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Marian Kaplun Shapiro


Dr. Marian Shapiro is a psychologist practicing in Lexington, Massachusetts. Dr. Shapiro specializes in the treatment of health mental problems, and helps people to cope with their mental illnesses. As a psychologist, Dr. Shapiro evaluates and treats patients through a variety of methods, most typically being psychotherapy or talk therapy. Patients usually visit Dr. Shapiro because they have been experiencing depression, anxiety, stress or anger for a significant period of time and are seeking help. Psychologists may perform a variety of exams and assessments to diagnose a mental condition.
Marian Kaplun Shapiro
Specializes in:
  • Psychotherapy
  • Hypnosis
  • Lexington, Massachusetts
  • Harvard University
  • Accepting new patients

Do bad dreams mean anything?

Not everyone agrees on the "meaning" of dreams. I weigh in on the belief that dreams are the unconscious creation of the dreamer, and therefore reflect something about the dreamer’s READ MORE
Not everyone agrees on the "meaning" of dreams. I weigh in on the belief that dreams are the unconscious creation of the dreamer, and therefore reflect something about the dreamer’s feelings. The "passing stage" explanation does not address the feelings of anxiety and agitation. It would be great if your son could feel free to explore these dreams and to learn what they (he himself, of course) is trying to express. A counselor, mental health person, or a trained clergy person could be helpful.


Marian Shapiro


What is the reason for panic attacks?

Panic attacks are terrifying. They produce symptoms that FEEL like the person is being chased by a wild beast. But actually, of course, there is no wild beast, so the person feels READ MORE
Panic attacks are terrifying. They produce symptoms that FEEL like the person is being chased by a wild beast. But actually, of course, there is no wild beast, so the person feels at a total loss to understand or explain this reaction to themselves or others.

So, there are many causes for panic attacks. There’s a good article on the subject on the Mayo Clinic website. Fortunately, there are many effective treatments, from medication to general psychotherapy, through specific psychological programs. My choice of these is biased by my training and experience: Hypnosis, applied by a mental health specialist who is properly trained by a professional organization such as ASCH (see American Society of Clinical Hypnosis website). Through their referral system, your sister can find a practitioner specializing in treating panic disorders.

Your sister CAN be helped - she is lucky to have you advocate for her.


Marian Shapiro

Is forgetfulness a mental illness?

That must be very scary! I would make an appointment with your primary care, who will probably refer you to a specialist, such as a neurologist. I would not think about this as READ MORE
That must be very scary! I would make an appointment with your primary care, who will probably refer you to a specialist, such as a neurologist. I would not think about this as a "mental illness."

Good luck!


Marian Shapiro

I burst into frequent crying spells. Is it a sign of depression?

Not necessarily. Many other symptoms would enter the picture. How you feel, for example. Are you a woman? If so, hormones of pregnancy and childbirth can cause such bouts of tears. READ MORE
Not necessarily. Many other symptoms would enter the picture. How you feel, for example. Are you a woman? If so, hormones of pregnancy and childbirth can cause such bouts of tears. If you are not feeling hopeless, listless, desperately unhappy, why not just make an appointment with your primary care and have the usual blood tests before deciding on whether any treatment (and if so, which) should be used.

It’s good that you asked!


Marian Shapiro

I feel hungry all the time. Is it a psychological problem?

Hello! If you feel hungry all the time, the first thing to do is to visit your primary care and have whatever tests s/he suggests. Many physical illnesses present with that READ MORE

If you feel hungry all the time, the first thing to do is to visit your primary care and have whatever tests s/he suggests. Many physical illnesses present with that symptom. If all is clear, then do find a good therapist to find out if your "hunger" is emotionally based.

Good luck! Peace,

Marian K. Shapiro

What could be the reason for my anxiety?

Hello, There is no way for me to know what is causing this anxiety – It would be reasonable for you to consult a mental health and/or physical doctor to discuss it with him/her. READ MORE

There is no way for me to know what is causing this anxiety – It would be reasonable for you to consult a mental health and/or physical doctor to discuss it with him/her. As for interrupting that anxiety, there are many (non-drug) methods that are simple to learn and successful. One of them is hypnosis – my specialty – so I would suggest you find a member of the ASCH (American Society of Clinical Hypnosis) whose on-line directory can match you with an appropriate specialist in your geographical area.

Good luck!


Marian K. Shapiro

How can I help my daughter recover from accident trauma?

As a trauma specialist I can say that it is important for your daughter to see a therapist who specializes in trauma. Many different methods are available. So choose someone who READ MORE
As a trauma specialist I can say that it is important for your daughter to see a therapist who specializes in trauma. Many different methods are available. So choose someone who can evaluate which is best for her.

Medication usually isn’t required- but could be.

Good luck!

peace, Marian

Marian K Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist

Should I take my son to a psychologist to remove the fear of exams from his mind?

Yes! A few sessions with a well-trained hypnosis specialist (see ASCH.ORG) can be very effective!

Marian K Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist

Is my daughter dependent on paracetamols? Could it be a psychological problem?

As far as I know, these analgesics, such as Tylenol, are not addictive. I would ask her why she takes them. Does she have headaches? Other chronic pain? The reason for taking these READ MORE
As far as I know, these analgesics, such as Tylenol, are not addictive. I would ask her why she takes them. Does she have headaches? Other chronic pain? The reason for taking these pills is worth addressing.



Can depression lead to dementia?

Dementia can co-exist with depression - and, I have seen, sometimes seems to be triggered by depression. However, in cases I have seen, I believe there were signs of dementia earlier, READ MORE
Dementia can co-exist with depression - and, I have seen, sometimes seems to be triggered by depression. However, in cases I have seen, I believe there were signs of dementia earlier, and the full-blown crescendo of such symptoms takes off at full speed after a major loss. But the most important thing to attend to now is the symptoms you are seeing. Your mother needs a full evaluation from a team of physicians and psychologists.

My husband gets very violent sometimes. What should I do?

A simple answer - Yes! And you need to be ready to leave if necessary at a moment’s notice. Violence can escalate dangerously and quickly.

Is coffee an addiction?

Can be. If she stops, she may get headaches for a few days. So people are told to reduce slowly, using decaf to dilute the caffeine. But it isn’t a ‘serious’ addiction - not illegal, READ MORE
Can be. If she stops, she may get headaches for a few days. So people are told to reduce slowly, using decaf to dilute the caffeine. But it isn’t a ‘serious’ addiction - not illegal, not a danger to others. So if she is an adult, she can decide for herself.

How serious can anorexia be?

Anorexia can be fatal! She should see a specialist in this condition, and may need to be hospitalized.

How can I get my son to not be scared of the dark?

How old is he? 20? 2? Makes a big difference! If he is little, don’t make a big deal over it. Play games, use puppets, dolls - play therapy methods. If he is older than 4 or 5, READ MORE
How old is he? 20? 2? Makes a big difference! If he is little, don’t make a big deal over it. Play games, use puppets, dolls - play therapy methods. If he is older than 4 or 5, consult a child psychologist.

Can counseling help my husband's behavior?

First he should have a medical checkup to rule out physical causes. If none, yes, counseling is a good next step.

How is the recovery from depression?

It is complicated. May take trials of many medications before one or two are successful. Combined with therapy, depression may then remit. Group therapy may also be part of the READ MORE
It is complicated. May take trials of many medications before one or two are successful. Combined with therapy, depression may then remit. Group therapy may also be part of the process. It is tough, but you are not the first nor the last.

My sister had a car accident last month. What can we do to help her?

I would recommend she make an appointment with a member of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) who can treat symptoms of such trauma. She is likely to be better in READ MORE
I would recommend she make an appointment with a member of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) who can treat symptoms of such trauma. She is likely to be better in about 6 weeks. Sooner is much better than later.

How long will it take for my wife to recover from postpartum depression?

Get a referral from the birthing department for your wife to see a psychologist or social worker. Postpartum depression is miserable! And is very treatable.

I am suffering from low self esteem with negative feelings about myself. Could I be depressed?

Is this a new way of feeling, or is it a worsening of the way you have felt for a long time? For all of your life? Were you ever confident? Happy? These are questions a psychologist READ MORE
Is this a new way of feeling, or is it a worsening of the way you have felt for a long time? For all of your life? Were you ever confident? Happy? These are questions a psychologist or other mental health professional would want to address. Yes, low self-esteem is a component of depression, but there are many other factors to examine. Loss? Grief? Trauma? Physical illness? It would serve you well to have an evaluation by an experienced mental health professional before deciding on a plan going forward.

Good for you - you were able to find enough self-esteem to consider yourself worth getting help!


Marian K. Shapiro

My wife is scared of having sex. How can I help her overcome this fear?

Definitely a counselor (Marriage? Sex?) is appropriate. She might want to go alone – or not. Perhaps together, and then she might choose to go alone here and there. So many possible READ MORE
Definitely a counselor (Marriage? Sex?) is appropriate. She might want to go alone – or not. Perhaps together, and then she might choose to go alone here and there. So many possible causes, ranging from the very simple to the very complex. I recall one "simple" one where the reluctant bride was overcome by teachings from her very conservative childhood church (sex is bad except for conceiving children), and hearing church bells from their window, she just froze! Who would have thought of such a cause – cured by installing a loud air conditioner in the window! Of course, there are many other possibilities. So, get ye to a counselor – preferably a woman, I would expect – and be as kind to yourself as you have been with your wife.

