Reasons Why You Need Acupuncture
If you haven’t tried acupuncture and you’re wondering whether it’s effective, here are several supportive reasons why you should give it a try:
- It is a personalized healthcare program tailored according to your needs.
- It is relatively safe.
- Acupuncture treatments get to the root cause of your condition.
- It’s highly effective.
Stress is the commonest reason why people need acupuncture treatments. It helps patients to adopt more manageable lifestyles, whilst still performing at their best. Acupuncture plays a crucial role in creating healthy energetic boundaries.
Back Pain
Pain in your shoulders, back, hip, joint, neck, and carpal tunnel disorder are conditions that require acupuncture treatments. In addition to acupuncture, it’s often recommended that diversified lifestyle shifts are made to help the body remain stretched throughout the day or exert less pressure on your back so as to speed up the healing process. Electro-stimulation is usually utilized during treatment, especially where there is chronic pain. Acupuncture causes deep penetration of severe pain into your muscle layers, creating persistent subtle stimulation, which might feel like the pulsing of a mild heartbeat. Once the treatment is completed, the lead connections plus the needles are removed, and the patient is given thorough bodywork to loosen the muscles.
Electro-stimulation is usually utilized during treatment, especially where there is chronic pain. Acupuncture causes deep penetration of severe pain into your muscle layers, creating persistent subtle stimulation, which might feel like the pulsing of a mild heartbeat. Once the treatment is completed, the lead connections plus the needles are removed, and the patient is given thorough bodywork to loosen the muscles.
Anxiety and Depression
Most patients undergoing stress, anxiety, or depression often seek a healing modality that helps address their condition without medication. Sometimes, they could already be taking psychiatric medications, but want to stay away from them. Acupuncture has incredible effects on the spirit or the heart. When your spirit gets disturbed, the heart as well becomes relentless. Depression can really be disturbing, and can even lead to self-sabotaging and addiction behaviors. Intense anxiety can make you feel like you don’t have control over your body, while depression makes you feel like there is no way out. The human body often needs a strong reminder that acupuncture is available to reboot the nervous system and restore your optimism.
Depression can really be disturbing, and can even lead to self-sabotaging and addiction behaviors. Intense anxiety can make you feel like you don’t have control over your body, while depression makes you feel like there is no way out. The human body often needs a strong reminder that acupuncture is available to reboot the nervous system and restore your optimism.
Numerous studies have confirmed that IVF acupuncture can accelerate the efficiency of in-vitro fertilization. Apart from reducing stress, acupuncture can also facilitate the production of follicles; hence, thickening the endometrial lining, and consequently decreasing the side effects associated with IVF medications. Acupuncture helps prepare your uterus as well as reproductive system. With acupuncture, there are several things you can do to nourish your body while getting prepared for conception.
Acupuncture helps prepare a woman's uterus and reproductive system. With acupuncture, there are several things you can do to nourish your body while getting prepared for conception.
Digestive Problems
Several factors contribute to gut dysbiosis. Whether it is diarrhea, a leaky gut, constipation, or a fluctuation between diarrhea and constipation, the body has several ways to display such digestion disorders. Through pulse or tongue examination, acupuncturists easily recognize the root cause of the condition. Normally, the spleen takes part in this mechanism. However, the liver or any other organs can be major culprits.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Work alcoholics always experience severe aches and pains. For people who use their hands and wrists at work, repetitive motions using their arms, hands, and wrists can develop the condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. The midline of the internal side of the wrist is often the affected part. This occurs due to an intense compression of the body’s median nerve that triggers numbness, extreme pain, and limited mobility of your arms, fingers, wrists, or hands. Acupuncture opens the blocked sites and brings qi flow into the initially stagnant parts of the body.