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Dr. Charles W. Armour


Dr. Charles Armour is a top chiropractor in Paola, KS. With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to his specialty, Dr. Charles Armour is an expert in changing the lives of his patients for the better. Through his designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Charles Armour is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in his field, Dr. Charlie is passionate about enhancing patients quality of life. He embodies the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In Paola, Kansas, Dr. Charles Armour is a true asset to his field and is dedicated to the profession of medicine.
7 years Experience
Dr. Charles W. Armour
  • Paola, KS
  • Cleveland University Kansas CIty
  • Accepting new patients

How often should you see a chiropractor for hip pain?

Hip pain can be caused by muscle imbalance as well as osseous changes and other pathologies. You should see your chiropractor for hip pain and follow their advice. Here at our READ MORE
Hip pain can be caused by muscle imbalance as well as osseous changes and other pathologies. You should see your chiropractor for hip pain and follow their advice. Here at our clinic, if hip pain does not begin to resolve within 3 visits (at least a 50% improvement in pain level and function), I would advise imaging be done to determine the cause. Xray will show most bone problems, MRI or CT scan may be required to see everything contributing to your pain. If your activity level is high, you may want to evaluate your workouts or activity to make sure you are not stressing the hip in a major fashion, causing pain to recur often. Thanks for your question, Dr Armour, Armour Chiropractic,

How should I sleep with middle back pain?

Depending on several factors, you can help alleviate your mid-back pain by side sleeping, with support where needed to keep your spine level. If your mattress is older, it could READ MORE
Depending on several factors, you can help alleviate your mid-back pain by side sleeping, with support where needed to keep your spine level. If your mattress is older, it could be time for a change. Have your mid back pain checked out by a competent chiropractor, they can set up a care plan and give you other options perhaps. Best of health, Dr Charlie Armour, Armour Chiropractic.

Can I permanently get rid of the tennis elbow?

Each person is bio-diverse, so your recovery and the absence of symptoms (tennis elbow) may or may not be permanent Especially if you developed the condition because of injury READ MORE
Each person is bio-diverse, so your recovery and the absence of symptoms (tennis elbow) may or may not be permanent Especially if you developed the condition because of injury or play at too high a level. Tendon injuries (over-stretching or tears) can take a long time to heal, even after the pain has subsided. This is because there is only a small blood flow to the tendon to bring nutrients, etc. to heal. I would recommend visiting with your sports chiropractor about the activity that resulted in the condition and have them recommend a plan of care that works for you. Best of health, Dr Armour, Armour Chiropractic

How long should it hurt after a chiropractic adjustment?

If your pain is the same as the reason for your initial visit, it may still occur after you have an adjustment. Your chiropractor should have given you a timeline with an estimated READ MORE
If your pain is the same as the reason for your initial visit, it may still occur after you have an adjustment. Your chiropractor should have given you a timeline with an estimated number of visits in your personal care plan. As you follow the care plan, you should have lower and lower pain. If the pain does not reduce, or increases, let your chiropractor know about the increase or lack of progress. Sometimes there have to be changes to your care plan for your particular situation.
If your mean your pain occurred from the adjustment itself, your should also contact your chiropractor. There are sometimes side-effects of adjusting that can include pain. When nerves are unblocked, they can start to send signals to your brain and some of those signals may be that the area adjusted has pain. In any case, your chiropractor needs to know, so they can help alleviate the pain – sooner rather than later.

How long does it take to realign your hips?

It depends on your own biodiversity. Depending on your condition. And the amount that your hips are out. That determines the amount of time required to realign them. See your READ MORE
It depends on your own biodiversity. Depending on your condition. And the amount that your hips are out. That determines the amount of time required to realign them.

See your chiropractor for evaluation to determine your best care plan.

Dr. Armour - Armour Chiropractic

Does getting your neck adjusted release toxins?

Typically, no. The release of toxins can occur in several ways, either by chelation therapy or a fast weight loss process. Fat stores toxins, protecting us. When we lose a lot READ MORE
Typically, no. The release of toxins can occur in several ways, either by chelation therapy or a fast weight loss process. Fat stores toxins, protecting us. When we lose a lot of weight really fast, those toxins are released, usually to our detriment. Neck adjustments are not generally in the areas associated with toxin sequestration.

That being said, toxin release can occur from an adjustment if you have some secondary condition, like parasites or infection. And because adjustments increase cellular activity, if you have cell mediated toxin storage, the increase can move more toxins out of your cells.

Dr Armour, DC

What is the fastest way to heal a calf muscle?

Generally, a combination of microcurrent, e-stim and physical work tailored to your situation will correct an overused or strained muscle. If the muscle is torn, you might be READ MORE
Generally, a combination of microcurrent, e-stim and physical work tailored to your situation will correct an overused or strained muscle. If the muscle is torn, you might be better served with surgery, then the therapies mentioned above. Have your providers examine the muscle(s) involved to determine the extent of your injury, they will recommend appropriate treatment. Get a couple of opinions, make sure the option you choose is right for you. Best of Health, Dr Armour DC,

Should I eat before going to the chiropractor?

You will generally lie flat on an adjustment table, so if you have a reflux condition, you might reschedule your meals. If not, there should be no problem, manipulation is done READ MORE
You will generally lie flat on an adjustment table, so if you have a reflux condition, you might reschedule your meals. If not, there should be no problem, manipulation is done very fast to free restrictions, and whether you have eaten or should not play a role in the effectiveness of your treatment.

Do slipped ribs show up on x-rays?

Typically, no. Unless the cause was an accident or other trauma (which would be visible on an x-ray), a rib restriction is just that, a restriction (usually not viewable on x-ray) READ MORE
Typically, no. Unless the cause was an accident or other trauma (which would be visible on an x-ray), a rib restriction is just that, a restriction (usually not viewable on x-ray) and can be corrected with chiropractic manipulation. Have your chiropractor examine you and adjust what he finds.

Can your neck being out of place cause dizziness?

Yes, it can - for several reasons. Dizziness (vertigo) has a few places that it can occur, and it can be nerve or structural in origin. If your neck has restricted motion in the READ MORE
Yes, it can - for several reasons. Dizziness (vertigo) has a few places that it can occur, and it can be nerve or structural in origin. If your neck has restricted motion in the joints, there may be pressure on the nerve structures that exit the spinal column - and this can lead to 'crossed wires' in your proprioception (a big word that means where your body experiences itself in space). If your proprioception is off, vertigo can result. If the restrictions are high up in the neck, they may place pressure on the 'brainstem', one of the major controllers of balance, and this can also cause vertigo. The inner ear is the major player though for balance. As we age (even at 37), we start to form crystals in the inner ear fluid. If these crystals do not stay in the lower part of the inner ear and move about, your sense of balance can be affected and make you dizzy. Have your chiropractor examine you, adjust what he finds, and if you still have dizziness, help you find the right treatment path for you specifically.

Why do chiropractors crack your toes?

Not all chiropractors manipulate your toes. If your chiropractor does, good for them! We adjust the joints of the body to increase joint space, restore proper motion and reduce READ MORE
Not all chiropractors manipulate your toes. If your chiropractor does, good for them! We adjust the joints of the body to increase joint space, restore proper motion and reduce pain and inflammation. Since your toes will move as they should, your balance, athletic performance and even foot aches and pain could improve! Best of health, Dr. Armour

Is manipulation good for frozen shoulder?

Manipulation for frozen shoulder can be an amazing treatment for this condition. Frozen shoulder can be a condition with several causes, so your chiropractor needs to identify READ MORE
Manipulation for frozen shoulder can be an amazing treatment for this condition. Frozen shoulder can be a condition with several causes, so your chiropractor needs to identify the root cause of your range of motion loss, and your pain. Imaging may be required if you do not respond to chiropractic adjustments.

For more information, you can visit

How do chiropractors treat herniated discs?

Chiropractors can treat herniated discs in several ways: direct manipulation of the affected spine area, decompression, laser treatment, contrast, e-stim and ultrasound therapies. READ MORE
Chiropractors can treat herniated discs in several ways: direct manipulation of the affected spine area, decompression, laser treatment, contrast, e-stim and ultrasound therapies. Each of these types of treatment achieve different results, so the treatment that works for you may be just one or a combination of these. The intent of all treatment is to increase the joint space and 'persuade' the disc material to return to it's normal position, between your vertebra, not pushing against your spinal cord. If the disc is truly herniated, you may or may not find relief through chiropractic. Most patients get relief in the short to long term (within 6 months and lasting 10-20 years.) Please understand that a herniated disc is one where the disc material is no longer 'encased' in it's container (called the annular fibers). A lot of 'herniations' are actually 'bulging' discs and have a much better chance of treatment bringing relief. Best of health, Dr Armour,

Is it safe to see a chiropractor with a herniated disc?

Chiropractors can treat herniated discs in several ways: direct manipulation of the affected spine area, decompression, laser treatment, contrast, e-stim and ultrasound therapies. READ MORE
Chiropractors can treat herniated discs in several ways: direct manipulation of the affected spine area, decompression, laser treatment, contrast, e-stim and ultrasound therapies. Each of these types of treatment achieve different results, so the treatment that works for you may be just one or a combination of these. The intent of all treatment is to increase the joint space and 'persuade' the disc material to return to it's normal position, between your vertebra, not pushing against your spinal cord. If the disc is truly herniated, you may or may not find relief through chiropractic. Most patients get relief in the short to long term (within 6 months and lasting 10-20 years.) Please understand that a herniated disc is one where the disc material is no longer 'encased' in it's container (called the annular fibers). A lot of 'herniations' are actually 'bulging' discs and have a much better chance of treatment bringing relief. Best of health, Dr Armour,

What are the symptoms of a misaligned pelvis?

The pelvis can 'misalign' for many reasons, trauma or injury, fracture, stress from exercise, or just from the activities of daily living. Symptoms can include pain in the area, READ MORE
The pelvis can 'misalign' for many reasons, trauma or injury, fracture, stress from exercise, or just from the activities of daily living. Symptoms can include pain in the area, knees, ankles, low and mid-back, even into the neck area (everything is connected!) . You may also notice your walking (gait) changes. When you walk, do you stride the same length on each side? Do you tend to walk in an arc? Your chiropractor can evaluate your pelvis and your gait to determine if you need adjusting.

Why do chiropractors use activators?

Chiropractors use the activator instrument for the same reason as regular adjustments - to restore proper motion to the joints of the body. The activator can be used for adjustments, READ MORE
Chiropractors use the activator instrument for the same reason as regular adjustments - to restore proper motion to the joints of the body. The activator can be used for adjustments, and is used exclusively for adjustments by chiropractors that use the 'Activator Method' of determining restrictions.

It can be considered as a low force adjusting method, so some chiropractors use the instrument for patients that do not like standard hand manipulation of the neck for instance. It is also extremely useful for smaller joints (hands, toes, etc.

Best of Health, Dr Armour

Where do you feel intercostal muscle pain?

Intercostal pain is pain that occurs in your rib areas, and can be caused by many factors including trauma, coughing from bronchitis or pneumonia, inflammation, etc. Your chiropractor READ MORE
Intercostal pain is pain that occurs in your rib areas, and can be caused by many factors including trauma, coughing from bronchitis or pneumonia, inflammation, etc. Your chiropractor will examine you to determine the cause of your discomfort and whether chiropractic treatment is warranted for your condition.

Best of health, Dr Armour

Can a chiropractor damage your spine?

For your age and if your are in good health with no underlying conditions like osteopenia or osteoporosis, your spine should not be damaged by chiropractic adjustments. It is READ MORE
For your age and if your are in good health with no underlying conditions like osteopenia or osteoporosis, your spine should not be damaged by chiropractic adjustments. It is important that you tell your chiropractor of any trauma, accidents, falls or conditions you may have been diagnosed with in the past so they can determine if you are at risk. Every chiropractor should provide you with a list of the risks and alternatives to treatment. Imaging is often recommended for patients with other conditions to make sure no injury occurs from chiropractic manipulation.

Best of health, Dr Armour

Can a chiropractor help with foot pain?

Chiropractic adjustments for foot discomfort are a great way to reduce or eliminate foot pain. From ankle sprains to plantar fasciitis, chiropractic can help! See your chiropractic READ MORE
Chiropractic adjustments for foot discomfort are a great way to reduce or eliminate foot pain. From ankle sprains to plantar fasciitis, chiropractic can help! See your chiropractic physician for an evaluation and treatment of your condition. Best of health, 'Doc Charlie' Armour, Armour Chiropractic. Visit our website at for more information.

Can you pop your sacroiliac joint?

‘Popping’ a joint is a misnomer for relief. The pop you may or may not experience is simply a small amount of gas in the joint, moving from one area of the joint to another. It READ MORE
‘Popping’ a joint is a misnomer for relief. The pop you may or may not experience is simply a small amount of gas in the joint, moving from one area of the joint to another. It should NEVER be confused with actual correction of a restriction.

That being said – yes, the sacroiliac joint can be adjusted, and there may indeed be a pop or crack sound associated with it.

Your chiropractor is best equipped to examine you and your condition to determine what the underlying root cause is for any associated pain and functional issues.

Best of health, Dr Armour, DC
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