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Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS


Dr. Jonathan Donath is a Chiropractor practicing in West Harrison, NY. Dr. Donath specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, while improving each patients functionality and quality of life. Conditions treated include sciatica, neck pain, and arthritis pain, among many others. Dr. Donath seeks to reduce pain and discomfort through manipulation and adjustment of the spine.
18 years Experience
Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS
  • White Plains, NY
  • UBCC
  • Accepting new patients

Can you move your elbow if it's dislocated?

If you’re not sure, you should definitely get it looked at by a physician.

Can a chiropractor fix shoulder impingement?

It's a good place to start. I recommend you look for a chiropractor who does ART (Active Release Techniques).

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Is sleeping on your side bad for your shoulders?

Only if it hurts your shoulders.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can a chiropractor help tight back muscles?

Of course! That's what we do!

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

What should you not do with a herniated disc?

Herniated discs respond differently depending on a lot of factors. Neck or low back is just one of the very important details missing from your question. In general, lifting heavy READ MORE
Herniated discs respond differently depending on a lot of factors. Neck or low back is just one of the very important details missing from your question. In general, lifting heavy things, bending and twisting will aggravate a herniated disc.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can a chiropractor diagnose a pinched nerve?

Yes. That is one of the things we do best.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Should I stretch after a chiropractic adjustment?

I would ask your chiropractor. We each have our own preferences.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can a chiropractor fix pelvic tilt?

Yes, a chiropractor would be an excellent place to help your pelvic tilt.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

How do you stretch your lats?

Hard to describe. Go to YouTube.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

How do you know if your hips are misaligned?

Very difficult to tell that yourself. Go to a good chiropractor.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

What is the best sleeping position?

On your side or on your back. Different for different people.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

How do I know if I have sciatica or hip pain?

Usually, true hip pain is more in the groin in the crease of the front of your leg. Most 31-year-olds, it'll be sciatica and not hip pain. Go to a good chiropractor. Dr. Jonathan READ MORE
Usually, true hip pain is more in the groin in the crease of the front of your leg. Most 31-year-olds, it'll be sciatica and not hip pain. Go to a good chiropractor.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can a chiropractor adjust a child's rib pain?

Yes, most definitely. As long as that is the problem. The chiropractor is trained to figure that out.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can you reverse scoliosis?

Yes, it is possible to reverse scoliosis, but it depends on many factors. If still haven't reached skeletal maturity much better.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can sleeping on your side cause scoliosis?

No. To my knowledge, there is no literature that says that sleeping on your side can cause scoliosis.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can I see a massage therapist and a chiropractor for shoulder pain?

Absolutely! I highly recommend picking a chiropractor or a massage therapist who specializes in Active Release Techniques (ART). Go to and hit find a provider. Dr. READ MORE
Absolutely! I highly recommend picking a chiropractor or a massage therapist who specializes in Active Release Techniques (ART). Go to and hit find a provider.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can chiropractors help anxiety?

Chiropractic can help relieve pain which might then help with anxiety. It will make you feel physically so much better, but if you're asking if you should go to a chiropractor READ MORE
Chiropractic can help relieve pain which might then help with anxiety. It will make you feel physically so much better, but if you're asking if you should go to a chiropractor specifically to treat anxiety, then I would say no. There isn't any evidence to support that.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Can a chiropractor help sternum pain?

It really depends. Not a common place for pain. Need a good exam first.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

Do chiropractors work on arms?

Yes. Look for a chiropractor that specializes in Active Release Techniques.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS

How do you pop your hips?

Not a great idea to pop your own hips. Go to a good chiropractor.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS