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Can you recover from a stroke in a month?

My friend had a stroke 2 weeks ago. Can you recover from a stroke in a month?

Is physical therapy needed after sciatica surgery?

I will have surgery for sciatica. Is physical therapy needed after sciatica surgery?

Your thoughts?

I had a procedure done to my nerves, the procedure was done back of my neck, I no longer feel pain, only pressure. With that being said, I took a bottle of pills for depression,...

Muscle spasms?

Hello, I am currently having muscle spasms in my neck and have had them for a while. When I apply tension to any other area of my body the spasms relocate to those areas temporarily....

Brain zapping?

I can’t understand why I’m having them.

Is this RLS or something else? Any solutions?

The only medication is nasal steroids. I've been on them for most of a decade. Before them I'd have sinus infections every other month, on them, I don't at all. Anyway. . ....

Muscle spasms?

Hello, I am currently having muscle spasms in my neck and have had them for a while. When I apply tension to any other area of my body the spasms relocate to those areas temporarily....

How dangerous would it be to have a piece of glass stuck in my temporal lobe?

I want to know how dangerous would it be to have a piece of glass stuck in my temporal lobe? It has been there for 10 years, its a little under an inch in size, right in front...

Epilepsy Rx for non-epileptic people?

I do not nor ever have I had epilepsy or any condition of the sort. What happens if I take the Rx Levetiracetam accidentally?

What kind of doctor should you see after a stroke?

My friend had a stroke 2 weeks ago. What kind of doctor should you see after a stroke?

Can a neurologist treat an aneurysm?

I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. Can a neurologist treat an aneurysm?

Is nerve surgery painful?

I will have back nerve surgery. Is nerve surgery painful?

Is this an aneurysm?

I felt a pop on the left side of my head. I instantly had a sensation like something flooding that area. I got excruciating pain and felt really lightheaded. It lasted about...

My hands pinch like being pinched with needles?

Why do my hands pinch like being pinched with needles?

Why do I have these seizures if it’s not epilepsy?

It started when I was 11 the first one I went to the doctors for and they did a CT scan and MRI scan and they were both clean. It happened in my sleep this time and was the only...

Is autism treatable?

My daughter was diagnosed with autism. Is autism treatable?

How can you reduce the effects of a stroke?

My friend had a stroke. How can you reduce the effects of a stroke?

How long does it take to get well after a stroke?

My friend had a stroke. How long does it take to get well after a stroke?

Is back nerve repair surgery painful?

I will have surgery for back nerve damage. Is back nerve repair surgery painful?

What pressure point relieves a headache?

I have a headache and want to treat it. What pressure point relieves a headache?

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