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Can a tooth infection cause earache?

I have a tooth infection and my ear hurts. Can a tooth infection cause earache?

Can I use mouthwash if my gums are swollen?

My gums are swollen. Can I use mouthwash if my gums are swollen?

How long after a filling can I eat sweets?

I will get a filling. How long after a filling can I eat sweets?

Gums receding after veneers

I had porcelain veneers done 6 years ago. I am starting to see brown lines, and look's like the veneers are separating from the teeth. What can I do to help this? I was really...

Two cavities, one tooth, big decay?

I have a molar (47) which has a cavity on the biting surface that I'm having filled soon. Today while cleaning I noticed that on the buccal side of the same tooth (in that...

Lump under tongue

I suffer from pots syndrome and eds. . . but I found a lump under my tongue. Its very soft but moves like a flap of skin would

Can I remove an oral cyst at home?

I have an oral cyst. Can I remove an oral cyst at home?

How painful is oral cyst surgery?

I was diagnosed with an oral cyst. How painful is oral cyst surgery?

Are gum cysts serious?

I have a gum cyst. Are gum cysts serious?

What type of denture is the most durable?

I want to get dentures. What type of denture is the most durable?

What are the negative effects of partial dentures?

I want to get partial dentures. What are the negative effects of partial dentures?

How often should All-on-4 Be cleaned?

I will get All-on-4 dentures. How often should All-on-4 Be cleaned?

Does food get under All-on-4 dental implants?

I want to get all-on-4 dental implants. Does food get under All-on-4 dental implants?

How long do All-on-4 dentures last?

I have missing teeth. How long do All-on-4 dentures last?

Who is not eligible for metal braces?

I want to straighten my teeth with braces. Who is not eligible for metal braces?

Can you eat normally with Invisalign?

I want to straighten my teeth with Invisalign. Can you eat normally with Invisalign?

Are invisible braces better than metal braces?

I want to straighten my teeth. Are invisible braces better than metal braces?

Can Invisalign fix big gaps between teeth?

I have big gaps between my teeth. Can Invisalign fix big gaps between teeth?

How do I clean my gums?

I want to take care of my gums. How do I clean my gums?

How should I clean my Invisalign?

I got Invisalign 2 days ago. How should I clean my Invisalign?

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