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Do fillings need to be replaced?

I have a filling in between my front teeth which I've had to get replaced a couple times due to staining. But it made me wonder if I should get my other 3 fillings replaced (in...

What is gingivitis and its risk factors?

Television ads of toothpastes and mouthwashes often highlight the term gingivitis. How can i minimize the risk of me and my family acquiring gingivitis? In our last dentist appointment...

How can flossing help in maintaining the health of teeth and gums?

I have been reading a lot of dental floss and how they can help in maintaining the health of teeth and gums. Is it true that regular flossing is essential for dental hygiene?...

Can a tooth abscess be seen on an X-ray?

The doctor has been suspecting a tooth abscess for my son who is 9 years old. What are the ways in which a tooth abscess can be detected? Is there a way that physical examination...

Can an infected tooth spread the infection to the other teeth as well?

I have been diagnosed with a tooth infection and have been recommended antibiotics to combat the infection before further review. Is there a chance that the infection can spread...

Is a root canal in pregnancy safe?

I am a 34 year old woman currently six months pregnant. I have been having severe pain in one of my tooth and the doctor has recommended a root canal. Is it safe to undergo a...

What does bone loss in the teeth mean?

In the recent dentist appointment that I went for, the doctor has mentioned start of bone loss. I am 64 years old currently and heavily diabetic. What does this bone loss mean?...

What are the most visible signs and symptoms of a gum disease?

We are a family of 4, with 2 adults and 2 children. As a mother the thought of oral infections and diseases scares me. Are there ways to identify a gum disease early? What are...

Abscessed tooth? What could this mean?

What is an abscessed tooth? What are the repercussions of having an abscessed tooth and can the condition be treated or reversed? I have heard that an abscessed tooth can cause...

Do I have to be numb?

I don't like getting the numbing shots before a dental procedure. How much would it hurt to go without numbing for basic things like fillings?

Can a gum infection pass to other parts of the body?

I recently read in an article that certain infections that start from the gums can spread to the other parts of the body. What are the types of bacterial infections starting in...

Skin is shedding on the inside of my mouth (my cheeks). Is this normal?

There are no sores in my mouth, but when I wake up I notice the skin on the inside of my cheeks seems to be peeling. Is it my toothpaste? I do not have any known allergies.

Adult tooth is loose. What should I do?

I got hit during baseball and now one of my teeth is loose. What should I do? Is there any way to prevent it from falling out or further damage?

I can't fix my teeth sensitivity. What do I do?

I've been instructed to use a sensitive-teeth toothpaste by my dentist, and even after 6 months of use I've seen no difference in my tooth sensitivity. Is there something else...

Strange taste in mouth after strep throat--is this normal?

I just got over a strep throat last week, and I still have a bad taste in my mouth. Is it normal? When can I expect it to go away? Should I be avoiding certain foods and drinks?...

Clicking in my jaw

My dentist wants me to see an oral surgeon regarding the clicking in my jaw when I open my mouth. Is this a normal thing to do?

What is a dry socket?

My friend had a tooth removed and developed a dry socket. What is this? How is it fixed?

Wisdom teeth removal

Why are some wisdom teeth removed by your dentist and some are removed my an oral surgeon?

Wiring a broken jaw

My sister broke her jaw in gymnastics. It has been wired shut. I know the wires will be in about 6 weeks but how long until she is fully recovered?

What if only one tooth is crooked?

I have one crooked tooth. All the rest are pretty straight. Do I need braces for this? Wouldn't braces move my other teeth too?

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