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Dr. Scott Forman, MD


Dr. Scott Forman, MD is one of the best rated doctors in the United States. He specializes in ophthalmology and currently practices optometry at Valhalla, New York. Dr. Forman holds a medical degree from ...
43 years Experience
Dr. Scott Forman, MD
  • Valhalla, NY
  • Umdnj-Robt W Johnson Med Sch- New Brunswick Nj
  • Accepting new patients

Cryotherapy or laser treatment for retinal tears?

That is a decision of the doctor. The patient really does not make this choice because the decision depends on the place of the tear and the size.

What are the symptoms of conjunctivitis?

Probably not related to campfire smole a week ago. Likey viral conjuvtivitis or dry eye or allergy. I would seek a professional consultation if it persists.

What is enlarged optic nerve in children?

It may be an anomaly of the optic nerve, i.e., something he was born with. I would definitely seek the opinion of a neuro-ophthalmologist as it could be true optic nerve swelling, READ MORE
It may be an anomaly of the optic nerve, i.e., something he was born with. I would definitely seek the opinion of a neuro-ophthalmologist as it could be true optic nerve swelling, which mandates imaging.

What should I be doing for eye injury?

There are many possible complications of blunt injuries to the eye, including blood inside the eye, optic nerve damage, retinal detachment, blindness, etc. You need to see a doctor. READ MORE
There are many possible complications of blunt injuries to the eye, including blood inside the eye, optic nerve damage, retinal detachment, blindness, etc. You need to see a doctor. Go to an emergency room without your family but you need to be examined by an Ophthalmologist

Can macular degeneration cause blindness?

You can lose the ability to see fine print, i.e., reading small print, signs, etc., but rarely does one go completely blind.

Can coughing cause blurred vision?

If the coughing is bad enough, hemorrhage can occur in the eye. He should see an ophthalmologist.

Who performs an ophthalmic pathology evaluation?

An Ophthalmologist fellowship trained in Ophthalmic Pathology. They are mostly located at Academic Teaching Centers

Is laser treatment needed after a torn retina?

Yes. Usually that is what is done unless there is already a retinal detachment in which case more extensive surgery is performed

What causes double vision?

There are many many reasons for double vision. It depends on whether or not it is vertical horizontal, gone when either eye is closed or not and how often it occurs and other accompanying READ MORE
There are many many reasons for double vision. It depends on whether or not it is vertical horizontal, gone when either eye is closed or not and how often it occurs and other accompanying symptoms, such as pain, a drooped eye lid, etc. You should see an Ophthalmologist to discuss it and be examined.

Why is my eyelid twitching?

Sometimes too much stress, caffeine and not enough sleep will conspire to cause upper lid twitching; as long as it is not continuous and does not involve the rest of the face, READ MORE
Sometimes too much stress, caffeine and not enough sleep will conspire to cause upper lid twitching; as long as it is not continuous and does not involve the rest of the face, it is of no real consequence.

Are eyeglasses better than contact lenses?

Neither is better than the other; it depends on whether or not your eyes can take contact lens, which may not work if you have dry eyes. Both give excellent vision.

When should I get laser eye treatment?

This age is fine. But you are probably near sighted, i.e, you cannot see far without glasses. If this is incorrect then LASIK surgery may not be for you.

What causes eye sensitivity to light in children?

Does he suffer migraine headaches? Is he very light eyed in color? He may have an ocular misalignment. In Europe, this is called "squint" because of the frequent squinting in bright READ MORE
Does he suffer migraine headaches? Is he very light eyed in color? He may have an ocular misalignment. In Europe, this is called "squint" because of the frequent squinting in bright light.
There is no harm in bringing him to an Ophthalmologist for a look.

Do computer screens worsen one's eyesight?

Computer screens don't cause visual pathology. You should, however, refrain from using computer screens after 8PM or make sure you have a blue light filter on (and this goes for READ MORE
Computer screens don't cause visual pathology. You should, however, refrain from using computer screens after 8PM or make sure you have a blue light filter on (and this goes for your cellphone as well) since blue light disrupts circadian rhythms and can lead to poor sleep.

Wide angle glaucoma?

Far too complex a question to answer here. A drop in visual acuity, visual field, color perception or both. These are not the names of drops used in the US but I can hazard a guess READ MORE
Far too complex a question to answer here. A drop in visual acuity, visual field, color perception or both. These are not the names of drops used in the US but I can hazard a guess as to what they are. They do not normally cause loss of vision. I would consult an Ophthalmologist.

Will I be given antibiotics during my retina surgery?

Typically, post operative antibiotic drops are used. Not oral antibiotics. I would ask your surgeon for more details

Can optometrists treat glaucoma, or should I go to an ophthalmologist?

I am biased, being a Neuro-ophthalmologist. I would seek the attention of a general Ophthalmologist and follow up visual field and intraocular pressure testing (and optical coherence READ MORE
I am biased, being a Neuro-ophthalmologist. I would seek the attention of a general Ophthalmologist and follow up visual field and intraocular pressure testing (and optical coherence tomographic scans should also be done at least twice yearly if not 3 times a year) possibly could be done by a good Optometrist but I would at least see an MD once a year. If progression continues, you should seek a glaucoma specialist (also an MD)

Can anything be done for eyelid spasms?

Stop caffeinated beverages, lower your stress and get a good night's sleep. If none of these are any issues, you may have a neurologic cause and should seek the consultation of READ MORE
Stop caffeinated beverages, lower your stress and get a good night's sleep. If none of these are any issues, you may have a neurologic cause and should seek the consultation of a Neuro-ophthalmologist

Can glaucoma cause blindness?

Only if it progresses untreated or is difficult to treat. Loss of peripheral visual field occurs first over many years then central vision is lost, again, if untreated or if a READ MORE
Only if it progresses untreated or is difficult to treat. Loss of peripheral visual field occurs first over many years then central vision is lost, again, if untreated or if a particularly aggressive treatment resistant form is taking over.