
Depression, also known as major depression or clinical depression, is a very common mental disorder with many possible causes. It is characterized by a consistent state of sadness or loss of interest in activities.

Depression treatment can be approached in a variety of ways, and it depends on the individual. 

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How many people 3,000,000+ cases in the US yearly

Medications Can be treated with medication

Diagnosis Requires testing for diagnosis and treatment

Understand the Basics

Top 7 Depression Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

basic understanding

Top 7 Depression Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses experienced by people, and just like any other illness, this condition is also accompanied by certain myths and misconceptions. Read this article to learn more.

What is Geriatric Depression?

basic understanding

Coping with Geriatric Depression

Geriatric depression is a mental and emotional disorder that affects seniors. Read this article to learn about what geriatric depression is and how to treat it.

Everything You Need To Know About Major Depressive Disorder

basic understanding

Everything You Need To Know About Major Depressive Disorder

Depression is a mood disorder that affects people in different ways. Whether you are a college student who is facing peer pressure, a new mother who is feeling gloomy, or a retiree who is grieving the loss of a loved one, depression can affect any person at any stage of life. There are different types of depression on the basis of which the person is treated. Read this article to learn more.

How Depression Affects Men and Women

basic understanding

How Depression Affects Men and Women

Depression affects men and women differently because men and women experience their symptoms are differently. Read this article to learn more.

The Science behind Depression: What Happens in Your Brain

basic understanding

The Science Behind Depression: What Happens in Your Brain

Depression is a miserable mental condition in which a person experiences extreme sadness, which is more severe than just feeling blue. Read this article to learn about the science behind what depression is and what causes it.

Understanding The Relationship Between Sleep And Depression

basic understanding

Understanding The Relationship Between Sleep And Depression

Is there a link between a lack of sleep and depression? Read this article to find out.

Understanding Clinical Depression

basic understanding

Understanding Clinical Depression

Clinical depression is often undiagnosed or left untreated. It is imperative that if you, or someone you know, seek medical attention, as the condition can be extremely debilitating. Read this article to learn about clinical depression.

Understand Causes

What Are the Symptoms of Depression in Women?


What Are the Symptoms of Depression in Women?

Depression is a painful experience for those affected by it. Left untreated, depression can worsen over time. For women, the signs and symptoms of depression are unique to their gender. Discover the signs and symptoms of depression in women by reading this article.

Trans Fat Can Contribute to Depression


Trans Fat Can Contribute to Depression

Why is unhealthy food so good? New research suggests that frequent consumption of trans fat is associated with depression. Learn more by reading this article.

Eating Trans Fat May Increase Your Risk of Depression


Eating Trans Fat May Increase Your Risk of Depression

Trans fats are known to expand your waistline, but did you know trans fats can influence your mood? Experts suggest that the over consumption of trans fat can increase your risk of depression. Read this article to learn more about the link between trans fat and depression.

Mothers With Depression can Affect Their Children's Sleeping Patterns


Mothers With Depression can Affect Their Children's Sleeping Patterns

Can a mother's depression affect her baby's sleeping habits? New research suggests that this could be the case. Read this article to learn more.

Severe Stress and Depression May Cause Gum Disease


Severe Stress and Depression May Cause Gum Disease

Stress is a very common emotion that most people feel at one time or another. While stress can be manageable in small doses, too much is unhealthy, and can result in gum disease. Our emotions can manifest themselves physically, and many studies are pointing to a correlation between depression and gum disease. Learn more.

Is Depression Hereditary? Understanding the Causes of Depression


Understanding the Causes of Depression: Is Depression Hereditary?

Watching a family member suffer from depression can be difficult and heartbreaking. What is even more distressing is when you realize that the same condition has been prevailing across multiple generations in your family, and that you could fall victim to it too. Read this article to learn how depression can be in your genes, but can be caused by environmental factors as well.

Understand Treatment

Help a Loved One Cope with Depression Better


Helping a Loved One Cope with Depression

Depression is a serious mood disorder that can really change the way people live their life. However, depression can be treated with the help and support of people who truly care about the welfare of a person who is depressed. Most people who frequently feel depressed need intervention and treatment to recover. Read this article to know about the things that you can do to help a loved one who has depression.

What are Natural Treatments for Depression?


What Are Natural Treatments for Depression?

Depression is a painful disorder for those affected by it. However, there are many ways to seek help. Read this article to learn more about the various natural treatment options for depression.

How to Cope with Your Depression


How to Cope with Your Depression

Read this article to learn about depression and how you can treat it.

Depression: Finding the Right Antidepressant


Depression: Finding the Right Antidepressant

Individuals with depression may sometimes be apprehensive when they hear the term antidepressant. There are a multitude of antidepressants to choose from, and your doctor will choose the best one for you. Read this article to learn about the different antidepressants used to treat depression.

Treatment Options for Depression and Anxiety


Treatment Options for Depression and Anxiety

There are a few treatment options available for depression and anxiety. Because anxiety and depression go hand-in-hand, it's important to consider the most viable treatment option. Find out the best treatment options to treat both mental illnesses here.