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Dr. Max Olen Kerr, DDS


Dr. Max Kerr is a Dentist practicing in Cedar Park, TX. Dr. Kerr specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures, and performing examinations, among many others.
Dr. Max Kerr, DDS
  • Cedar Park, TX
  • Accepting new patients

How do you use Orajel for a toothache?

Unfortunately Oragel is not effective for a tooth ache. It really only helps to numb soft tissue. You should use OTC pain meds and call a dentist.

How do dentists treat gingivitis?

With regular dental cleanings and proper homecare.

How long can I use chlorhexidine mouthwash?

No more than 2 weeks or it might stain your teeth.

Why does my gum look white after a tooth extraction?

Hard to say without seeing the case. It could be an infection, bone, or tooth. You should ask your surgeon to take a look.

What can I do about my gum pain?

Hard to say without being able to diagnose what is happening. It is important for you to go see a dentist if you are in pain. Pain=Bad

How do I relieve sinus pressure in my teeth?

Over-the-counter sinus medication should work. If you need more then you will need to get a prescription from a provider.

How many teeth can be on a bridge?

It depends but getting more than 4 teeth on a bridge becomes unpredictable.

How many implants does it take to replace all your teeth?

It varies from case to case but it can be as little as 4 per jaw to as many as 6 per jaw.

Is it ok to not wear a retainer for 2 days?

2 days without wear shouldn’t bother you too much. Just commit to wearing them from here on out.

What are the beginning signs of dry socket?

Pain after about 7 days post extraction

Does coconut oil kill bacteria in the mouth?

I have not seen any research to support this, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t. It just means that there is no scientific evidence of it.

Can I use mouthwash with Invisalign?

Yes, but not while the trays are in your mouth

What happens if you smoke after getting dental implants?

There’s a chance that the implants will fail.

How long does it take for a gum graft to fully heal?

It may take a few weeks for a gum graft to fully heal. Gum grafts continue to get better over time.

Is it ok to get a crown without a root canal?

Yes, in fact a crown can prevent the need for a root canal.

How can I make my tooth extraction heal faster?

You can’t make it heal faster unless you have a good line on stem cells . . . Make sure you keep it clean to avoid infection.

Do you have pain after a root canal?

Sometimes there is residual pain the evening after a root canal but it should go away after a day.

What can't you eat with a dental bridge?

Sticky foods may pull it off, but you should be good to go with everything else. And rocks . . . . don’t eat rocks . . .