“What is the most common breast implant size?”
I am a 27 year old female. I want to know what is the most common breast implant size?
14 Answers
The most common breast implant size for a cosmetic breast augmentation is usually in the 350-450 cc range, which in most individuals will result in a C/D cup size.
Depends on the size and shape of the patients torso, including the hips and waist. Also depends on the patient's wishes and expectations. Today, most implants range from 250 to 400 cc, with more patients wanting larger sizes recently.
In most surveys, there is a bell-shape curve, meaning the most of the numbers fall somewhere in the middle. With respect to breast implants, the most common implant size is 350 cc. My practice pattern follows this. This size implants works well for the majority of women of normal stature. It will usually increase bra cup size anywhere from 1-2 cup sizes. Bra cup size is a very imprecise way to assess breast size because there is no standard for A, B, C, D, etc. cups. Every manufacturer uses different guidelines for their bras so comparisons are very difficult. Think of it this way: if you bought a bunch of different 12 inch rulers and each one was a different length, it would make inches a useless measurement. Bra cup size is useful as a guide, nothing more. The best you can do is wear the same style bra from the same manufacturer but even this will not be precise.
The most common style/size implant that we use in our practice is a (SRX) which is a smooth silicone implant with extra projection and the most popular cc's range from 310-400cc.
It depends on your height and size as it will be different for a five-foot person to a five-foot 10-inch woman weighing 50 pounds more. The implant should fit your chest dimension and you should communicate and many times by photos as to exactly what you want to look like. The surgeon is working for you and you are his boss. You need to chose the size and contour as well as the overall size and then it is up to the plastic surgeon to have the knowledge and skill to know how to perform the surgery and place the correct size implant to achieve what you desire. However, overall most implants range 300 to 400cc size. There are different sizes and shapes of implants and and saline-filled or highly cohesive gels (gummy’s). Pay little attention to the size if the implant and all attention what you want to look like and leave the implant size to the surgeon. If you get exactly what you wanted then the implant size was right for you as well as the technique and skill of the surgeon.
Breast implant sizes vary depending on many factors, such as chest size, cup size, height, weight, and ethnicity. But the most common sizes are 350-450cc.
There is no one size implant. On average, in my practice it is between 300-400 cc's. There are so many implant options these days that it is possible to customize implant selection a great deal. I usually start by measuring the width of a patient's breast, and then selecting options within that footprint. As a general rule, a bra cup equals 115 cc's of implant. So, a 350 cc implant roughly equals a "CC" cup.
Wendell G. Miles, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Wendell G. Miles, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Thank you for the question. There is no one size fits all. It depends on complexion, height, and personal preference and recommendation by the plastic surgeon performing the surgery. Definitely a topic to discuss with your surgeon. Usually there are trial implants to try in the office that will give you an approximate final view after surgery.
Good luck!
Good luck!
The truth is, there is no common implant size! The decision on implant size ranges from patient's shoulder width, desired look/bra size, and patient's current bust measurements. Oftentimes, the finale implant size isn't set in stone until you are in the operating room.
Thanks for your question!
Chelsea Muse
Thanks for your question!
Chelsea Muse
Thank you for the question. In my practice most common size is around 350 cc usually high profile silicon gel implant. But please understand that the size of a well matching implant is chosen considering how tall, wide, size and shape of present breasts among other considerations. The best way to determine the size of your implants is to see board certified plastic surgeons, looking at five to ten previous patient photographs ( this way you’ll know the Drs preferences) measure implants against your chest with a shirt on and obviously have a long discussion with the PS Good luck to you
The most common implant I use is a smooth walled silicone implant between 250 and 350 ccs. This is about a 1 1/2 size increase for most people. My patients pick the size that they want and I insert it.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.