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Spotting I think?

I started a period this month on the 11th, however, I am still experiencing symptoms. Such as not necessarily bleeding the blood is almost brown in color and cramps, backache,...

Did my period start or it’s implantation blood?

I had unprotected sex on the 10th, Dec which is 2 days before my period. My period didn’t start so I took plan B on the 14th, Dec (it’s been already 72 after having sex) anyway...

Can I get the COVID vaccine during breastfeeding?

I am breastfeeding and want to get a COVID vaccine. Can I get the COVID vaccine during breastfeeding?

Are cramps normal in early pregnancy?

I am in my first trimester. Are cramps normal in early pregnancy?

When can I start doing household work after delivery?

I had delivery 10 days ago. When can I start doing household work after delivery?

What should you feel in your first trimester?

I had a pregnancy test and it showed positive. What should you feel in your first trimester?

Bumps on private area?

I got tested for STDs and it was negative but after I shaved I got two bumps and they were red bumps I picked them they stayed. I did it again after them not leaving for 3 weeks...

38 days late negative tests?

I am 7 days late on my cycle, day 38 with no period. I’ve taken several tests all negative all in the morning with the first urine. I’ve never had my cycle so late.

Birth control pills?

When taking the Microgynon 30 birth control pills if I start taking it on a Thursday will I be protected against pregnancy Wednesday the following week or is it Thursday-Thursday?...

Birth control options?

I have taken the depo shot in September and my next shot is December 23rd but I will not be able to go back for the second shot. I want to switch back to the pills but I do not...

Very high FSH?

I’m being investigated for POI, age 39, absent or very light periods/spotting 1-3 days duration, cycle length 10-60 days. Other menopause symptoms are present. I have known hypothyroidism...

What is the safest birth control pill?

I want to take birth control pills. What is the safest birth control pill?

Should I have prenatal genetic screening?

I am pregnant. Should I have prenatal genetic screening?

How long will pregnancy cramps last?

I am pregnant and have cramps. Is it normal? How long will pregnancy cramps last?

Bleeding when using the bathroom while pregnant?

I'm pregnant and my back hurts. Every time I poop I bleed bright red blood, I have had problems before but only when I wiped. I never did actually leave blood in the toilet,...

Could partner number 2 be the father?

I had sex with let's say partner no1 on 19th August 2020. Then partner no2 on 6 September 2020. I took a pregnancy test on the 8th September and it said pregnant. I then took...

Fluid in uterus?

I had an ultrasound scan a few weeks ago and was told I have fluid in my uterus. The doctor explained the ultrasound report to me but got confused as it stated I had '2cm' of...

Missed period after weaning?

I gave birth at the start of August 2020. Despite exclusively breastfeeding my period returned in mid October and has been regular ever since. Starting in August 2021 i began...

Do I have PMDD or anxiety neurosis?

This is really long and I'm sorry, but I'm just scared it's something serious. I'm a 14-year-old female, weigh 92 pounds, and have been having pain out of nowhere, I'm going...

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