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What should I do for son's chronic knee pain?

My son's knee has been hurting him for a couple of months now. It hurts when he bends it and puts pressure on it. Should he see a doctor?

Can kids have scoliosis?

My 14-year old son has a poor posture and I'm a bit scared. Can kids have scoliosis?

What's the treatment for osteochondritis for kids?

My son is an athlete and is 15 years old, but now he has ostochondritis in his knee. What's the treatment like for this?

What could be causing my son's back pain?

My son, 12 years old, is an athlete, but lately he's been experiencing pain in his lower back for the past 2 weeks. He hasn't injured his back, not that I'm aware of. What could...

What can I do for son's shoulder pain?

My son fell on his shoulder badly while he was playing his baseball game, and now his shoulder is in a lot of pain. What can I do for this?

Why does son have right shoulder pain?

My son is a pitcher and 13 years old. His right shoulder has been hurting him, and it's not really his pitching arm. Could this be caused by playing baseball? What do we do...

Will my son need surgery for osteochondritis?

My 14-year-old son is an athlete and was just diagnosed with osteochondritis in his knee. How is osteochondritis treated? Will he need surgery?

Why do skateboarders get ACL tears?

I'm always hearing about ACL tears and other skaters, and my son just started skateboarding casually. Is this a risk for him? He's had knee pain but nothing too worrisome. He's...

Should my child's knee be examined?

My son is 9 years old and he's been experiencing some strange symptoms with his knee. He's told me that he hears a popping sound and often gives out. Should we have it examined?...

Does my son have scoliosis?

My son is 8 years old and I think that his spine is shaped wrong. I felt it, and it seems like it curves a little bit inward. Is this scoliosis?

How long would my child need to wear a brace for scoliosis?

My daughter needs to have a brace on for her treatment of scoliosis. She's 14 years old, and she really hates wearing it. How long do kids usually have to wear a brace for to...

How can my son recover from Plica syndrome?

My son heard a pop in his knee when playing soccer, and an MRI showed that he had Plica syndrome. He mentioned ice and rest will help it, but is there anything else we can do?...

What should we do for son's Achilles tendinitis?

My son regularly plays sports, and we took him to the doctor once he started to experience heel pain and tenderness. He was diagnosed with Achilles tendinitis, but the doctor...

How can I check my kid for scoliosis?

My son is 11 years old, and he is very active. He just had a growth spurt, and I'm worried about how his spine formed with it. How can I check my for scoliosis?

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