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Which antihypertensive is safe in diabetes?

I have hypertension and diabetes type 2. Which antihypertensive is safe in diabetes?

Is surgery required after a heart attack?

I had a heart attack 8 days ago. I feel good now. Is surgery required after a heart attack?

How long is a hospital stay after heart valve surgery?

I will have heart valve surgery. How long is a hospital stay after heart valve surgery?

Can heart blockage heal without surgery?

I was diagnosed with a heart blockage. Can heart blockage heal without surgery?

Do you have to stay on high blood pressure medication for life?

I have high blood pressure and I am taking medications. Do you have to stay on high blood pressure medication for life?

Is it normal to have chest pains after angioplasty?

I had angioplasty 2 days ago. I have chest pain now. Is it normal to have chest pains after angioplasty?

How long after a heart attack and stent can you fly?

I had a heart attack and stent surgery 10 days ago. How long after a heart attack and stent can you fly?

How do they remove plaque from arteries?

I was diagnosed with a plaque in my arteries. I want to fix it. How do they remove plaque from arteries?

What causes stenosis of coronary artery?

I was diagnosed with coronary artery stenosis. Is it serious? What should I do?

Can stents block up again?

I got a heart stent 3 years ago. I feel fine. I want to know if stents can block up again?

Will pericarditis go away?

I was diagnosed with pericarditis. What are the treatment options?

How long do you stay on blood thinners after stents?

I am taking blood thinners after stent surgery already 4 months. I want to know how long do you stay on blood thinners after stents?

What medications are used to treat heart palpitations?

I have heart palpitations. I want to treat it. What medications are used to treat heart palpitations?

Why is my heart palpitations not going away?

I have heart palpitations for 2 weeks. What can I do?

Should I go to ER for heart palpitations?

I have had heart palpitations for 3 days. What can I do? Should I go to ER for heart palpitations?

Should I have a pacemaker checkup before traveling?

I am leaving the country for a month and I wear a pacemaker. Should I have a pacemaker checkup before traveling?

What are the treatment options for heart palpitations during COVID?

I was diagnosed with COVID infection and also heart palpitations. Can COVID cause heart palpitations?

Can tachycardia be cured permanently?

I was diagnosed with tachycardia. I wonder if tachycardia can be cured permanently?

How long after open heart surgery can you exercise?

I will have open heart surgery and get physical therapy after that. How long after open heart surgery can you exercise?

Will my covid infection affect heart health?

I was diagnosed with covid. I am afraid for my health. Will my covid infection affect heart health?

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