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Can nerve damage in the back heal itself?

I have nerve damage in my back. Can nerve damage in the back heal itself?

How long is the treatment for leg nerve damage?

I have nerve damage in my leg. How long is the treatment for leg nerve damage?

Is stroke preventable?

I have a family history of strokes. Is stroke preventable?

Can a neurologist fix sciatica?

I was diagnosed with sciatica. Can a neurologist fix sciatica?

What helps damaged nerves to heal?

I have nerve damage in my back. What helps damaged nerves to heal?

Will nerve damage go away?

I have nerve damage in my back. Will nerve damage go away?

How long is the rehab therapy after a stroke?

My friend had a stroke. How long is the rehab therapy after a stroke?

Please suggest something for seizure?

I recently started having seizures?

How much are private EEG not related to epilepsy?

I have been trying to get hold of carbamazepine for aggression as my GP said it is used as a mood stabilizer. I was told that my two routes of getting it would be asking my psychiatrist...

How long after a mini-stroke can you go back to work?

My friend had a stroke. How long after a mini-stroke can you go back to work?

Can nerve damage in the arm be repaired?

I have nerve damage in my arm. Can nerve damage in the arm be repaired?

Can nerve damage in my hand be fixed?

I have nerve damage in my hand. Can nerve damage in my hand be fixed?

How long is the treatment for sciatica?

I was diagnosed with sciatica. How long is the treatment for sciatica?

What is the best diet to prevent stroke?

I have a family history of strokes. What is the best diet to prevent stroke?

Can you drive 2 months after a mild stroke?

My friend had a mild stroke. Can you drive 2 months after a mild stroke?

Can brain damage from a stroke be fixed?

My friend had a stroke. Can brain damage from a stroke be fixed?

How long is the rehabilitation after a stroke?

My friend had a stroke. How long is the rehabilitation after a stroke?

How long after a mild stroke can you drive?

My friend had a mild stroke. How long after a mild stroke can you drive?

What should you avoid if you have a brain aneurysm?

I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. What should you avoid if you have a brain aneurysm?

Can aneurysm be cured without surgery?

I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. Can an aneurysm be cured without surgery?

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