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Dry mouth? Faint taste? Itchy/tingly tongue

Hi, 3 days ago I used colloidal silver on a canker sore in my mouth, the very next day I had a faint metallic taste, so I oil pulled with coconut oil for 20 mins, twice a day....

My face is swollen and extremely hard. I think I have an abcess

One side of my face is extremely extremely swollen and is very tender. Super hard in a few spots. Recently just had a few teeth fall out and break. Mouth is also very sensitive...

Ruptured, Infected, Horiztonally impacted wisdom tooth

I have a ruptured, Horizontal impacted wisdom tooth currently infected again and my superficial cervical lymph node is heavily inflamed and I'm allergic to penicillin so am usually...

Sore mouth

My tongue feels like I burned it but I didn't. It's been bothering me for about 3 months now. The roof of my mouth has a weird feeling too by end of day.

How many refilling can you get?

When you get a filling they said every 5-10 years it needs to be refilled is there a limit.

Is my life potentially at stake?

I have had issues with my mental health after recently getting out of a neglectful household. My teeth are severely rotting and the pain gets worse every other day, im afraid...

Can I get a filling for my front teeth?

I had my front tooth broken in a accident. The dentist did a root canal treatment because the nerve was exposed. Dentist told the only option will be getting a crown. Crowns...

my roof of mouth

in the roof of my mouth right after my teeth there are rigid white patches or soft spots and they don’t hurt too much but i can feel them i just want to know what it is

Dental issue

Hello I’m 21 years I have white bump in mu inner cheeks near my last tooth. Its totally painless and not itchy. Please help me I’m worried Its been a month

my roof of mouth

in the roof of my mouth right after my teeth there are rigid white patches or soft spots and they don’t hurt too much but i can feel them i just want to know what it is

Simple Tooth extraction

I had a tooth extracted 8 days ago and I was wondering when can I start eating on that side of my mouth, and stop stop salt washes , when can I have fizzy drinks and alcohol and...

Dental implant

I recently had dental implants for dentures last night one of the implanted post came out. have contacted my dentist office but it is closed until monday what should I do in the...

Teeth pain

Pending Query : Recently I have pain in my teeth I visited two dentist one told me I am ok and I just have tooth sensitivity and describe sensitivity toothpaste for me and the...

Anxiety with health

I brushed with toothbrush that drop on public bathroom floor. It’s danger? I have no symptoms from this.

Dietary Supplements

I am a 28 year old male who just had a tooth extraction. I have powered dietary supplements that devolve in water. Are they safe for me to drink?


I’ve taken celecoxib 200mg 1 tablet and also avadol fast 500mg 1 tablet, can i increase the doses? I’m unable to sleep with the pain

Teeth and bathroom problems

Hi I have high blood pressure and anxiety. My questions are I have 10 teeth left, trying to get dentures, how can I still get nutrition. Will I die because I have no teeth....

My mom

Big purplish circle on jaw area swollen cheek and jaw. Inside mouth looks completely normal Does have 3 missing main teeth in bottom back of mouth.

White side of tongue

I'm not sure how long this has been the case but the floor of my mouth/side of my tongue is completely white on one side (less so on the other, but still appears white as well)....

why has my cheek swollen up severely after rct? is it normal? and how long will it last for?

I just got an rct treatment done because there was dental abssess build up inside my gum, in area of that cavity infected tooth. since then whenever I ate something I threw up....

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