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Samuel Friedman

Hematologist-Oncologist | Hematology & Oncology

Dr. Samuel Friedman is a hematologist oncologist practicing in Tamuning, Guam. Dr. Friedman specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of blood diseases such as anemia, hemophilia, sickle-cell disease, leukemia and lymphoma. Hematologist Oncologists are also trained in the study of cancer and its attack on other organs.
58 years Experience
Samuel Friedman
Specializes in:
  • Anemia
  • Hemophilia
  • Sickle Cell Anemia
  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Tamuning, Guam
  • University of British Columbia
  • Accepting new patients

Does pediatric leukemia treatment always involve radiation?

No, radiotherapy is uncommonly used today in childhood leukemia

How do you monitor a low WBC count?

Depends on low low and what elements are low. If there is any question of a blood disease a bone marrow exam is usually appropriate..

What is a normal blood count for anemia?

Highly unusual to be anemic at that age if male. Do you have Thalassemia Minor? Hemoglobin should be at least 13 5 gm%

What is the normal blood count percentage?

Quite variable. White cells 4000-10,000; Hemoglobin 13.5-15; platelets 150,000- 350,000.

What causes low oxygen in the blood?

Anything that prevents oxygen from travelling from the air to the lungs or an abnormal hemoglobin which does not bind oxygen properly. Heart failure also does not move blood fast READ MORE
Anything that prevents oxygen from travelling from the air to the lungs or an abnormal hemoglobin which does not bind oxygen properly. Heart failure also does not move blood fast enough to oxygenate. Most cases due to lung disease

Does my anemic child need blood transfusions?

Almost certainly not. Transfusions are reserved for acute, massive blood loss or a marrow problem where blood is not being manufactured. Any other anemia can be usually cured with READ MORE
Almost certainly not. Transfusions are reserved for acute, massive blood loss or a marrow problem where blood is not being manufactured. Any other anemia can be usually cured with proper medication.

How long is your immune system compromised after chemo and radiation?

Not all chemotherapy suppresses immunity. The length of time immunity is suppressed depends upon type of chemotherapy, total dose, and dose of radiation and what parts if body READ MORE
Not all chemotherapy suppresses immunity. The length of time immunity is suppressed depends upon type of chemotherapy, total dose, and dose of radiation and what parts if body are radiated.

What is the life expectancy for children with pediatric blood cancer?

There are several types of blood cancers, but in general today, the overall survival is quite high especially with the "better" types.

When do you usually find out your child has leukemia?

The consequences of anemia (pale, listless, irritable), low granulocyte count (infection fever) or low platelet count (bleeding or small hemorrhages under skin) singly or in combination, READ MORE
The consequences of anemia (pale, listless, irritable), low granulocyte count (infection fever) or low platelet count (bleeding or small hemorrhages under skin) singly or in combination, usual point to the diagnosis.

Should I go to the ER if my blood sugar is over 300?

What do the letters ER stand for? I would not go to the ER for anything but an actual life threatening emergency. Yes, you have a problem that needs attention that is not immediately READ MORE
What do the letters ER stand for? I would not go to the ER for anything but an actual life threatening emergency. Yes, you have a problem that needs attention that is not immediately life threatening. Go see a decent doctor (Internal medicine or family doctor) who knows something about diabetic control, but NOT the ER. In the ER you will receive, at best, treatment to lower your blood sugar now (if necessary), but nothing for follow up which is what is really necessary.,

Is there a blood shortage during the pandemic?

While I have not personally heard of any shortage, it is safe to assume there has been a disruption of the donor pool due to the numerous lock-downs and fear of groups.

How is blood checked for diseases?

Before blood is released it is checked for a whole host of diseases (viral and bacterial) which may be upgraded at times if a new threat is perceived in the scope of the donor READ MORE
Before blood is released it is checked for a whole host of diseases (viral and bacterial) which may be upgraded at times if a new threat is perceived in the scope of the donor pool.

What blood type is likely to have blood cancer?

There is no correlation between blood type and hematologic malignancies.

Can genetic testing determine bone marrow cancer?

Quick answer, yes, for certain types genetics are well defined. There are however, almost always, abnormalities in the blood counts.

What is the likely cause(s) of having both B12 anemia and iron deficiency anemia simultaneously?

If you are receiving B12 injections it is virtually impossible (unless very rare disease) that you are still B12 deficient. Have serum B12 levels been checked after injections? READ MORE
If you are receiving B12 injections it is virtually impossible (unless very rare disease) that you are still B12 deficient. Have serum B12 levels been checked after injections? What about iron studies and ferritin levels? If these have not been checked by your physician. I suggest seeing a competent hematologist.

How do you test for bone cancer in children and adults?

A regular Xray would generally show up a bone cancer which would then need a biopsy to confirm the exact type.

What will happen if lymphocytes count is high?

At that age and if the lymphocytes are normal and all the other blood elements in normal range,it's probably a reaction to a viral infection.

How long does radiation stay in your body after cancer treatment?

The radiation per se does not stay in the body, but the potential damage to organs, particularly blood vessels, usually is lifelong and the particular organ cannot regenerate. READ MORE
The radiation per se does not stay in the body, but the potential damage to organs, particularly blood vessels, usually is lifelong and the particular organ cannot regenerate. This is usually dose dependent.

How does anemia affect adults?

Depends on degree. Slight, probably nothing. More severe, short of breath on exertion, weakness, chest pain on exertion, etc. Severe, can lea to cardiac arrhythmia and death.

How does a 12 year old check their insulin levels?

One doesn't check insulin but the result if insulin use, the glucose level, and determines the dose of insulin necessary on the glucose levels at various times if the day.