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Is there a difference between an ER doctor and a trauma surgeon?

I want to know, what is the difference between an ER doctor and a trauma surgeon? Do both of them work in the ER?

What should I do if kids accidentally drown?

We just had a pool installed in our backyard and I have two little ones that still don't know how to swim. They're twins, so both of them are 3 years old. We are teaching them...

Should I go to the ER for panic attacks?

I'm a 41-year-old man and I get panic attacks from time to time. They often come with severe chest pain, but they eventually pass as the panic attack passes. Should I go to the...

Should I take my newborn to the ER for her fever?

My newborn has a very high fever of 102 F, and we aren't sure about what to do. Her pediatrician isn't answering the office phone, so we're wondering if we should take her to...

How can I deal with cystitis?

I'm 24 and male, and I was diagnosed with cystitis and was given antibiotics for it. But I would rather not take them and try to treat this naturally. Is it possible that this...

Are kidney stones a medical emergency?

I believe I have kidney stones because there is pain on the right side of my body where my kidneys should be. It's not incapacitating me though. Are kidney stones a medical emergency?...

What should I do for son's bee sting?

My son was playing outside and the next thing I know, he gets stung by a bee on his arm. What should I do for my bee sting?

Is a heat stroke an emergency?

It was so hot yesterday, and humid, and it made me have a heat stroke. I still don't feel right. Is a heat stroke an emergency? Should I go to the ER?

Should I visit emergency room for my high fever?

I have had a fever already for almost 5 days. OTC medications aren't helping me or making it go down. Alongside this fever, I'm dealing with nausea and stomach pain. Should...

Is a urinary tract infection an emergency?

I'm 27, and I have symptoms of a UTI, like burning urination and abdominal pain. Is a urinary tract infection an emergency?

Does morphine have any serious side effects?

I was given morphine at the hospital for some severe pain after a car accident, but now the area where the morphine was injected in is red and inflamed. Could this be a side effect...

When is a high fever an emergency for kids?

My son is 4 years old, and he has a really high fever. . . 102. His pediatrician is closed right now and they don't have a hotline for emergency services. Should I take him...

When should you go to the ER for stroke symptoms?

I'm 40, and I have headaches and some numbness on one side of my face that comes and goes. I think that this could be a stroke. Should I go to the emergency room?

Son has Lego stuck in nose. Do we need to go to the ER?

My 4-year-old son has a Lego stuck in his nose. Should we take him to the ER for this? What do we do?

Why are strokes an emergency situation?

My grandmother suffered from a stroke, but luckily she survived and is managing the after effects. But she ignored symptoms of the stroke hours before it happened, and the doctors...

Can my son carry his EpiPen to school?

My son has a severe nut allergy and we want him to carry his EpiPen everywhere he goes. Can kids usually carry EpiPens to school?

Should I go to ER for back pain?

I'm 45 years old, and I have pretty bad back pain. I can't really walk right. Do you think I should go to the ER?

What do they give you in the ER for a migraine?

I've been getting migraines often, but I really can't take the one I have now. I want to go to the ER. Does the emergency room do anything for migraines?

I don’t know what’s going on. Should I be worried?

I have had nausea and loss of appetite for about 3 days. The nausea is constant and has not subsided even when taking a zophran or gas x. The passing of bowel movements doesn't...

What should I do if my child's blood sugar drops?

My daughter has type 1 diabetes and although she knows how to manage her treatment, I'm still worried about hypoglycemia. What steps should I take in case her blood sugar drops...

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