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Dr. Max G. Morgan, MD

Family Practitioner

Dr. Max Morgan is a general surgeon practicing in Price, UT. Dr. Morgan specializes in abdominal contents including the esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and often thyroid glands. General surgeons are able to deal with almost any surgical or critical care emergency, also involving the skin or soft tissue trauma. Dr. Morgan provides quality surgical service for gravely ill or injured patients and is able to respond quickly due to knowledge of various surgical procedures.
53 years Experience
Dr. Max Gorishek Morgan, MD
  • Price, UT
  • University of Utah School of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

How fast do you start to lose weight after gastric sleeve surgery?

Weight loss is almost immediate however slow at first. If you have modified your diet anyway postoperatively you will see a progressive weight loss and then Eventually reach a READ MORE
Weight loss is almost immediate however slow at first. If you have modified your diet anyway postoperatively you will see a progressive weight loss and then Eventually reach a steady state based on your caloric intake!

How long before you can walk after hernia surgery?

The same day and actually once you get back to your room or outpatient setting unless there were any complications during surgery!

Is appendix surgery painful?

Somewhat and depends on weather surgery is done by laparoscopic versus open technique. Open surgery is slightly more painful however most surgeons inject long acting local anesthetic READ MORE
Somewhat and depends on weather surgery is done by laparoscopic versus open technique. Open surgery is slightly more painful however most surgeons inject long acting local anesthetic to the wound edges! Thus reducing postoperative pain.

Should I Have Surgery?

I would go ahead and proceed with the surgeries. They can be performed laparoscopically today with very minimal discomfort. The risk of avoiding surgery is that if a hernia becomes READ MORE
I would go ahead and proceed with the surgeries. They can be performed laparoscopically today with very minimal discomfort. The risk of avoiding surgery is that if a hernia becomes incarcerated in a knuckle a bell becomes gangrenous then you have some very serious problems to include either an ileostomy or a colostomy or God forbid both! If it were me I would go ahead and have it done.


There should be no reason why you cannot sleep on your side.

How long do you stay in hospital after open hernia surgery?

Usually this can be same-day surgery, and overnight stay is sometimes necessary to help control pain or if there’s any issues that need to be observed. This is usually a straight READ MORE
Usually this can be same-day surgery, and overnight stay is sometimes necessary to help control pain or if there’s any issues that need to be observed. This is usually a straight forward procedure and generally the surgical area is treated with local anesthetic that is long lasting and pain is minimized.

Gallbladder pain?

Gallbladder pain is usually in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen. The pain sometimes radiates to your back. It is usually associated with the ingestion of fatty foods. The READ MORE
Gallbladder pain is usually in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen. The pain sometimes radiates to your back. It is usually associated with the ingestion of fatty foods. The pain is colicky in nature and on palpating underneath your right side of the ribs you should have abdominal pain. If the pain is more midline you may be dealing with ulcers.

It would be my recommendation that you get a gallbladder x-ray study done and if indeed you have cholecystitis as well as cholelithiasis the gallblader needs come out.
It is not a good idea to deal with a sick gallbladder. You need to make sure that you are on track with your true diagnosis.

Post surgical, outpatient?

I believe that you were done feeling well last anywhere from six months to a year. The sensation in the skin and deeper tissue should gradually recur over the next several months READ MORE
I believe that you were done feeling well last anywhere from six months to a year. The sensation in the skin and deeper tissue should gradually recur over the next several months and it will be a slow process.

Is surgery to remove the appendix dangerous?

The BIG danger is if the appedix is gangrenous or has already ruptered.

How long do you stay in the hospital after hernia surgery?

It can be done is the same day surgery so the time for preop, anesthesia, surgery, recovery and discharge can be done within 4 to 6 hours. Barring any complications, This is pretty READ MORE
It can be done is the same day surgery so the time for preop, anesthesia, surgery, recovery and discharge can be done within 4 to 6 hours. Barring any complications, This is pretty much a straightforward surgery.

Is a tonsillectomy painful?

Yes, it is like the worst case of tonsillitis that you may have experienced. However, local anesthesia and topical lidocaine can be used along with a narcotic to provide comfort. READ MORE
Yes, it is like the worst case of tonsillitis that you may have experienced. However, local anesthesia and topical lidocaine can be used along with a narcotic to provide comfort.

Does my son need surgery for pectus excavatum?

This would be a tough question without getting CT scan of the chest and also watching with cardiac output is doing with his heart. Severe practice excavatum can’t prevent the expansion READ MORE
This would be a tough question without getting CT scan of the chest and also watching with cardiac output is doing with his heart. Severe practice excavatum can’t prevent the expansion and contraction of the heart. This information would be necessary before a decision can be made in regards to surgery. This also is a pretty serious operation so something to consider and keep in mind.

What happens if I don't have surgery for my hernia?

Most hernias are potentially serious. There was an all-time doc that I worked with in his statement and was having a hernia is like walking down the street with the live rattlesnake READ MORE
Most hernias are potentially serious. There was an all-time doc that I worked with in his statement and was having a hernia is like walking down the street with the live rattlesnake in your pocket. The biggest shoe if a hernia getting trapped the blood supply can be cut off to that portion of your in test time and you can get dead bow. This is a surgical emergency. It is also a much worse prognosis if that is on the left side of your belly as the colon resides in there. As you may or may not know the colon has about 60% of the stool in it that contains bacteria. This bacteria is not nice or kind to your body so yeah if it’s an inguinal, umbilical hernia or a spigalean hernia you better look at Surgery. This is especially true if the hernia becomes incarcerated, then it becomes strangulated, and then you got dead bowel.

Does it take a while to heal from abdominal surgery?

Depending on the type of surgery, if it was laparoscopic surgery versus open surgery the duration of healing is different open surgery requires about six weeks before you’re fully READ MORE
Depending on the type of surgery, if it was laparoscopic surgery versus open surgery the duration of healing is different open surgery requires about six weeks before you’re fully recovered,laparoscopic surgery recovery time is a little faster but I wouldn’t push much more until you reach the six week term.

Will my son need surgery for osteochondritis?

I would not rush into surgery at this point. He is still young enough that with rest, the knee may improve with just a simple use of anti-inflammatory medicines such as aspirin, READ MORE
I would not rush into surgery at this point. He is still young enough that with rest, the knee may improve with just a simple use of anti-inflammatory medicines such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen for pain. There may come a time where he may need to have his knee scoped in the procedure is very simple. Recovery time is fast. Perhaps at this time, pure conservative therapy would be recommended.

How common is chronic pain after inguinal hernia surgery?

Pain after appendectomy usually resolves shortly, at the most, maybe up to two weeks in the area of surgery, but gradually decreasing on a daily basis. If mesh was used in the READ MORE
Pain after appendectomy usually resolves shortly, at the most, maybe up to two weeks in the area of surgery, but gradually decreasing on a daily basis. If mesh was used in the surgery area, I would consult with your surgeon and have them reevaluate. Mesh has come into a lot of controversy lately.

Abdominal pain when I breathe in. Could it be appendicitis?

It depends on the location of your pain. If the pain is in the right lower side of your abdomen or around your belly button I would consider a good exam by your doctor. Sometimes READ MORE
It depends on the location of your pain. If the pain is in the right lower side of your abdomen or around your belly button I would consider a good exam by your doctor. Sometimes the CAT scan of the abdomen can alleviate the need for pain.

The typical symptoms of pain of appendicitis is first of all as you mention nausea, followed by pain around the belly button (Peri-umbilical) Pain and then localizing in the right portion of the abdomen midway between the belly button in the right hip bone. If the pain is tender to touch and press in the right lower portion of the abdomen and the with would rapid Release of pressure at that point he gets pain when you let go that’s more characteristic of appendicitis.

In addition one is more symptomatic a blood count should be obtained, his abdomen should be listen to you to see if he does have bowel sounds. Modern techniques would also include a CAT scan of the abdomen.

If indeed he meets all of these criteria then surgery is indicated.

Is my surgical wound infected?

Initially after surgery there is some slight redness and slight swelling at the site of surgery. If the swelling gets worse and the redness persist and now more and more localized READ MORE
Initially after surgery there is some slight redness and slight swelling at the site of surgery. If the swelling gets worse and the redness persist and now more and more localized tenderness I would be concerned about infection and again have your surgeon evaluate the surgical site. Usually however within the first couple of days Slight swelling, tenderness, and slight redness is a common occurrence.

What are the qualifications for bariatric surgery?

This depends on how overweight that you are. Recovery can be complicated and the fact that you are diabetic. Consult both with your endocrinologist and your surgeon.

Painless lump on my thigh. Should I get it removed?

It should be biopsied and during the biopsy completely removed. That way the lot can be analyzed for any worry some issues.