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Christine L. Foutch, CNS, CDN, PNS, ATC

Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Christine Foutch is a holistic physician practicing in Rock Island, IL. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent disease, treat disease, and most importantly promote optimal health.
11 years Experience
Christine L. Foutch, CNS, CDN, PNS, ATC
Specializes in:
  • Holistic Medicine
  • Naturopathic Medicine
  • Alternative Medicine
  • Rock Island, Illinois
  • PennFoster
  • Accepting new patients

How effective is turmeric to cure a ringworm infection?

Dermatophytosis; ringworm is a fungal disease caused by Dermatophytes, which are fungi that grow on the skin, nails, which stimulate a cell mediated immune response that can damage READ MORE
Dermatophytosis; ringworm is a fungal disease caused by Dermatophytes, which are fungi that grow on the skin, nails, which stimulate a cell mediated immune response that can damage the deeper tissues. Curcumin is a component of Turmeric, in the same family as ginger, having antifungal properties. Good to have in the supplement cabinet, however, topical antifungal agents are effective with treating some infections. A more wide spread infection may require oral agents.

What can I do to naturally build immunity for my 5 year old?

He is in need I am sure of a probiotic..which will help to begin to re-establish the beneficial gut flora...within the intestines...that crowd out the harmful yeasts. The antibiotics...they READ MORE
He is in need I am sure of a probiotic..which will help to begin to re-establish the beneficial gut flora...within the intestines...that crowd out the harmful yeasts. The antibiotics...they kill everything when taken...they are unable to choose between the good & bad they alter the gut flora.. which lead to increased infections...Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics can be purchased.

What are the natural ways in which I can deal with hair loss?

Hair thinning can be induced by a number of factors that upset the balance between hair loss\replacement .. examples are.. high fevers.. surgery.. emotional trauma\stress.. certain READ MORE
Hair thinning can be induced by a number of factors that upset the balance between hair loss\replacement .. examples are.. high fevers.. surgery.. emotional trauma\stress.. certain drugs.. excessive vitamin A.. some antidepressants.. blood thinners.. the follicle only has so many cycles in it.. growing the fastest between the teens & the 40s..

However.. also protein deficient-diets.. lactation .. lead to the thinning of the hair.. because new hair growth stops when the protein Keratin that is needed for the synthesis of hair is not available.. .. or.. is being used for the production of milk..

What are the best natural ways to control diabetes?

Physical activity plays a significant role in controlling diabetes. During exercise, cellular uptake of glucose for the working muscles increases dramatically as the working muscles READ MORE
Physical activity plays a significant role in controlling diabetes. During exercise, cellular uptake of glucose for the working muscles increases dramatically as the working muscles are in need of the glucose too. EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen consumption) increases the metabolism after the exercise bout as there is a need for the oxygen to clear out the lactic acid that was produced during the exercise. Reducing your sugar intake, focusing on lean meats, dairy, fruits & veggies. Grains are contaminated with mycotoxins reducing your intake is necessary. Mycotoxins, which are a metabolite of microbes from the soils as well as storage. Exposure is the key here so reducing your consumption is necessary. These are naturally occuring biological chemicals that can interfere with protein translation as well as transcription of the newly synthesized proteins.

What are the best natural ways to control diabetes?

Hello and thank you for your question. In the case of type 2 diabetes, maintaining blood glucose levels can be accomplished by weight management, regular exercise, and a healthy READ MORE
Hello and thank you for your question. In the case of type 2 diabetes, maintaining blood glucose levels can be accomplished by weight management, regular exercise, and a healthy diet. Reducing your sugar consumption is a must. Increasing your fiber intake is also a must as fiber absorbs 7-calories of sugar per gram as it binds it up and inhibits the sugar absorption and eliminates the sugars.

Taking a 30-minute walk daily will reduce blood sugar levels. Increasing the intensity of the walk will increase EPOC, which is excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. This will increase your metabolism for a time after the exercise, as there is an increase of oxygen consumption to clear out the lactic acid that was produced during the exercise bout, reducing your blood sugar levels for a time after exercise as well.

Eating acidic or fatty foods with the higher sugar foods will slow their absorption into the blood stream.

Taking that 30-minute walk cut into 3 10-minute-walks will cause the EPOC to take place each bout of exercise, increasing your metabolism after each little walk. Physical activity plays a huge role in managing diabetes; during exercise, cellular uptake of glucose is increased, and this is done without the high levels of Insulin. This is an insulin-like effect that working muscles have on blood glucose levels as they, meaning the muscles, are more readily taking up the glucose because they need it, versus the insulin forcing the uptake and then storage. This effect will improve the blood glucose levels. Resistance training as well can improve the blood glucose levels, especially when combined with aerobic exercise, say, in a circuit. Positive adaptations are seen in glucose control, insulin action, muscular strength, and even the tolerance to the exercise.

What are the natural ways in which I can deal with hair loss?

Hello and thank you for the question. Let's see what we can come up with. Hair thinning can be induced by a few factors that are upsetting the normal balance between hair loss READ MORE
Hello and thank you for the question. Let's see what we can come up with. Hair thinning can be induced by a few factors that are upsetting the normal balance between hair loss and then hair replacement. Examples are high fever, surgery, severe emotional trauma\stress, certain drugs, excessive vitamin A, some antidepressants, blood thinners, anabolic steroids, and most chemotherapy drugs. Moving off that, I would like for you to take into consideration your diet. Diets that are deficient in protein can lead to the thinning of the hair because the new hair growth stops when the protein needed, which is keratin, is unavailable for the growth. In rare cases, the immune system can attack the hair follicles, and this can cause the hair to fall out in patches, but the hair follicle survives. Hair loss that eliminates the follicle...well, this is permanent.

However, the follicle only has a limited number of cycles in it. With optimal conditions, the hair grows the fastest within the teen years to about the 40s, then slows. Given the fact that the hairs are shed faster than they are replaced, thus leads to the thinning. Hair is made mostly of protein; eating a diet that contains sufficient levels of protein is considered essential for keeping hair healthy, strong, and growing naturally. Spinach and other green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and Swiss chard are good sources of iron, beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C, which help keep hair follicles healthy and scalp oils circulating. Vitamin C is particularly beneficial for aiding circulation to the scalp and supporting the tiny blood vessels that are feeding the follicles.

Lab tests

Blood test will give insights into a person's health.. examples we can use.. in some anemias, the blood can look pale.. a high fat\lipidemia.. gives the blood a yellowish hue.. READ MORE
Blood test will give insights into a person's health.. examples we can use.. in some anemias, the blood can look pale.. a high fat\lipidemia.. gives the blood a yellowish hue.. forecasting problems for those with heart disease.. blood transports hormones from the releasing endocrine organ.. the endocrine system influences metabolic activity by the means of the hormones.. which travel through the blood to the targeted organ.. bind to the specific receptor creating their specific effect.. both overactivity & underactivity of a hormone can cause metabolic disturbances.. the endocrine system works on positive & negative feedback systems.. which work to keep the body within homeostasis\balance.. Homeostasis is so important that most diseases can be a result of the body falling out of balance.. as we age, the body's control systems do become less & less efficient.. which can be seen within the blood chemistry..

Excessive burping with stomach pain -- what's the reason?

You may have altered intestinal flora.. having an overgrowth of candida... a good probiotic should help...Dr O'hhira's Probiotics

I don't like taking high blood pressure medication

For individuals with mild or moderate hypertension the current treatment guidelines do emphasize the role of non-pharmacological intervention such as the modifications to diet READ MORE
For individuals with mild or moderate hypertension the current treatment guidelines do emphasize the role of non-pharmacological intervention such as the modifications to diet & then the participation in a routine physical activity .. there's been a large number of studies that are demonstrating that regular aerobic exercises may play a significant role in management the of the disease .. aerobic exercise used to treat high blood pressure does not have to be performed in a single long duration .. It can be done in shorter bouts... several 10 minute walks throughout the day provide the same benefits as 30 minutes of continuous walking .. at the same intensity .. as well as reducing sugar consumption.. alcohol.. smoking.. the removal of oxidizing chemicals ..

Regular aerobic exercise has been found to lower blood pressure by an average of 10 mmHg in both systolic ..&.. diastolic measures ..while at the same time improvements in blood lipid profile.. &.. insulin sensitivity it also improves endothelial function.. platelet activation .. &.. the inflammatory response for individuals in stage 1-hypertension..

Is my vitamin b12 deficiency from my change in diet?

B 12 also called Cobalamin is unique because it cannot be made by plants or higher animals such as mammals and birds .. only micro organisms such as bacteria & fungi .. for this READ MORE
B 12 also called Cobalamin is unique because it cannot be made by plants or higher animals such as mammals and birds .. only micro organisms such as bacteria & fungi .. for this reason many of our dietary sources of this vitamin are not actually synthesizing it ..meaning.. making it themselves rather ... obtained from micro organisms living in the environment within the G.I. tract .. most B 12 vitamins in food is bound to proteins that must be cleaved before absorption .. these proteins are removed in the stomach by acids and the enzyme pepsin.. free B 12 then binds to the R-proteins and intrinsic factor that are also made with in the stomach the R-proteins are thought to protect the B 12 from destruction in the stomach .. in the intestine the R-protein is released while intrinsic factor remains bound to B12 once absorbed B12 is released from intrinsic factor & Bound to another protein called transcobalamin which begins the circulation of B 12 in the blood ..

however .. with the dietary changes .. if you are including fish within your diet.. some good sources include.. salmon .. crab .. clams(canned).. Oysters (raw).. trout .. fortified breakfast cereal ..

Natural treatment for kidney stone?

The herbal approach to preventing and eliminating kidney stones can include .. Java Tea .. which is said to dilate ureters allowing a small kidney stone to pass .. parsley READ MORE
The herbal approach to preventing and eliminating kidney stones can include .. Java Tea .. which is said to dilate ureters allowing a small kidney stone to pass .. parsley root tea is a strong diuretic .. couchgrass .. or.. quackgrass tea.. is good for reducing the rate of kidney stones.. ginger tea may be used as compresses over The kidneys to relieve pain by means of a mild counterirritant .. dandelion .. dwarf elder.. contain phytochemicals the act as a potent diuretic ..

I am very intolerant of narcotics

Pain can be caused by any abnormal process that changes the architecture of bones .. joints..soft tissue & organs.. swelling .. inflammation .. gas distending the hollow organs READ MORE
Pain can be caused by any abnormal process that changes the architecture of bones .. joints..soft tissue & organs..

swelling .. inflammation .. gas distending the hollow organs are the basic cause of pain.. repairing or correcting the disease process will usually illuminate the need for painkillers & anti-inflammatory medications..

pain is a warning signal.. & taking medication to relieve the pain is like cutting the wire to your emergency fire exit ..

Honestly.. I would like a little more info here.. but.. let us talk about the joint..

The joints .. or.. articulations.. are the sites where two or more bones come together & meet.. Joints have 2-fundamental functions.. they give the skeleton mobility..&.. hold it together.. Joints are the weakest part of the skeleton..

Fibrous joints .. the bones are joined together by connective tissue collagen fibers.. & ..there is no joint cavity..

Cartilaginous joints.. are like fibrous joints.. in that they are lacking the joint cavity..

Synovial joints are those in which the articulating bones are separated by a fluid containing joint cavity... this arrangement.. allows for a lot of freedom of movement..

Now.. I am assuming.. you are having issues with a synovial joint..
A feature unique to the synovial joint.. is the joint cavity.. which is a space that contains a small amount of Synovial fluid..

The joint cavity is it enclosed by a two layer articular capsule .. or .. joint capsule.. which is strengthening the joint so that the bones are not pulled apart... the inner layer of the joint capsule.. is a synovial membrane.. composed of loose connective tissue.. the Synovial membrane functions... to make synovial fluid..

Synovial fluid is a small amount of slippery fluid that occupies... all the free spaces within the joint capsule.. The fluid is made by filtering the blood flow through the capillaries in the synovial membrane..

Synovial fluid provides a slippery weight-bearing film.. that reduces friction between the cartilages..

without this lubrication .. rubbing .. would wear away joint surfaces & .. excessive friction could overheat & destroy the joint tissues..

Synovial fluid is forced from the cartilage when a joint is compressed..
as the pressure on the joint is relieved the synovial fluid.. seeps back into the articular cartilage like water into a sponge..
this process is called weeping lubrication .. as it lubricates the free surfaces of the cartilage while nourishing the cells..

I would first.. like a look at your diet.. because .. of the functioning filtration process the synovial membrane has of the blood .. that is creating the synovial fluid..

if there is toxins within the blood .. this can alter the ability of synovial membrane to function properly .. as there toxic oxidizing chemicals around that can damage the membrane.. causing inflammation .. as.. right there .. within the area is immune eating cells .. that are clearing away .. any microbes & cellular debris..

with damage to the membrane .. this will increase the amount of the Phagocytes.. which are the immune eating cells.. within the area.. this is called inflammation.. as more & more immune cells show up ..

this increases pressure .. on the nerves .. swelling .. in the area as more immune cells are showing up to fix the damage & proteins are leaking .. out of the bloodstream to fix the damage .. as well.. redness .. occurs as there is a increase in blood flow to the area...

I would like you to look into Mycotoxins ..

Molds are a organism which are neither plant nor animal. They are part of the fungi kingdom..

Mycotoxins are toxins produced by mold species...
Myco = fungal.. &.. toxin = poison...

These mycotoxins are some of the most toxic substances none in existence. ...
Mycotoxins are not like a mold spore...They are a metabolite = a product of a fungal metabolism .. that the organism omits or .. puts out to kill other bacteria .. or other molds..

Mycotoxins are also very toxic to all animal groups...
even in a low concentration...

Aflatoxin made by Aspergillus mold is the most well known...
because very toxic & carcinogenic = cancer causing...

The American Food and Agriculture estimates that at least 25% of all the worlds food crop is contaminated with the mycotoxin = Aflatoxin.. &.. other mycotoxins....

Though reducing steps are taken, it is impossible to eliminate.. &.. it is the amount of exposure that is the problem.. theses are mutagenic chemicals.. that can alter DNA .. as well as newly transcribed proteins.. that have function in the body..

Reduce your grain in take.. corn.. peanuts.. peanut butter.. pistachios.. potatoes.. all grains.. are myco-toxic .. focus on low sugar fruits & berries .. veggies.. lean meats & diary.. &.. you may be able to reduce the inflammation.. just with dietary changes..

Does echinacea work?

Hello.. thank you for contacting me.. &.. to answer your question... Echinacea.. has been found to protect healthy cells from viral and bacterial infection .. it does this by stimulating READ MORE
Hello.. thank you for contacting me.. &.. to answer your question... Echinacea.. has been found to protect healthy cells from viral and bacterial infection .. it does this by stimulating the activity of the immune system .. in general .. helping the immune system to identify & attack pathogens & toxins..
it can take a few weeks to build up the immunity enhancing effects.. however.. it is helpful in lessening the severity of colds & the flu.. while also.. helping to speed up the recovery time.. however .. people with autoimmune disorders should use under the supervision of a physician ...

I hope this helps & you have a wonderful day

I don't sleep well, Any help?

Hello.. thank you for contacting me.. I hope you have not been waiting long .. I came across your question last evening.. &.. so we will get right to it.. Let's begin with some READ MORE
Hello.. thank you for contacting me.. I hope you have not been waiting long .. I came across your question last evening.. &.. so we will get right to it..

Let's begin with some Education.. if you don't mind..

Named for the position below the thalamus.. we have the hypothalamus.. like the thalamus.. the hypothalamus has many functions.. &.. acting with other regions of the brain one of its functions is to regulate our sleep.. &.. wake cycles..

Meaning.. Setting the timing for our sleep-cycle..
in response to daylight.. & ..darkness cues... received from our visual pathways..

Hypothalamic disturbances can cause a number of disorders including severe body wasting .. obesity .. sleep disturbances .. dehydration .. &.. emotional imbalances..

The Pineal Gland.. secretes the hormone .. which is.. Melatonin.. which is a sleep-inducing-signal ..&.. powerful antioxidant..

The production of melatonin increases as light fades .. &.. peaks at night .. during the darkness ..

The Pineal gland directly .. receives input from your visual pathways .. meaning.. your eyes.. concerning the intensity.. & .. the duration of the daylight..

Exposure to bright-light .. Suppresses .. the secretion of melatonin.. &.. Can Reset.. your biological clock .. timing .. please take into account.. your evening lighting.. phones.. tablets.. computer.. television.. as the lights can cause disturbances..

The result in the change in the melatonin levels causes the alteration of physiological processes.. meaning functioning processes .. such as .. body temperature .. sleep & appetite..

Okay so what to do..
Tart Montmorency cherry juice concentrate is reported to contain high levels of phytochemicals including .. melatonin.. the Hormone which is critical in regulating the sleep-wake cycles..

data suggests that the consumption of a tart cherry juice concentrate provides an increase in melatonin .. &.. is beneficial in improving sleep duration.. &.. quality in healthy men & women .. this may help the management of your disturbed sleep...

Also.. including the whole .. fruit .. within your diet .. would be a wonderful snack/addition to meals.. as to increase melatonin levels..

The precursor .. to melatonin is serotonin.. a neurotransmitter that .. is derived from the amino acid tryptophan...

5- hydroxy tryptophan.. 5HTP.. is very similar to tryptophan.. &.. does not cause unpleasant side effects such as dry mouth.. or.. loss of libido .. 5HTP has been found to alleviate depression ..&.. function as a sleep aid .. also .. has been shown to help suppress appetite..

The majority of insomnia is due to a calcium deficiency .. Calcium is required for the utilization of tryptophan to make serotonin.. which in turn makes melatonin... illuminate anything from your diet that interferes with calcium absorption.. caffeine .. carbonated drinks.. excess sugars..

The herbal approach to insomnia can include.. Valerian.. tea or powder.. 30 minutes before bed

Lavender oil has a mild sedative effect when added as bath oil .. on bedclothes.. or.. use as a massage oil..

Passion flower tea.. powdered herb.. has long been known for the sedative properties..

Chamomile tea ..has a long history as well as for bedtime..

I hope this helps enjoy your day

Long term narcotic use

Hello thank you for contacting me I hope you have not been waiting for long.. I came across your question last evening.. Okay.. to begin.. very frequent .. mild exercise ..such READ MORE
Hello thank you for contacting me I hope you have not been waiting for long.. I came across your question last evening..

Okay.. to begin.. very frequent .. mild exercise ..such as walking ..&.. then the consumption of 4 to 6 cups of fruit & veggies per day .. along with 8 to 10 glasses of water per day will solve simple constipation..

ground flaxseed .. is a wonderful way to get extra fiber in your diet.. adding it to say .. yogurt.. is quite yummy.. make sure you are getting enough fiber within your diet..

fiber is undigestible .. we do not have the enzymes to break down it goes through the intestinal tract in tact.. absorbing.. toxins & excess sugars.. every gram of fiber potentially.. can absorb about 7-calories of sugar..

fiber cannot be digested.. &.. as it moves through the intestines it helps to strengthen .. the intestinal muscle..

try to increase your fiber intake.. 25-30 grams.. daily..

Fiber provides the bulk.. needed for peristalsis which is the wavelike motion the muscles create.. that moves the food through the intestines..

The bulk.. The fiber can create can give ... the ability for a good grip downwards .. I guess you could say.. sorry if that is unpleasant .. for the intestinal wall muscle.. as it trys to move the substances through.. this gripping action will strengthen the muscle within the intestinal wall..

Probiotics .. are organisms .. that contribute to the health of the intestinal tract .. they are the beneficial bacteria ..

helping to fight .. illness as well as disease.. The use of a
probiotics can keep your intestines clean.. illuminate bad breath caused by intestinal putrefaction... constipation .. foul smelling flatulence .. &.. aid in the treatment of acne & other skin problems as well as strengthen the immune system .. which.. weakens as we age..

You can expect a probiotic to help correct bowel.. problems including.. bloating .. constipation .. gas.. I would recommend Dr. O'hhira's Probiotics..

Magnesium supplementation may help relieve constipation .. as it relaxes your bowels & pulls water into your intestines. The water helps soften & bulk up your stool.. which can make it easier to pass.. taking 2- 200mg tablets.. before bed may help for the next morning.. however.. please remember.. if taken more then necessary.. you will have watery stools..

I hope this helps.. enjoy your day

Hand pain after carpal tunnel surgery

Hello thank you for contacting me. I hope today finds you well. To answer your question, some individuals have pain along their incision, the area may stay sensitive after the READ MORE
Hello thank you for contacting me. I hope today finds you well.

To answer your question, some individuals have pain along their incision, the area may stay sensitive after the surgery and there is a possibility of excessive scar tissue building up causing issues. If too much scar tissue forms, the nearby soft tissues can well become bound together. The incision may appear raised and the nearby skin can feel tight. It may feel as if there is a bump beneath the incision area and your wrist and hand movements may feel some restrictions. The scar tissue can bind the flexor tendons and median nerve preventing the smooth glide through the carpal tunnel and pain and loss of range of motion can occur. However, within some severe cases, surgery may be needed to remove the extra scar tissue and you may need to see your surgeon to examine the area.

I hope this helps. Have a wonderful day.

Natural Appetite suppressant

Hello thank you for contacting me.. I hope your day is going well.. Look for .. the seagate products Nopal Cactus fiber supplement .. it re-absorbs about 50-Times its weight READ MORE
Hello thank you for contacting me.. I hope your day is going well..

Look for .. the seagate products Nopal Cactus fiber supplement .. it re-absorbs about 50-Times its weight ... &.. when taken... it provides a feeling of fullness.. &.. reduces hunger. .. however the root cause of weight challenges are generally mineral-deficiencies ..resulting in what we call... the munchies.. failure to deal with the mineral deficiencies will result in .. cravings .. binge-eating ... &.. well.. the munchies..

I would recommend.. eating regularly.. every 3 to 4 hours.. focusing on.. Low sugar fruits and berries.. lean meats.. and low-fat organic dairy.. and fresh veggies.. eating small meals every 3 to 4 hours will keep your blood sugar levels stable as well as reducing your cortisol levels.. cortisol is the stress hormone.. if your blood sugar drops.. your body will see this as a stress.. and cortisol will be released..

cortisol.. will.. reduce your muscle mass as the underfed muscle has now become a stress .. this will reduce your lean tissues which are also your metabolically active tissues decreasing your metabolism.. making it even more difficult to lose weight.. eating regularly.. Will keep the lean tissues fed.. &.. keep your metabolism high.. so you can burn the fat..

Please reduce your grain consumption.. Grains.. are contaminated with Mycotoxins..

what is that.. they are a product of a fungal metabolism.. myco = fungus.. toxin -is poison.. within the storage process of our grains.. those warm silos are a perfect environment for the replication of tiny microbes... bacteria and yeast cells.. And .. they battle each other with their toxins.. which damages the food supply..

you can cook off mold but these toxins stay.. which does cellular damage..

please for your own benefit check into the Myco-toxicity of our grain supply ... look into aflatoxin B1.. which is a common contaminated of peanuts .. corn.. our grain supply.. these toxins.. interfere with the translation of newly transcribed proteins .. creating toxic malfunctioning proteins.. as well as interfering with the replication of DNA.. causing cancer..
creating all kinds of havoc within the body.. also if you have a yeast condition within the body .. as well .. they are parasites.. surviving off you and what you ingest.. causing cravings.. as you are battling for your own ingested nutrients..