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Marian Kaplun Shapiro


Dr. Marian Shapiro is a psychologist practicing in Lexington, Massachusetts. Dr. Shapiro specializes in the treatment of health mental problems, and helps people to cope with their mental illnesses. As a psychologist, Dr. Shapiro evaluates and treats patients through a variety of methods, most typically being psychotherapy or talk therapy. Patients usually visit Dr. Shapiro because they have been experiencing depression, anxiety, stress or anger for a significant period of time and are seeking help. Psychologists may perform a variety of exams and assessments to diagnose a mental condition.
Marian Kaplun Shapiro
Specializes in:
  • Psychotherapy
  • Hypnosis
  • Lexington, Massachusetts
  • Harvard University
  • Accepting new patients

What is the best therapy for anger management?

For you? Perhaps you could consult a parenting specialist. Having someone to talk to and provide guidance might be practical and helpful. Peace, (Dr) Marian Shapiro Licensed READ MORE
For you?
Perhaps you could consult a parenting specialist. Having someone to talk to and provide guidance might be practical and helpful.

(Dr) Marian Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist

is anxiety causing me to become nauseous and throw up

Hi – It’s great that you are looking to solve this unpleasant problem – it is a fine idea to see a psychologist, or a social worker, to evaluate. At any rate, you say you are READ MORE
Hi –

It’s great that you are looking to solve this unpleasant problem – it is a fine idea to see a psychologist, or a social worker, to evaluate. At any rate, you say you are anxious in some situations, and it would be good to understand that and perhaps address it so that it becomes less significant. I’ll bet the consult is useful! Maybe you will find that talking about the problems makes them go away!


(Dr.) Marian Shapiro

Licensed Psychologist

How do you stop panic attacks without medication?

Hello! You are in luck! Hyponisis training stops panic attacks in their tracks. Harmless. No drugs. Look up the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and choose a professional READ MORE
Hello! You are in luck! Hyponisis training stops panic attacks in their tracks. Harmless. No drugs.

Look up the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and choose a professional who specializes in anxiety and/or panic disorders. A few sessions will do it. You might want to work on the causes of panic afterwards as well.

Good luck!!


(Dr) Marian Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist

Can you have psychotherapy for depression?

Certainly! Seek out an experienced psychologist who can make a diagnosis and assessment of the particular kind of depression you are experiencing. Many types of depression are READ MORE
Certainly! Seek out an experienced psychologist who can make a diagnosis and assessment of the particular kind of depression you are experiencing. Many types of depression are treated with various types of talk therapy alone. Others require an additional medical component, usually an antidepressant prescribed by a psychiatrist, which supplements the work with the psychologist. And there are more biologically-based depressions which are best treated by combinations of medications. The psychologist will be able to distinguish among these types, and refer you as appropriate. It is great that you are going so early – two weeks feels terrible, but many people don’t go for help for months!

Good luck!


(Dr.) Marian K. Shapiro

Licensed psychologist

Do antidepressants ruin your brain?

Hello - No, that is NOT true. If it were, 15.5 million Americans, the approximate number who have taken antidepressants for 5 years or more, would be walking around with ‘ruined READ MORE
Hello -
No, that is NOT true. If it were, 15.5 million Americans, the approximate number who have
taken antidepressants for 5 years or more, would be walking around with ‘ruined brains’. I think someone in the medical field would have noticed!

Depression deserves treatment. Please stay on your treatment. Unfortunately it takes about 3 weeks to kick in, though some new ones work in a week.

Good luck. Glad you checked this false fact out!

(Dr) Marian Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist

How long does the depression last after quitting smoking?

Hello, ex smoker. First, congrats on stopping! I am not sure what you mean by ‘depression’ - are you hopeless? Endlessly sad? Not interested in anything you usually enjoy? Sleeping READ MORE
Hello, ex smoker. First, congrats on stopping!

I am not sure what you mean by ‘depression’ - are you hopeless? Endlessly sad? Not interested in anything you usually enjoy? Sleeping a lot? Not eating?

If so, I doubt it is from stopping smoking. More likely from other related themes that smoking distracted you from. Some counseling might be helpful.

If you are anxious, that may be more from withdrawal and will diminish with time AND helped with clinical hypnosis. Get a name of a qualified hypnosis professional from ASCH, the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis for a few sessions.

Good luck! You’ve gone most of the way.

(Dr) Marian K Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist

Should I see a psychologist for insomnia?

There are many directions you could go with this problem – sleep specialists, your primary care doc, psychologist...If it were I, I would start with a psychologist and ask for READ MORE
There are many directions you could go with this problem – sleep specialists, your primary care doc, psychologist...If it were I, I would start with a psychologist and ask for an evaluation for insomnia. If that person is experienced in this area, they would be able to either treat you themselves or direct you to the more appropriate clinician. Just be prepared for a lot of questions!

Is isolation a factor in many people who have mental breaks?

A great question especially in the era of COVID. Loneliness leaves people who are prone to self-doubt and negative views of themselves with no support. A house with no or insufficient READ MORE
A great question especially in the era of COVID. Loneliness leaves people who are prone to self-doubt and negative views of themselves with no support. A house with no or insufficient support will be badly damaged in bad weather.

And, in addition, there is no one to notice signs of illness, so early help is not sought. Even phoneAnd zoom can be somewhat effective, however.

Thanks for asking!

(Dr) Marian Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist

What treatment options are available for an individual who has a drinking problem?

What a good friend you are! A psychologist who specializes in addictions will be able to recommend a treatment choice that best fits your friend. There are facilities where your READ MORE
What a good friend you are!

A psychologist who specializes in addictions will be able to recommend a treatment choice that best fits your friend. There are facilities where your friend could live and have inclusive treatment including Group and individual therapy. There are out-patient groups. There are self-help groups (AA and others). Even within organization s like AA there are choices of groups which might be good matches for your friend.

Good luck - your friend is lucky to have you!

(Dr) Marian K Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist

What does a psychologist do for schizophrenia?

Hi - someone with schizophrenia is a person! So that person needs a medical physician, namely, a psychiatrist, for medication. Usually, that person will see a psychologist with READ MORE
Hi - someone with schizophrenia is a person! So that person needs a medical physician, namely, a psychiatrist, for medication. Usually, that person will see a psychologist with whom they will talk about their lives, their feelings, their plans, their problems, etc. That is what a psychologist is for.


How long does it take to emotionally recover from divorce?

Like anything else it depends. The amount of enmity, the presence of children, the reasons for divorce, the presence of addictions, violence, criminality, illness, etc etc. Nothing READ MORE
Like anything else it depends. The amount of enmity, the presence of children, the reasons for divorce, the presence of addictions, violence, criminality, illness, etc etc. Nothing wrong with getting some counseling to help - a good thing. In the long run, you can gain an understanding of why you married and why it didn’t work, which will help make choices going further.

Good luck!

Dr. Marian Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist


Is a childhood environment more influential on personality than genetics?

There is no one answer other than both and it depends. Perhaps your interest stems from your own history. Many scholars pursue valuable studies having been inspired by their own READ MORE
There is no one answer other than both and it depends. Perhaps your interest stems from your own history. Many scholars pursue valuable studies having been inspired by their own experiences. Any future studies for you?

(Dr.) Marian Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist

My aunt sleeps all day?

I am not a physician, but sounds like “long COVID” to me. Tests of the spinal fluid may reveal the source of this problem, and, hopefully lead to a treatment. Please consult a READ MORE
I am not a physician, but sounds like “long COVID” to me. Tests of the spinal fluid may reveal the source of this problem, and, hopefully lead to a treatment. Please consult a physician with COVID experience.



(Dr.) Marian Shapiro

Licensed Psychologist

I am going through mental traumas?

There’s a saying from Robert Frost, “the best way out is through.” No tablet will do it - no way to excise individual memories. As a trauma specialist, I know about this. Please READ MORE
There’s a saying from Robert Frost, “the best way out is through.” No tablet will do it - no way to excise individual memories. As a trauma specialist, I know about this. Please find a trauma specialist and talk to them. Make sure you feel trusting with them, and that they are well-trained in that specialty. You may cry and yell a lot of forawhile, but then you will feel better. Did you know that approximately 1/3 of girls are victims of trauma? Lots of young women, lots of ‘sisters. Good luck - ask around - teachers, guidance counselors, ministers, doctors, nurses, friends - someone may know a good place to start. Online options are also possible.

Losing weight without trying?

Hi, I hope you have a therapist in addition to the meds you are taking. If you “like” that you are “punishing your body,” you need help from a qualified therapist. Your body READ MORE

I hope you have a therapist in addition to the meds you are taking. If you “like” that you are “punishing your body,” you need help from a qualified therapist. Your body is the only one you will ever have – why would you not want to care for it? It is important that you understand the answer to that question, and literally change how you think about it. Do get help finding a good therapist – you could start by asking your doctor (pediatrician?) for a referral. You could also ask another doctor you have, maybe a dermatologist, or allergist, or a nutritionist, or a physical therapist – someone you like. Or a teacher or guidance counselor in your high school. Please get some help – you have so many years to enjoy, what an opportunity you have now to make them good ones.


Dr. Marian Shapiro

Do I have OCD?

Hi, What you describe is a compulsion. Obsessive-Compulsive diagnosis includes a more complex set of behaviors. Do you want to stop doing this particular thing? If so, you can READ MORE

What you describe is a compulsion. Obsessive-Compulsive diagnosis includes a more complex set of behaviors. Do you want to stop doing this particular thing? If so, you can try many ‘tricks’ to stop yourself such as wearing a hat, busying your hands with other activities like knitting, twiddling, playing with a distracting fidget toy, doodling - if you succeed. If not, make an appointment with a reputable hypnotherapist (American Society of Clinical Hypnosis) for a couple of appointments on Zoom.
Hope this helped.


Dr. Marian Shapiro

My 9 year old daughter smoking cigarettes?

Hello, Quick, you need help - you are having trouble being a parent to a 9-year-old. What will you do as she gets older? Smoking is a long-term health destroyer – a child at READ MORE

Quick, you need help - you are having trouble being a parent to a 9-year-old. What will you do as she gets older? Smoking is a long-term health destroyer – a child at 9 is legally not allowed to make the decision to destroy her health, because she can’t grasp the details. Therefore, the legal age for smoking is 18. Your child is PRE-adolescent, still growing, hormones changing….

It is very possible that a child protection agency will discover your daughter’s behavior and you will be investigated as a negligent parent. Remember, kids talk to each other and they talk to their parents and teachers. Cigarette smoking smells – others will notice that smell. Get ahead of the process and ask for help from a parenting class. Social work agencies often have or know of such parenting classes or groups.
It’s good you wrote about this big problem – if you act now, you have a shot at solving it!


Dr. Marian Shapiro

The winter artificial heat is making me restless and psychotic?

Intriguing to me, but awful to you! Sounds like you have to do some research on yourself. For ex., let’s say it is HEAT, rather than ARTIFICIAL  heat: how is it for you in a room READ MORE
Intriguing to me, but awful to you! Sounds like you have to do some research on yourself. For ex., let’s say it is HEAT, rather than ARTIFICIAL  heat: how is it for you in a room heated by a fireplace? With wood? With gas? Do you react to a heating pad that is plugged in? What about one that is heated in a microwave? Surely you are eating food cooked on an (artificial) stove, microwave, or oven? No problem with that? Make a comprehensive list, and since you have OCD, you should be able to do that well. Then bring it to the best research medical person you can find = perhaps a physiatrist, who deals with all systems of the body. At least they will be interested.
Good luck with it.


Dr. Marian Shapiro

Why do people become addicted to antidepressants?

People do not become “addicted” to anti-depressants. They do not need more and more to make the same effect, and MOST IMPORTANT, they do not crave them the way people crave narcotics. READ MORE
People do not become “addicted” to anti-depressants. They do not need more and more to make the same effect, and MOST IMPORTANT, they do not crave them the way people crave narcotics. The body becomes habituated to them, and one has to decrease by schedule, not all at once, or there are unpleasant side effects. But that fact does not mean "addiction." Here is a useful definition: “Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence.”
Hope that answers your question – and if it is you who needs an antidepressant, don’t avoid trying one prescribed for you out of the idea that it is addicting!


Dr. Marian Shapiro

Friend is having issues with depression and anxiety?

Sure – the doctor is obliged to tell the person that you informed them of the situation, but it seems the right thing to do. I did that myself before I became a psychologist a READ MORE
Sure – the doctor is obliged to tell the person that you informed them of the situation, but it seems the right thing to do. I did that myself before I became a psychologist a long, long time ago, and it turned out that I saved the person’s life – they were found by the doctor who went to their house – they were about to jump off a roof with their child. So afterwards, the person immediately told me they were grateful that I had broken my promise (not to talk about their problems with anyone), and remained my friend for the rest of their natural life. Takes courage, but sounds like you have that!


Dr. Marian Shapiro