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Is it safe to take 600mg of seroquel at one time?

I'm currently on Seroquel, Gabapentin, Zofran and Valerian. Is it safe to take 600mg of Seroquel at one time?

Sore throat in the morning?

Every morning, I have a sore throat that eventually goes away. I'm not really experiencing any symptoms, however, apart from this. Is this a normal thing to experience?

Can I reverse my liver damage?

I used to drink alcohol a lot when I was younger, but now I'm worried about my liver's health in general because of it. I know alcohol could have serious effects on my liver,...

Is a ventilator considered life support?

My aunt is on a ventilator after her heart surgery, and I didn't realize that a ventilator is a lot serious than I thought. Because she's on a ventilator, does it mean that she's...

What are the signs of iron deficiency in children?

I have very little iron and I'm worried that my daughter might have little as well. What are some of the symptoms that children experience with an iron deficiency?

What happens if I leave my ingrown toenail untreated?

There's some redness and a little pain around my big toenail. I think it might be because of an ingrown nail, but I'm not too sure. I kinda want to leave it be because it isn't...

What procedures are usually done in interventional radiology?

I understand that radiology is a diverse field, with multiple sub-specialties within it. But I'm very curious about interventional radiology and what it's all about. What procedures...

What are the best treatments for fibromyalgia?

After switching doctors, multiple times, I'm finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia. We're trying to figure out the best course of treatment for me, but my doctor would rather have...

Ways to prevent a baby from getting a UTI?

My 4-year-old son was diagnosed with a UTI recently, after experiencing a slight fever and abdominal. Our pediatrician says this is most likely because of his issues with constipation,...

How can I find a Level 1 Trauma Center in my area?

You need to be careful nowadays, and with these random shootings and other events, you can't be too cautious. In case anything else happens, how can I find out if any hospitals...

What are the qualifications for hospice care?

My aunt's health is not improving at all, and my cousin is talking about the possibility of her going into hospice. But the rest of our family wants the doctors to keep trying....

I was referred to a thyroid scan with nuclear medicine. Any side effects?

I'm going to have a nuclear medicine thyroid scan to see if I have hyperthyroidism. I've never had this test before, so I'm honestly nervous for it. My doctor didn't mention...

What happens if my son's baby teeth don't come out?

This actually happened with my aunt, and she still has some of her baby teeth (she actually has to eat so carefully because of it too). I just had a baby boy, so I might be thinking...

Why are older people more sensitive to anesthesia?

My grandmother's doctor is really concerned that her anesthesia will cause several issues for her after surgery. Like memory loss, confusion, etc. She does have issues with memory...

Does anesthesia have an effect on my kidneys?

Since my surgery (which was under general), I've had issues with passing urine. Not only does it hurt when I try, I also only pee a little each time. I want to know if the anesthesia...

What will my anesthesiologist do if I'm nauseous?

My mother was so nauseous from the anesthesia, and I don't want to feel the same after mine. Can my anesthesiologist do anything to prevent nausea?

Are arch supports the only way to treat neuroma?

I was diagnosed with Mortan's neuroma recently, and I was only told to use an arch support in my shoes. But it doesn't seem to be working at all. Is this the only form of treatment...

Is surgery the only way to remove a bunion?

My podiatrist examined my bunion the other day and cited that it could only be removed with surgery. I think this is a little extreme, and if it's not necessary, I don't want...

Is bariatric surgery safe?

Diet isn't working for me to lose weight, nor is exercise. I try to do it regularly, but I don't have the motivation to lose the weight I need to use. My doctor suggested bariatric...

Constipation after surgery?

Ever since my surgery on my hernia, I've been experiencing long periods of constipation. Could this be because of the surgery? How can it be fixed?

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