Senior Health

Those over the age of 65 are much more susceptible to arthritis, osteoarthritis, heart disease, certain cancers, and Alzheimer's disease than those in younger age groups. 

Those that fall into the 65+ age group are urged to keep up with their regular doctor's appointments and testing. 

Visit our medical library to learn more about arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease

Doctor Schedule an appointment with a geriatrician today

How many people Estimated 70 million people over age 65 by 2030

Diagnosis Average life expectancy increased 11 yrs from 1960 to 2013

Medications People 65 and older make up over 30% of prescription drug usage

Understand Alzheimer's

Foods that Help Reduce Alzheimer's Risk


Foods that Help Reduce Alzheimer's Risk

Preventive care is one of the best ways to help prevent Alzheimer's disease and the ill effects it can have on millions of individuals around the globe. Keep reading this article to learn more about the several foods that reduce Alzheimer's risk.

Alzheimer's Disease and Personality Changes


Alzheimer's Disease and Personality Changes

Alzheimer’s disease damages multiple parts of the brain, thus affecting different cognitive abilities. When one part of the brain fails to perform properly, this can lead to odd behavior – mixed feelings and changes in personality.

What is the Difference Between Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia?


What is the Difference Between Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia?

Dementia is a brain disorder that affects communication and causes difficulty in performing daily tasks. Alzheimer’s disease, on the other hand, affects the parts of the brain that control language, thought, and memory. It is a specific form of dementia. Though dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are used interchangeably, both terms are not the same. Dementia describes the overall symptoms that impact communication abilities, performance of daily tasks, and memory. The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. With time, this disease worsens and affects language, memory, and thought.

How Heart Health Now Can Reduce Dementia Risk Later


How Heart Health Now Can Reduce Dementia Risk Later

Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other cardiovascular health issues may increase the risk for dementia in later years. That’s the finding from a recent study by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).

New Research Disproves Link Between Alzheimer's and Heartburn Drugs


New Research Disproves Link Between Alzheimer's and Heartburn Drugs

Previous studies have found an association between common heartburn medications and an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. However, more recent studies have reached other conclusions.

Test Tube Brain Grown to Battle Alzheimer's


Test Tube Brain Grown to Battle Alzheimer's

Current studies reveal that in the future, test tube brains made from human skin cells could help prevent damage caused by Alzheimer’s disease.

New Research Can Improve Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's


New Research Can Improve Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's

Lead author Maya and co-researchers at Cedar-Sinai in Los Angeles and NeuroVision Imaging, LLC in Sacramento found that Alzheimer’s disease affects the back of the eye, also known as the retina. They adapted a retinal imaging technique that detects the build-up of toxic proteins, known as amyloid-beta deposits.

diagnose alzheimers help smartphone app


New Smartphone App to Help Doctors Diagnose Alzheimer’s

A new app has been created to help doctors diagnose Alzheimer's. It collects simple information from caregivers before the patients even physically go see their doctor.

Alzheimer's Disease: Is Playing Video Games Now Bad for the Brain Later?


Alzheimer's Disease: Is Playing Video Games Now Bad for the Brain Later?

Some people may have heard that video games can help the brain stay sharp as it gets older. Think again. It seems that new evidence shows the exact opposite might be true.

Alzheimer's: New Study Finds Big Differences in Male and Female Brain Activity


Alzheimer's: New Study Finds Big Differences in Male and Female Brain Activity

According to some new research, it turns out that there might be a big difference in brain activity between the genders.

New Research on Alzheimer's Prevention


New Research on Alzheimer's Prevention

While studying preventive strategies for AD, researchers have discovered conditions that increase risk factors associated with the disease.

Alzheimer's: How to Care for Someone Who Is Hallucinating


Alzheimer's: How to Care for Someone Who Is Hallucinating

The brain is complex, hardworking, and the control center of everything from sense of smell to touch. When the brain becomes addled with Alzheimer’s disease, the tricks come faster and harder with hallucinations and delusions.

Research Shows a Surprising Link Between Alcohol Consumption and Brain Health


Research Shows a Surprising Link Between Alcohol Consumption and Brain Health

Recently, a new study has found that there might be even more benefit to drinking alcohol. Alcohol consumption may be correlated with better cognitive function in older adults.

Blocking Enzymes May Be the Key to Alzheimer's Treatment


Blocking Enzymes May Be the Key to Alzheimer's Treatment

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have been working on a potential new treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. They are honing in on the genetics involved, hoping to hijack enzymes to do the job.

Subtle Changes in Speech Can Signify Early Dementia, Study Says


Subtle Changes in Speech Can Signify Early Dementia, Study Says

Filler words, rambling, repetition, and vague word choices could signal a future diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, according to new research presented at the Alzheimer’s Association in July 2017.

Alzheimer’s is Not a Part of Normal Aging


Alzheimer’s is Not a Part of Normal Aging

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease that causes memory loss. Although it commonly occurs in the elderly people, it is not a normal part of the aging process. Continue to read about early onset Alzheimer's disease.

Hospital Outcomes Proven to Be Worse for Dementia Patients


Hospital Outcomes Proven to Be Worse for Dementia Patients

Patients with delirium or dementia have inferior treatment during hospital stays, a large population study from the University of Stirling shows.


Alzheimer's News: Analyzing the Brain to Measure Memory Decline

New Alzheimer’s research shows declining levels of serotonin—the brain chemical linked to memory—could trigger the start of dementia.

New Simulation Reveals Family Cost of Alzheimer's Disease


New Simulation Reveals Family Cost of Alzheimer's Disease

Approximately 5 million individuals in the United States suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or another type of neurological disorder. Such conditions can be expensive to treat and sadly, the financial burden falls on the patients and their families as opposed to receiving help from government insurance programs.

Sniff Tests May Provide Early Testing for Alzheimer’s


Sniff Tests May Provide Early Testing for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease which can start a decade before symptoms allow for an easy diagnosis.

Low Serotonin Levels May Be Linked to Development of Alzheimer's


Low Serotonin Levels May Be Linked to Development of Alzheimer's

Today, researchers are learning about the role serotonin plays in the progression of this disease. While the causes of Alzheimer’s are not yet known, one potential suspect is serotonin, an important neurotransmitter.

New Machine Could Detect Early Alzheimer's


New Machine Could Detect Early Alzheimer's

A group of biomedical researchers from Case Western Reserve University may have found a new and better way to catch early Alzheimer’s.

Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease Similarities Lead to Potential Drug Discovery


Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease Similarities Lead to Potential Drug Discovery

For many years scientists and doctors have been constantly spotting the similarities between Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Read on to learn about the connection.

What are the Different Stages of Alzheimer's Disease?


What are the Different Stages of Alzheimer's Disease?

Alzhemer's disease is a challenging disease with several phases. Read this article to learn about the different stages of Alzheimer's disease.

What is the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease?


What is the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease?

Most people think that Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are the same thing, and tend to use the names interchangeably. However, it is important that you know that they both are not the same. Even though the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease increases with aging, it is not a normal part of aging. So, what is the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease? Continue to read this article to learn the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Understand arthritis

How Can Arthritis Affect Your Quality of Life?


How Can Arthritis Affect Your Quality of Life?

Arthritis is a painful medical condition associated with inflammation and pain in the joints of the body. Although arthritis can impact one’s quality of life by limiting their activity levels, it is not impossible to deal with this condition.

What is Arthritis: Get the Facts


What is Arthritis: Get the Facts

Arthritis is a serious condition that affects the joints, muscles and bones. Even though there is no known cure for now, there are a lot of ways to ease the pain. Make sure you recognize the early symptoms and visit your doctor regularly.

Can Algae Treat Forms of Arthritis?


Can Algae Treat Forms of Arthritis?

Researchers have recently discovered a potential arthritis treatment that is derived from brown algae. Though it is still in the early phases of research, the results thus far are promising.

8 Supplements for Arthritis Pain


8 Supplements for Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a painful condition that usually affects the joints. Around 350 million people in the world have arthritis. Discover 8 arthritis supplements in this article.

Using Google Trends to See If Weather Really Affects Joint Pain


Using Google Trends to See If Weather Really Affects Joint Pain

Researchers wanted to test how wide spread the belief was by looking at google searches in the 50 most populous U.S. cities (5 were dropped from the final study due to incomplete data), and how the volume of google searches changed based on different types of weather changes.

Arthritis: What Occurs Besides Joint Pain?


Arthritis: What Occurs Besides Joint Pain?

Even though arthritis is usually connected with joint pains, there are a lot more other signs and symptoms of arthritis. The inflammation that happens in the body, caused by arthritis, can result in pain in the muscles and you may even feel symptoms like depression and tiredness.

Can Weight Loss Improve Symptoms Caused by Arthritis?


Can Weight Loss Improve Symptoms Caused by Arthritis?

Almost every person that has arthritis asks the same question: can weight loss improve the symptoms. Losing weight can help with a lot of problems and arthritis is one of them. A healthy diet and exercise can improve the symptoms and also improve the lifestyle.



What Medications Are Used to Treat Arthritis?

Even though there is no known cure for arthritis, there are a lot of medications that the patient can take to ease the pain. Every type of medication needs to be prescribed by a specialist,so if you have any signs or symptoms, you need to go to a specialist.

Treatments for Arthritis: 5 Tips on Living with Arthritis


Treatments for Arthritis: 5 Tips on Living with Arthritis

Even though there is still no cure for arthritis, there are a lot of treatments that can help ease the pain. Some of them are exercise, medication, and therapy like electric and hot/cold treatments. Read on to learn more.

Can arthritis cause back pain?


Can Arthritis Cause Back Pain?

Osteoarthritis is the leading type of arthritis that affects all ages. Spinal osteoarthritis, also called spinal spondylosis. is a degeneration of the cartilage of the joints and discs in the neck and lower back. Individuals who are overweight and people with jobs or hobbies that repeatedly stresses certain joints are more susceptible to this ailment.

Aquatic Therapy for Arthritis


Aquatic Therapy for Arthritis

Arthritis causes pain in one's joints. This pain is often aggravated by movement or activity, which makes wanting to move or exercise an uncomfortable proposition. Learn more about aquatic therapy and how it is being used to help those with arthritis by reading this article.

Arthritis May Lead to Obesity


Arthritis May Lead to Obesity

Did you know that there is a direct correlation between obesity and arthritis?

What are the Most Serious Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?


What are the Most Serious Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful autoimmune disease and it's symptoms cause inflammation to occur in the joints of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause serious and deadly complications, due to the symptoms that come along with it. Learn what the symptoms are and how to recognize them.

What Are the Different Types of Arthritis?


What Are the Different Types of Arthritis?

Arthritis is always a pain, but did you know that there are different kinds? Read about the different kinds of arthritis and how they affect you in this article.

Chiropractic Care for Arthritis


Chiropractic Care for Arthritis

If you suffer from arthritis, you understand the pain associated with it. Read on to learn how chiropractic care can help.

Fish Oil Can Help Manage Symptoms Caused by Arthritis


Fish Oil Can Help Manage Symptoms Caused by Arthritis

Fish body oil and fish liver oil are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can fight joint inflammation and help in controlling the immune system. Fish liver oil is also a rich source of vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining healthy joints. Read this article to learn more.

Understand heart disease

10 Potential Heart Breakers

Heart disease

Ten Potential “Heartbreakers”

Some things in life are simply out of your control, but maintaining a healthy heart is possible if you avoid certain risk factors.  Learn how to protect your heart.

Evidence for Gum Disease Causing Heart Disease is Dwindling

Heart disease

Evidence for Gum Disease Causing Heart Disease is Dwindling

The link between gum disease and heart disease is becoming more tenuous. Learn about how the link between heart disease and gum disease has weakened.

There is a Link Between Anabolic Steroid Use and Heart Conditions

Heart disease

There is a Link Between Anabolic Steroid Use and Heart Conditions

New research finds that anabolic steroids can adversely affect the heart. Read this article to learn more.

Having Small Babies May Increase the Risk of Heart Disease in Mothers

Heart disease

Having Small Babies May Increase the Risk of Heart Disease in Mothers

New studies suggest that having small babies increases the risk of heart disease in mothers. Read this article to learn more about this new finding.

Taurine Reduces the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Women

Heart disease

Taurine Reduces the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Women

People are always looking for new ways to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. New research indicates that taurine may reduce the risk of heart disease in women. Read this article to learn more.

Men Who Do Not Have Children Are at Risk for Heart Disease

Heart disease

Men Who Do Not Have Children Are at Risk for Heart Disease

Studies that examine heart disease have shown that men without children are at an increased risk for heart disease. Read this article to learn more.

Ovary Removal Does Not Raise Your Risk for Heart Disease

Heart disease

Ovary Removal Does Not Raise Your Risk for Heart Disease

Read this article to learn about how the removal of the ovaries may not raise your risk for heart disease.

Professional Teeth Cleanings Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease

Professional Teeth Cleanings Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Did you know that your oral hygiene has an influence on your heart? While the connection between oral health and heart disease is not clear, it is definitely there. Learn more about this surprising relationship by reading this article.

Invasive Dental Treatments May Increase the Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease

Invasive Dental Treatments May Increase the Risk of Heart Disease

Did you ever think that proper oral hygiene is associated with a healthy heart? Read this article to learn about the risks of invasive dental treatments.

Can Heart Disease Be Reversed?

Heart disease

Can Heart Disease Be Reversed?

When diagnosed with heart disease, doctors and family alike encourage you to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Can these changes really decrease your chances of a future coronary event? And is it possible to reverse the damage already done to your heart? A top cardiologist weighs in on how lifestyle changes can undo heart disease.

Sons Can Inherit Heart Disease from Their Fathers

Heart disease

Sons Can Inherit Heart Disease from Their Fathers

Due to genes, it is possible for sons to inherit heart disease from their fathers. Read this article to learn more.

The Correlation Between Height and Heart Disease Risk

Heart disease

The Correlation Between Height and Heart Disease Risk

Can being short or tall somehow be a predictor of your risk for heat disease? Studies find that there is a correlation between height and heart health. Read more to see what your risk is.