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Dry Heaving

I’ve been dry heaving consistently for the last 6 months. Please help.

What should I do about my chronic constipation?

I've been dealing with chronic constipation for a year. I have to take dulcolax just to have a bowel movement. Metamucil and Miralax work sometimes. There is a place on my stomach...

Intense Bowel/Lower Stomach Burning

Hello there, I have been having issues with constipation on and off frequently for the past two years. We have done xrays and blood tests, I have no allergies. I have tried switching...

Pain on one side and gas.

Hi there, since a few days ago my stomach is a bit bigger than usual and I have gas. I started to feel like that after one of bowel movement. Yesterday I noticed part of my stool...

why am i bleeding from my anus

i’m constipated and i’m bleeding out of my anus when i try to go to the bathroom


my gallbladder always appears contracted on ultrasound despite fasting for longer than the required eight hours. I have history of gallstones and sludge and I have been on actigall...

Colonoscopy biopsy results

On my biopsy report it said benign colonic mucosa with non specific chronic Inflammation. It also says negative for any type of colitis. I did have an appendectomy 4 months ago...

Digestive problems

A couple of years ago I started getting a pain in my stomach and in my intestines but I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought it was gas. Now it's getting a lot worse....

White flecks in stool

I am a 53 year old female. I noticed all these white flecks in my stool this morning. I did eat some popcorn two days ago. Could that possibly be what this is?

Ketorolac side effects

I received Ketorolac 30mg IM one time for a suspected kidney stone, this was around 10am. I don't remember if I have ever taken Ketorolac, but I take Naproxen Sodium for occasional...

Retaining water after enemas

I am a 58 yo m w nerogenic bowel as a result of MS. My gastro ordered weekly enemas (2 x 1L ea tapwater w/1t salt ea) to prevent impaction. I had a fair amount of difficulty...

Bowel movement

Hello. Im having issues with my bowel movement. No matter what I eat I cannot go to the toilet for at least 3-4 days. I am on a high fiber diet and I’m drinking at least 1-2l...

Any cause for concern

In August 2021 I was diagnosed with a kidney stone. The first CT scan was without contrast and showed atrophy of the pancreas with no duct dilation. Doctor said nothing- labs...

White and gree egg looking be all in my stool

I had a bowel blockage which I had surgery This is the first time I ve seen these little around white and green ball. They look like little eggs

Can I have a beer sometimes

Hi, I suffered from acute pancreatitis in 2020 May and again 2020 october. In the latter case my gallbladder was removed as non-aggtessive growth (tumor) was found on one side...

Swallowed Bottle Cap

Hello, two days ago I accidentally ingested a water bottle cap. I have had bowel movements both days despite this however I don't believe I have passed the cap yet. I have what...

Bowl Issues

Just had a colonoscopy. I was negative for pylori and colitis. Part of it was to check for celiac disease. Just got the results back online and it says this… “Negative for villous...


Blood in stool, stooling, heartburn, lower and upper back pain, pain in the Anus, shoulder pain, knee pain, inflammation of the eye, headache, burning pain all over the body, weakness,...

Why is there white stuff in my stool?

Every time I eat and drink it causes gas. Have alternating constipation and diarrhea every single day. Nausea, chills, abdominal pain. Sometimes I get so nauseous I vomit....

Indentation in poop

There was an indent along my whole poop, and only one side. I just got a colonoscopy in March it was normal. I did have a anal fissure but that was it. I do experience constipation...

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