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Iliofemoral DVT question?

I am a 30 years old female and I was diagnosed with an iliofemoral DVT after my c-section 2 months ago. I was referred to interventional radiology by my doctor because they recommended...

Bleeding again?

I haven't had sex in 4 years but I had sex 2 days after getting off my period was 5 days long. Then I started another period that has lasted now 6 days. What could possibly be...

Is this HPV?

I had sex with a new partner and developed a tear in the process. 2 days after the part became whitish then it was rough to touch and looks spiky when I look in the mirror. It's...

Bleeding early in pregnancy?

I'm about 10 weeks pregnant and today I start bleeding what does that mean?

Do I have a yeast infection? How can I treat it at home?

Two days ago I started feeling some discomfort and thought nothing of it because I'm only 16 and not sexually active. The next day my vulva was very itchy/red and I had a clumpy...

Pregnancy possibility?

I recently had unprotected sex with my boyfriend and he ejaculated in me two weeks before my period. Can you tell me what’s going to happen next?

Light period or what is it?

Idk if I’m having early pregnancy bleeding or a light period. There’s been light pink on the tissue when I wipe. But it’s not every time there were a few blood drops in the toilet...

Vaginal bleeding about 3-4 days since my last period?

I'm 19 years old. I don’t take medication, I have one daughter that’s two years old, and I had a miscarriage in January. I just got off of my period about 3-4 days ago. And...

How much folate should I take during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and want to take folate. How much folate should I take during pregnancy?

When should I get an ultrasound during pregnancy?

I got a positive test for pregnancy yesterday. When should I get an ultrasound during pregnancy?

Can I get a back massage during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and want to get a back massage. Can I get a back massage during pregnancy?

Is it safe to have sex in the 3rd month of pregnancy?

I am in my 3rd month of pregnancy. Is it safe to have sex in the 3rd month of pregnancy?

When can I fly while pregnant?

I am 12 weeks pregnant and I want to travel. When can I fly while pregnant?

Is the COVID vaccine safe during early pregnancy?

I am 10 weeks pregnant. Is the COVID vaccine safe during early pregnancy?

HSV1 diagnosis?

I tested negative for HSV-1 but my girlfriend tested positive and I am her first and only sexual partner. Does that mean my test was false and I am actually positive?

Vaginal spotting?

I'm 57 years old and haven't had a period in about 2 years. After sex, I noticed spots on my sheets nothing like a period just spots on the sheets, and when I wiped the next day...

Irregular bleeding?

I've had my period 4 times in the 2 months. I've also been unusually exhausted. I also randomly get nauseous and weak, like my arms and legs are jelly. Sometimes I get cramps...

Birth control pill after miscarriage?

I have had a medical miscarriage 7 days ago after an 18 week pregnancy. I didn’t feel any particular pain after the procedure but 3days after I started taking the birth control...

What are the permanent damages that magnesium sulfate can cause long term?

I've had infertility issues since I've been 19 years old. I've been pregnant a total of 9 times and went through 7 losses. 6 of 7 of the losses all happened before 10 weeks....

What is this?

I have been cramping up and spotting for a week and today after cramping I went to the bathroom and when wiped I got this. What is it?

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