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Do you get an ultrasound at 8 weeks?

I am 8 weeks pregnant. Do you get an ultrasound at 8 weeks?

What should you do before a Pap smear?

I will have a Pap smear. What should you do before a Pap smear?

Do pap smears hurt?

I will get a pap smear. Do pap smears hurt?

Do uterine fibroids need to be removed?

I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. Do uterine fibroids need to be removed?

Pregnancy possibility?

I missed my period in January 2022 I thought I was going to get it but it was just like chocolate-looking discharge. February 1, 2, 3, I usually get my period those days, I took...

Is it a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection?

I have brownish discharge, thin mucus, no smell, itchy around the vagina, tender throbbing feels like kind of puffy swollen on top of the vagina. I took phenazopyridine 100 mg...

Yeast infection?

I accidentally put itching relief cream in my vagina will I be okay? it was a lot too.

What fruits should pregnant avoid?

I am pregnant and want to have a healthy diet. What fruits should pregnant avoid?

Can I exercise during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and want to exercise. Can I exercise during pregnancy?

Which week is best for C-section delivery?

I am 35 weeks pregnant. Which week is best for C-section delivery?

How many hours does C-section take?

I will have a C-section next week. How many hours does C-section take?

How can I treat COVID infection during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and was diagnosed with a COVID infection. How can I treat COVID infection during pregnancy?

Mirena usage?

So I have been using Mirena since after my second child. I haven't had a period for 11 years I'm seriously scared to have a period after not having one for so long. Mine used...

Is my hymen broken?

I want to know if my hymen is broken as I’m trying to have a baby via artificial insemination.

Does this mean I'm pregnant?

I missed my period for 2 months and started with morning sickness. I have just started my period however I had two positive tests and then a week later one negative and I am now...

Severe abdominal pain?

Every time my period comes I have severe abdominal pain that are not my cramps. Most of the pain happens in the lower intestines. I don’t take any medication besides Tylenol...

Delay in periods?

I have taken a pill and after a month of taking it, there are no periods.

Spotting before period?

I was spotting 4 days before my period for 3 days and cramping. I'm not sure if this is normal because this is the first time spotting?

I need advice on what to do?

I have had very intense sharp pains in my lower abdomen, then I got my period which is extremely heavy it is a non-stop flow. It soaks through a tampon or two in one hour. The...

Vaginal issue?

Recently I have spotted two tiny bumps around my vaginal area they do not itch is this a sign of an std or just an irritation?

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