sir/Madam: Thanks for your concern regarding your mom's health. Whenever there is a chronic illness it will take its toll on one's emotional health as well. Then it may READ MORE
Dear Sir/Madam:

Thanks for your concern regarding your mom's health. Whenever there is a chronic illness it will take its toll on one's emotional health as well. Then it may become a vicious cycle. So, my suggestion is that you have mom see a licensed psychologist, in her area, who specializes in depression with chronic illness. She may also benefit from seeing a psychiatrist to evaluate her and prescribe medicine that won't adversely affect her kidney functioning. You may look into "Feeling Good" and "Mindful way through Depression." These are two excellent books regarding depression.

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal

What is the effect of antidepressants on a baby in the womb?

Dear Sir, I can validate your concerns. As I am a psychologist I would suggest that you and your wife talk to the prescribing Psychiatrist or Primary care your concerns. As READ MORE
Dear Sir,

I can validate your concerns. As I am a psychologist I would suggest that you and your wife talk to the prescribing Psychiatrist or Primary care your concerns. As they will be more able to guide you regarding this issue. In case your wife is seeing a psychologist, you can also explore other ways of dealing with depression during the pregnancy. I would recommend that the two of you read "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" that is supposed to be "the Clinically proven drug-free treatment for depression." The author is Dr. David D. Burns. Another good source is "Mindful way through Depression" and it is by Williams, Teasdale, Segal, and Kabat-Zinn.

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal

How do I overcome negativity in my life?

Dear Madam/Sir, Recognizing that your negativity is a problem is a starting point. One thing you can do is imagine a STOP sign, every time you find yourself engaging in a negative READ MORE
Dear Madam/Sir,

Recognizing that your negativity is a problem is a starting point. One thing you can do is imagine a STOP sign, every time you find yourself engaging in a negative thought. STOP the negative thought that leads to negative feelings. Then replace it with a Neutral or a Positive thought. Do this consistently and break the habit of engaging in negative thoughts.

It will also help when you STOP labeling yourself as negative. Because when you engage in negative thinking your subconscious mind considers that as your command and will follow through on your order and ensure that it will generate negative energies and negative outcomes to please you! This creates a vicious cycle which then leads to your feelings of hopelessness.

I would suggest read Norman Vincent Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking", and His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama's "The Art of Happiness." Also consider seeking help from a licensed psychologist and get to the roots of your wounds that make you unhappy and negative. Heal those wounds and move forward. Remember that had you not been worthy you would not have received a human birth. So, take care.

Dr. Lata Sonpal

I have been feeling short and irritable lately. Why is this?

Dear Single Parent, It is a difficult job to be a single parent. So, have compassion for yourself. You said that lately you are getting easily irritated and end up shouting READ MORE
Dear Single Parent,

It is a difficult job to be a single parent. So, have compassion for yourself. You said that lately you are getting easily irritated and end up shouting too much and then regret it. What is irritating you? What is causing the stress in your life? What can you do about it so it is not manifested in shouting? These are the things that only you know. So, either find a licensed psychologist in your area or a single parent's group to work out the issues so that you can then not engage in behaviors that you subsequently regret. 

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal

Why do I get very nervous and shaky?

Dear Sir/Madam, I have no clue what is causing you to be nervous and shaky in pressure situations now! You need to figure out what the triggers are so you can resolve the underlying READ MORE
Dear Sir/Madam,

I have no clue what is causing you to be nervous and shaky in pressure situations now! You need to figure out what the triggers are so you can resolve the underlying issues. You may want to consult with your primary care physician to rule out any physical reasons. And also consult a licensed psychologist to figure out what is going on. Engaging in "whys" is like spinning your wheel! So, you need to get the wheel out of where it is stuck and move on. That means do what you need to do, differently, so won't have to continue to suffer unnecessarily from nervousness and shakiness and be your usual confident self under high-pressure situations.

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal

I think masturbation is ruining my relationship. What do I do?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would suggest going for couple's therapy, especially with a licensed professional who specializes in sex therapy.

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal

My sister had a car accident last month. What can we do to help her?

Dear Madam/Sir, Sorry to hear about your sister being traumatized by the bad car accident she was in. I would suggest you encourage her to see a psychotherapist, especially READ MORE
Dear Madam/Sir,

Sorry to hear about your sister being traumatized by the bad car accident she was in. I would suggest you encourage her to see a psychotherapist, especially one who specializes in hypnotherapy as that will help her heal faster. You can drive her to her appointments until she feels confident to be on the road again behind a wheel.

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal

How serious can anorexia be?

Dear Sir/Madam: Sorry to hear that your sister has been diagnosed with Anorexia. Anorexia Nervosa is one of the feeding and eating disorders listed in DSM - 5. One of the criteria READ MORE
Dear Sir/Madam:

Sorry to hear that your sister has been diagnosed with Anorexia. Anorexia Nervosa is one of the feeding and eating disorders listed in DSM - 5. One of the criteria for this diagnosis is significantly low body weight. A person suffering from it may have an erroneous body image of being fat and are afraid of gaining weight. Sometimes people suffering from it avoid eating, at other times they use laxatives, vomiting, enemas or diuretics to control and reduce weight even when their body's weight is significantly lower for their body size and height.
Apparently, your sister has been seen by a therapist and or a psychiatrist who have recommended that she goes through rehab. She needs to explore where the erroneous body image has come from and let it go and allow self to be healthy. You can ask guidance from her mental health provider regarding how and in what areas you can be supportive. Hope they have family therapy sessions that you can participate in and let her know you are there for her and you love her just the way she is.

Take care,

Dr. Sonpal

Is coffee an addiction?

Dear Sir/Madam: It is commendable that you are concerned about your sister's coffee intake. Is she having any withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, drowsiness, irritability, READ MORE
Dear Sir/Madam:

It is commendable that you are concerned about your sister's coffee intake. Is she having any withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, drowsiness, irritability, flu-like symptoms when not drinking coffee? Then yes, she may be addicted. You said "she ends up having" almost 3 to 7 cups of coffee. Is she "choosing" to drink coffee or does she have cravings for coffee? Is she drinking decaffeinated or regular? 

In case she is addicted, then she needs to find out what are the underlying causes and deal with them. Some habits can be broken much more easily than others. She can start having every other cup of decaffeinated. She can also reach out for water instead of coffee. She can engage in deep breathing and relax herself. She can seek the help of a therapist who specializes in addiction.

Take care,

Dr. Sonpal

Why am I such an introvert?

Dear Madam/Sir: It must be very difficult to be uncomfortable around people when you are self-conscious. Why are you an introvert? I could not say as I do not know you. How READ MORE
Dear Madam/Sir:

It must be very difficult to be uncomfortable around people when you are self-conscious. Why are you an introvert? I could not say as I do not know you. How long have you been suffering like this? Did it start in your childhood or did a traumatic social event precede your panicky feelings? Are you shy and or suffer from social anxiety? What are you self-conscious about? Your appearance, your accent, your height? You may want to join a group led by a therapist where other people are dealing with similar issues as that may start making you comfortable around people. Or you may seek individual therapy and work through the underlying causes and release them so you can start being comfortable in your skin.

Take care,

Dr. Sonpal

Can counseling help my husband's behavior?

Dear Madam:   Sorry to hear that all of a sudden your husband's behaviors have changed and he becomes "violent" and "throws things." Has he had any brain traumas from falls or READ MORE
Dear Madam:
Sorry to hear that all of a sudden your husband's behaviors have changed and he becomes "violent" and "throws things." Has he had any brain traumas from falls or other injuries? You may want to have him checked out for that. Has he started doing any drugs street or prescription? You need to find the roots for this sudden changes through medical, neurological and psychological evaluations.
Yes, counseling and psychotherapy will help in his learning to be aware and engaging in impulse control. Also, it will help him learn to express his feelings and thoughts appropriately realizing that words that come out of his mouth cannot be taken back. He needs to realize that hands are made for hugging and not throwing things as he might accidentally hurt you or others in the vicinity.
Take care,
Dr. Lata Sonpal

My wife is a shopaholic. Is it a mental problem?

Dear Sir:   Sorry to hear that your wife suffers from this addiction. Constantly thinking about what she wants to buy and getting enjoyment only from that may be due to not feeling READ MORE
Dear Sir:
Sorry to hear that your wife suffers from this addiction. Constantly thinking about what she wants to buy and getting enjoyment only from that may be due to not feeling fulfilled and having a feeling of emptiness that she would like to fill with things that she wants to buy. So, it is an emotional issue. She needs to explore where those feelings are coming from and heal self and embrace joy and happiness from within her. She could explore the issue with a therapist, a religious/spiritual guide, or a group for shopaholics. She may also benefit from books like "The Art of Happiness" by His Holiness the 14 Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard Cutler, "Conversations with God" by Neal Donald Waslh, "Healing the Child Within" by Charles L. Whitfield, "The Seat of the Soul" by Gary Zukav, to name a few.
Thanks for your concern. Take care,
Dr. Sonpal

Would I be able to cure my depression with just exercise?

Dear Sir/Madam:   Exercise is always good and has many health benefits including uplifting your mood, improving your sleep, building muscles that burn calories, helping loose READ MORE
Dear Sir/Madam:
Exercise is always good and has many health benefits including uplifting your mood, improving your sleep, building muscles that burn calories, helping loose inches, etc. Yet you need to get to the bottom of what is causing your depression, heal from it and move forward so your uplifted mood is not dependent on exercise to "have better control over" your "mental state." So, you may want to consult a therapist in your area to find the best way to deal with the depression. You may also want to read "Feeling Good" and "Mindful Way through Depression."
Take care,
Dr. Sonpal

How can I help my daughter recover from accident trauma?

Dear Sir/Madam:   I am so sorry that your daughter had to suffer the loss of her two friends in such a traumatic way. Furthermore, trauma of herself having been in that accident READ MORE
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am so sorry that your daughter had to suffer the loss of her two friends in such a traumatic way. Furthermore, trauma of herself having been in that accident and survivor's guilt can take a big toll on a person. The sounds of the crash may still be affecting her adversely. No wonder she panics at the slightest sound! I wish she had not stopped therapy. As post-traumatic stress can be devastating. Has she gone through Hypnotherapy? It may be of immense help in recovering from the trauma and in saying goodbye to her friends. She may benefit from Dr. Kubler Ross' boos "on Grief and Grieving" and "The Tunnel and the Light," especially from "The Dougy Letter." Just be there for her as she may also fear losing her parents and other loved ones after losing her friends.
Take care,
Dr. Sonpal

Is OCD a disease or a habit?

Dear Sir/Madam:   It must be even more difficult for your sister than it has been for you. She probably is distressed about her OCD and about the family's reactions to her OCD. OCD READ MORE
Dear Sir/Madam:
It must be even more difficult for your sister than it has been for you. She probably is distressed about her OCD and about the family's reactions to her OCD. OCD is included in DSM 5 by American Psychiatric Association. So, you can educate yourself more about the OCD through the information in this book.

Has your sister seen a psychotherapist and or a psychiatrist? What is the advice of her primary care doctor.? It's not just a habit, it is obsessiveness, compulsiveness or a combination of both. She needs to get to the roots of her OCD and she needs professional help and your compassionate understanding. Get her the help she deserves ASAP.
Take care,
Dr. Sonpal

Is forgetfulness a mental illness?

Dear Sir/Madam:   Your concern is legitimate. Have you had any recent brain traumas? Are you using drugs? You may need to get a thorough check up through your physician. I hope READ MORE
Dear Sir/Madam:
Your concern is legitimate. Have you had any recent brain traumas? Are you using drugs? You may need to get a thorough check up through your physician. I hope that you have been in contact with them.
You may also want to contact a neuropsychologist and/or neuropsychiatrist and let them evaluate you as, on the one hand, you are saying that small, everyday things you have difficulty remembering, yet you are always preoccupied with thoughts!
Take care,
Dr. Sonpal

My son is displaying traits of kleptomania. He's young, but how can we deal with this problem?

Dear Parent,   Your concern is legitimate. Is he impulsive about other things as well? Does he know right from wrong? Does he break any other family and/or societal rules? Does READ MORE
Dear Parent,
Your concern is legitimate. Is he impulsive about other things as well? Does he know right from wrong? Does he break any other family and/or societal rules? Does he feel remorse after stealing? Has he ever returned things he has stolen? Is there a family history of obsessive-compulsiveness?
So much information is needed to help him help himself. So, I would suggest you consult a psychologist who specializes in working with children and families so you can address this issue and get to the root of the problem. Timely intervention will help him with emotional, psycho-social growth and prevent any future legal problems.
Take care,
Dr. Sonpal