Dr. Kiera Lane, NMD, MSAc, LAc, DipLAc, FABORM
2480 W Ray Rd Suite 1 Chandler Arizona, 85224About
Dr. Lane is an Arizona board certified naturopathic medicine doctor, licensed acupuncturist, and a fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). She focuses on complex health issues including Fertility, Hormones, SIBO, Hashimoto's, Depression, Anxiety, Pain, and MTHFR mutations. She functions as a primary care provided with a specialty in women's health and fertility. She is a physician, speaker, and author but most off all she is an advocate for your patients. Always striving to grow and learn professionally, she works to truly problem solve and create practical and effective solution to complex health problems.
Dr. Lane is the founder medical director of Arizona Natural Medicine Physicians, PLLC, dba Arizona Natural Medicine which provides comprehensive and integrative Naturopathic medical care for the entire family with a strong emphasis in health care for women.
She is the author of Complete Fertility Solutions for Natural Fertility, and Improving IVF Success Everyone Should Know which was named one of the Best New Fertility Books of 2020 by Book Authority and included the 80 Best Fertility Books of All Time ranked by BookAuthority who independently collects and ranks the best books in the world. Dr. Lane is also the author of Fertility Affirmations for the body, mind, and spirit 365 days of the year.
Dr. Lane has received numerous awards for her commitment to the education and empowerment of her patients to reach their health care goals.
Education and Training
Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Science Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine 2000
Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture Master in Acupuncture 2004
Arizona State University Bachelors of Science Clinical Dietetics 1994
American Board of Reproduction Medicine (ABORM) Fellow of American Board of Reproduction Medicine 2014
Provider Details

Dr. Kiera Lane, NMD, MSAc, LAc, DipLAc, FABORM's Expert Contributions
I have a typical sinus allergy. How can naturopathy help?
Naturopathic medicine offers a multitude of options to address allergies. First you want to make sure that you are having sinus issues due to airborne allergies and not due to molds, depressed immunity or another cause. Homeopathic medicine, Chinese herbs, acupuncture and natural non-drowsy supplements are some of the options that may help your symptoms. It is best to see a Naturopathic doctor to see what the best treatment options for you may be for the most effective modality for you. READ MORE
Is there a natural medicine for treating migraines?
Yes migraine headaches can really affect your daily life. I find that acupuncture and homeopathic medicines can be both effective tools to help migraine headaches. Migraines headaches may be a symptom of estrogen dominance which could benefit from nutritional and botanical liver support if accompanied with menstrual symptoms such as PMS or irregular menstrual cycles. There are many options to discuss with your doctor. READ MORE
Are there any risks associated with having naturopathic medicine?
There are risks for anything you take. Just because something is natural it doesn't mean it is safe. Naturopathic medicine uses many modalities to help restore health. Botanicals (herbs), homeopathic medicines, supplements as well as medications may be used by a Naturopathic doctor and there are risks for any type of treatment you utilize. Natural medicines generally use treatment that have less inherent risks than medication but that is not true all the time. Make sure you discuss with your doctor your risk and benefit ratio related to any condition you are treating. Modalities that help restore normal physiology is the best approach to long lasting results. READ MORE
My father has been diagnosed with IBD. Do you think naturopathic treatment may help him?
Naturopathic approach to IBD can be very effective. First determine if there are any other factors contributing to your symptoms. You may have Small Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) which is an over abundance of bacteria in your small intestine causing gastrointestinal symptoms. This condition can be treated with herbs but may also require a medication called Rifaximin. SIBO is one major thing to rule out with testing. If you have SIBO you can treat IBD very effectively. If you don't have SIBO there are many Naturopathic approaches to IBD including botanical medicine, acupuncture and Chinese herbs. READ MORE
How should I prepare my body for a naturopathy detox?
There are many types of detox so it is hard to answer this question. Detoxing the body can mean adding supplements for the liver where toxins and hormones are broken down or it could mean cleaning and detoxing the gastrointestinal track. Mostly likely a detox includes eating a clean diet free of sugar, processed and refined carbohydrates and focusing on a plant based diet high in green vegetables, avoiding common allergens like gluten and dairy and a low animal protein intake. Just eating a clean diet can be detoxifying. For the basics eat a clean diet, drink plenty of water, sweat and how regular BMs to eliminate waste products regularly. Having a state of mind to clear all that does not serve you, unplugging from your computer and having quiet time could also be a nice adjunct for detoxing. READ MORE
Can you recommend natural treatment for back pain?
There are a lot of ways to approach the treatment of back pain naturally. Taking natural anti-inflammatories, such as, Boswellia, Curcumin or Bromelain can reduce inflammation. Homeopathic medicines are very helpful to reduce pain and stiffness. Acupuncture can be extremely effective with treatment of back pain. Check with your physician before starting any new supplement or treatment. There is so many ways to help with back pain that are non-addictive, helps function as well as pain and have few side effects. READ MORE
Is there a natural remedy to treat hair loss?
Hair loss is more common than one would think. It is a common complaint of many women and men. Some of the factors that may contribute to hair loss are the following: iron status - anemia and low iron and ferritin (iron stored in tissues) may be a cause of hair loss; hormone imbalance can affect hair loss; adrenal fatigue and prolonged stress exposure may cause an increase in hair loss; thyroid imbalance and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder of the thyroid, may cause hair loss; digestive and gut issues leading to reduced absorption of nutrients to nourish and feed the hair and zinc deficiency are all viable causes of hair loss. First identify the cause then treat it so you can have beautiful hair once again. READ MORE
How is diarrhea treated with natural medicine?
It is important to figure out the cause of the diarrhea. Taking a thorough history is vital. Were you exposed to spoiled food? Did is start with stress? Did is start after traveling abroad? A thorough history is important to identify the cause. There are also functional medicine tests such as a stool test I use frequently with my patients that rule out bacteria, candida and parasites by identifying the organism causing the problem. In order to effectively treat the diarrhea you have to determine the cause first. Once you do that you can treat with medication, herbs and /or homeopathy or a combination. Remember the most effective medicine is when you treat the cause of your symptoms. READ MORE
Can naturopathic medicine help with depression?
Depression may be successfully treated with natural interventions. I prefer to do urine neurotransmitter testing to look at imbalances to better identify which neurotransmitters need help. Using nutrients, herbs and amino acids to build serotonin and create balance neurotransmitters can be effective for treating depression. In addition. homeopathic medicines can be great for mood and depression especially sadness associated with loss. A vitamin called methylated folate or MTHF (Rx known as Deplin) in higher amounts may also be effective for treating depression. There are natural approaches to treat depression as well as medication if needed. No one should continue to be depressed. There is so many approaches to assist you that you don't need to continue to suffer. Get the support you need! READ MORE
What medication can you not prescribe?
Naturopathic Doctors are trained in prescribing pharmaceutical medications. In the state of Arizona we cannot prescribe IV medications, cancer and anti psychotic medication and are limited to C11 morphine and hydrocodone combinations. We have full prescribing rights for all other prescription medications. For more information on prescribing rights in Arizona for all licensed medical practitioners see this link from the Arizona State Pharmacy Board. https://pharmacy.az.gov/sites/default/files/editors_choice/attachments/prescriptive%20authority%20chart%20%2812142015%29.pdf READ MORE
I have lupus. How can I treat it naturally?
This is a big question because this depends a lot on family history, severity of the disease and lifestyle factors. I have worked with patients with Lupus and found natural and integrative therapies that regulate the immune system, reduce inflammation that seem to manage symptoms effectively but traditional Western medical approaches can be effective as well. In Naturopathic medicine we don't just treat the disease, we treat the whole person so what works for one person may not work for someone else. That is why sitting down to have a very thorough intake is important to get the right natural and/or integrative treatment for you. I wish I had a simple answer but I would says it depends on you and all the aspects of your health to determine the best way to approach your treatment. Inflammation is a common denominator of any autoimmune disease so ask your doctor about starting an anti-inflammatory diet for starters! Best wishes to you. READ MORE
I don't like taking high blood pressure medication
Botanical medicines which tend to have less side effects than medications, acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and homeopathy are a few alternative to address high blood pressure. Of course, a lot depends on the severity of your high blood pressure, lifestyle, family history, etc. It is best to consult with a Naturopathic Doctor to determine the best alternative to address your individual health care needs. Medications can always be used if natural treatment are not effective. READ MORE
Is my vitamin b12 deficiency from my change in diet?
Vitamin B12 is absorbed in an acidic environment in the stomach so a few things can affect absorption: a down-regulation of stomach acid due to stress, aging and H2 blocker or anti-acid type medications. B12 is very abundant in animal products such as beef and egg (egg yolk). It is also in green leafy vegetables but not as concentrated as in meat. Possible additions to the diet to consider that have high B12 content is sardines, mackerel, cottage cheese, milk and nutritional yeast. READ MORE
Natural treatment for kidney stone?
In order to answer this accurately it would be important to know what type of stone you are getting. Ask your doctor how to collect stones to be analyzed next time. This will help you figure out some nutritional interventions on how to work toward preventing future stones. READ MORE
Excessive burping with stomach pain -- what's the reason?
Burping could be a sign of hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid) or excessive stomach acid or dysfunction of the acid regulation. It could also be related to improper digestion, bacteria in the gut or the foods that you are eating. There is not a simple answer without knowing a lot about your history and your dietary intake. Having chronic burping is a sign of an imbalance in the digestive system which is core to good health and is worth investigating with your doctor. READ MORE
I am very intolerant of narcotics
Ask your doctor about other pain medications, such as, Toradol, which is a NSAID and not a narcotic but is opiod like. It is hard on the kidneys so can't be taken daily but can be effective for acute pain. Consider acupuncture, anti-inflammatory herbs and medications and consider speaking with a pain management doctor to plan ideas that may assist you during your recovery period from surgery. READ MORE
Does echinacea work?
Yes, it really does help with cold prevention and treatment. See abstract below from PubMed. Holist Nurs Pract. 2016 Jan-Feb;30(1):54-7. doi: 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000130. Echinacea purpurea: A Proprietary Extract of Echinacea purpurea Is Shown to be Safe and Effective in the Prevention of the Common Cold Abstract The research study in this review represents the largest clinical trial to date that evaluated the safety and efficacy of Echinacea purpurea for prophylactic treatment of the common cold, in addition to investigating its risk-benefit in a long-term treatment period. The clinical application of the proprietary standardized Echinacea purpurea extract(Echinaforce) demonstrated efficacy as a preventive cold treatment option over a 4-month duration. This study showed that Echinacea’s long-term prevention was associated with a reduction in the total number of cold episodes, a reduction in the number of days with colds, and a reduction in cold episodes requiring additional medication. Furthermore, the Echinacea test agent inhibited virally confirmed colds, exhibited maximal effects on recurrent infections, and demonstrated that its preventive effects increased relative to therapy compliance and adherence to the protocol. In summary, Echinacea purpurea when taken as recommended for the prevention of the common cold appears to provide a positive risk to benefit ratio. Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26633727 READ MORE
Long term narcotic use
Some possible ways to combat constipation from narcotics are the following: High dose Probiotics, Flaxseed oil, Soluble fiber supplement or increase soluble fiber in the diet, such as, applesauce, oats, apples, peaches, increasing water intake and regular movement/exercise. Sometimes when the basics don't work, acupuncture can regulate bowel function by stimulation GI function. Discuss with your doctor the best option for you. READ MORE
Natural Appetite suppressant
I have not seen "natural appetite suppressants" work effectively because appetite, if not due to any medical condition, has a lot to do with your relationship with food and your eating habits. I think the best way to curb sugar cravings is to have adequate protein and fiber throughout the day. I tell my patients to have a protein rich snack or smoothie when they crave sugar and that balances their blood sugar and their cravings are generally reduced. Speak with a nutritionist or your doctor about some options to help you with cravings and balancing appetite. Good luck! READ MORE
Hand pain after carpal tunnel surgery
Without a detailed health history, physical exam and knowing more about the particulars of the surgery, it is hard to comment on your individual situation. I would talk with a hand surgeon for a second opinion to make sure the pain you are having is not due to a condition that needs more surgical intervention or getting feedback to why you are still experiencing discomfort. Something to discuss with your doctor is physical therapy for your hand would could have a possible positive effect on the discomfort you are feeling by strengthening surround musculature that could reduce discomfort and possible acupuncture treatment which might calm nerves down. Nerve pain that is characterized by sharp, tingling, numbness feeling can last years after surgery and calming nerves down takes time, even years. Acupuncture might expedite this process. Talk with a hand specialist about these options to determine your best next step. Good luck! READ MORE
Areas of expertise and specialization
Faculty Titles & Positions
- Regional and National Speaker Dr. Kiera Lane 2001 - Present
- Presenter Arizona Natural Medical Association 2021 - 2021
- Author Complete Fertility Solutions for Natural Fertility and Improving IVF Success Everyone Should Know 2020 - Present
- Author Fertility Affirmation for the Body, Mind, and Spirit 365 Days of the Year 2020 - Present
- Medical Director Arizona Natural Medicine Physicians, PLLC 2004 - Present
- Arizona Woman Who's Who in Top Businesses in Natruopathic Physicians 2005 Arizona Woman Magaizine
- Worldwide Leader in Healthcare & Top Naturopathic Medical Doctor in Chandler 2016 The International Association of HealthCare Professionals
- Best of Chandler” in the Naturopathy Category 2009 Chandler Awards Program
- "Best of Chandler" Naturopathic Physician 2016 Chandler Awards Program
- "Best of Chandler" Naturopathic Physician 2017 Chandler Awards Program
- "Best of Chandler" Naturopathic Physician 2018 Chandler Awards Program
- "Best of Chandler" Naturopathic Physician 2019 Chandler Awards Program
- "Best of Chandler" Naturopathic Physician 2020 Chandler Awards Program
- "Best of Chandler" Naturopathic Physician 2021 Chandler Awards Program
Professional Memberships
- American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
- Arizona Naturopathic Medical Associatio
- National Center for Homeopathy
- The Arizona Society of Oriental Medicine & Acupuncture
- The Acupuncture and Oriental Medical Alliance
- Family Medicine, Women's Medicine and Fertility
Professional Society Memberships
- Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association, American Naturopathic Medical Association, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance, National Center for Homeopathy
Articles and Publications
- Working on a New Book, 2017
What do you attribute your success to?
Being a strong problem solver is vital to treat the cause of illness, thinking outside the box allow solutions to create integrative and effective treatments, being completely thorough and studying Western and Eastern Medicine allow a wider range toapproach illness and determine effective solutions.
Hobbies / Sports
- Swimming, Music
Dr. Kiera Lane, NMD, MSAc, LAc, DipLAc, FABORM's Practice location
Arizona Natural Medicine Physicians
2480 W Ray Rd Suite 1 -Chandler, Arizona 85224Get Direction
Dr. Kiera Lane, NMD, MSAc, LAc, DipLAc, FABORM's reviews
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Patient Experience with Dr. Lane
- Mary
Super thankful for Kiera and her thoroughness. She is very knowledgeable. After 10 years on a health journey trying to figure out what's been going on, she's finally finding root reasons as to my symptoms.
- Brad
Dr. Lane has given us hope. She considers all the possibilities of diagnosis, treatments, and gives all avenues to help us on the path of getting pregnant. The office staff is great to work with and makes sure we are fully informed before we leave our appointment. Thank you Dr. Lane. We would highly recommend Dr. Lane to anyone that is looking for a great professional to help them with fertility issues.
- Tiffany
Dr Lane is exceptional in her medical knowledge and care for her patients. She is unlike any doctor I've ever worked with. She is passionate about finding the problem and actually fixing it. I highly recommend her as a medical professional.
- Kendra
Dr. Lane is incredible! She has such an expansive set of tools and knowledge. Digging deep and getting to the core of what's off balance or ailing you is her speciality. Highly recommend!!
- J
I LOVE this office! I am so grateful for the expertise, intuition, empowerment, healing, and outside-the-box thinking I've experienced here as part of my healing journey. Dr Lane and Dr Schafferman are so intelligent, intuitive, comprehensive and kind in their healing approaches and suggestions. They are the BEST!
- Marissa
Dr. Lane is the BEST at working with sensitive people. She truly "gets it!" Her expertise and intuition allow her to craft individualized treatments, which have proved very supportive to my health and provided relief for a variety of health concerns. If you're sensitive, you've likely experienced healthcare practitioners becoming triggered if their treatments/suggestions don't work for you. Dr. Lane is never like that! And she is willing to collaborate or defer to other practitioners you may be working with when needed. In fact, I call her my "no ego hero!!" She is attentive, focused, positive and patient. Additionally, her office staff are always top notch, both personable and professional. The wait for a new patient appointment is well worth it for such a unique and skilled practitioner!!
- Nick
What's up everyone. I just wanted to tell you all how much of a transition I have made, 180 degrees...I believe in her process, her kindness and her compassion to listen. If you want the change, even if you feel it's impossible to do, then I highly suggest you see her. I have made friends with the staff and truly believe in her energy. She is so calm and intelligent..she makes you feel equal, normal and cared for. She is genuine and her staff is is wonderful as well. They started my journey by listening to someone whom was so down, and getting me in to see Dr Lane when the light in the tunnel was no longer there. Thank you everyone for being my support and strength. Warmest of regards!
- Katie
I can not say enough good things about Dr. Lane. I have been a patient of hers for over 13 years and trust her knowledge and care completely. She always takes the time to truly find out what is going on with you and tries to treat the cause not just the symptom. I feel grateful to have her as my doctor!
- Aa
I don't know where to begin, Dr.Lane has changed my life for the better! She helped me get my anxiety under control with natural medication. DrLane is very compassionate, and will look at your issues as a whole and will treat your whole system instead of just masking that one issue. I highly recommend her for the whole family!
- Carrie
Greatest Dr ever! She really listens and cares.
- Cindy
I met Dr. Lane 15 years ago. My husband had just been diagnosed with stage 4 Colon Cancer. We had 10 year old twins at the time. He passed four years later, leaving me a widowed at age 52. Dr. Lane's compassion and will empowered me to continue on as a single mom. Today I am 63, my daughters are 25. I made it through menopause, the grief at losing both my parents, and now dealing with the pain associated with severe Arthritis. She is indispensable as a doctor, an empathic woman, who will always give you hope, and is the example of excellence in the medical world!
- Carol lynn
When I first came to Dr Lane I had just had breast cancer surgery/radiation and I was exhausted. Also, I could not sleep. She listened and together we determined what our plan would be. Through supplements/homeopathic medication I now have more energy than I ever thought possible. I could not have made it through this past year without her. Also, her office staff is amazing and very considerate. I highly recommend her.
- Kirsten
Dr. Lane has been extremely helpful and really taken the time to work with me.
- Amena
The best doctor ever!! Worth every penny! Recommend to everybody.
- Suzanne
Dr Lane was kind and compassionate and caring. I appreciate her approach to health and the body. I like knowing "what" is going on in the body and treating the cause rather than just covering the symptoms. Looking forward to better health!
- Kayla
Dr. Kiera Lane has helped my health and immune system tremendously! She is thorough, kind and really took the time to get to know me and my background. I highly recommend her!
- J
Dr. Lane was wonderful! She took her time, and truly listened to my concerns.
- Ed
Dr Lane is fantastic! She has a great bedside manner, is kind, and truly listens. She gives one much reason for hope!
- Ashley
I cannot recommend Dr. Lane enough! She would be extremely beneficial for anyone. Very very attentive, caring, and highly knowledgeable!
- Parvin
I recommend Dr. Lane to everyone. We originally saw her for one of my daughters and the results were so outstanding that I have been bringing all my family to her since then. Every one of us have been treated by her and all our health issues are now under control and mostly resolved. I wish she knew about her years ago. Thank you Dr. Lane and your amazing staff.
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