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Can I straighten only 2 teeth?

My front 2 teeth are crooked. Can I straighten only 2 teeth?

What is the best method to straighten my teeth?

I want to straighten my teeth. What is the best method to straighten my teeth?

Do you remove enamel before putting the veneers?

I want to get veneers. Do you remove enamel before putting the veneers?

Can I get a bridge on a root canal tooth?

I have a missing tooth and want to get a bridge. Can I get a bridge on a root canal tooth?

Is the zirconia crown strong?

I want to get a zirconia crown. Is the zirconia crown strong?

How to clean a dental bridge?

I got a dental bridge 2 days ago. How to clean a dental bridge?

Are there any special toothbrushes available for dentures?

I got dentures last week. Are there any special toothbrushes available for dentures?

Can you put a partial on implants?

I want to get partial dentures. Can you put a partial on implants?

Can I clean partial dentures with a regular toothbrush?

I got my partial dentures 5 days ago. Can I clean partial dentures with a regular toothbrush?

How long does it take to get partials?

I want to get partials. How long does it take to get partials?

Are implant-fixed dentures long-lasting?

I want to get implant fixed dentures. Are implant-fixed dentures long-lasting?

What is the downside of implant-fixed dentures?

I want to get implant fixed dentures. What is the downside of implant-fixed dentures?

What type of braces is the most comfortable?

I want to strengthen my teeth. What type of braces is the most comfortable?

Can I get braces at 30 years old?

I am 30 years old and want to straighten my teeth. Can I get braces at 30 years old?

Do teeth get weak after braces?

I want to straighten my teeth. Do teeth get weak after braces?

Can I chew gum with braces?

I got braces 2 days ago. Can I chew gum with braces?

How long after getting caps on your teeth can you eat?

I will get a cap on my tooth. How long after getting caps on your teeth can you eat?

Can you use mouthwash with a crown?

I got a crown 2 days ago. Can you use mouthwash with a crown?

Can I floss around my crown?

I got a crown last week. Can I floss around my crown?

When can I eat crunchy food after crown?

I will get a crown. When can I eat crunchy food after crown?

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