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I have extreme gas - very smelly?

What can I do to diminish extreme gas that is offensive?

Do antidepressants work for everyone?

I have depression and want to take antidepressants. Do antidepressants work for everyone?

Can you fix drug addiction?

I have a drug addiction and want to treat it. Can you fix drug addiction?

Bruised leg?

I walked into the corner of a table and severely hurt my thigh to the point that I was unable to walk. Though painful, the next day I could walk but noticed no bruise in the thigh...

PE and clots?

My father who is 86 years old, has a history of heart failure takes blood pressure and blood thinner medications was in the ER yesterday. He had a very swollen left leg from the...

Covid booster?

I've had 1 shot of Astra Zeneca (Mar. 15, 2021), then Moderna on June 5 as well as a 3rd Moderna on Aug 24. Should I also have the booster?

I'm worried about overcoming covid-19?

I'm 62 years old and have covid. When won't I have to worry anymore? I've had it for 9 days my oxygen levels go from 85 to 93 when I put on my oxygen it reaches 95. I have COPD...

What is the cure for alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to cure it. What is the cure for alcohol addiction?

I have a sore arm for six months after vaccination?

I'm a 64 year old female with no underlying medical conditions and take no medications. I had the first Pfizer vaccine in early May 2021, the second in late May. The first shot...

I think I have a broken or bruised ribs?

I am 72 years old and I don’t take any medication. I think I have broken or bruised ribs. It hurts all the time. It is swollen right under my left breast. What can be done...

Senior in Nursing Home Diagnosed Pneumonia 9/3/21 - Still Struggling?

I was diagnosed (x-ray) with pneumonia on 9/3/21. - Rx breathing treatments, also I *think* steroid and antibiotic. Standard protocol for this infection iirc -The nursing home...

What type of therapy is good for drug addiction?

My friend has a drug addiction. What type of therapy is good for drug addiction?

Why can't I have a doctor look at my head without going to the ER?

I'm 78 years old. About 7 days after my head injury my head still feels warm but no discharge. There is a flap of skin size of a pea which I hope will fall off. I have no...

I just wanted some answers to maybe why my friend passed away?

She lost tons of weight probably down to about 90lb, very weak, shaky, her skin was jaundiced colored, shortness of breath. She was a heavy drinker so I'm wondering if because...

Can I take alprostadil for ED while on xeralto?

I want to know can I take alprostadil for ED while on xeralto?

Persistent UTI?

I am a 65 y/o female. I've had a UTI-leucocyte probably for long months before I found out about these home-kits and use one and it turn positive long before the required 2 mins....

I have pain left of the sternum?

A cardiologist gave me a diagnosis of supraventricular tachycardia following the protocol for such symptoms as I was having. That was May this year. I have a history of low...

Is antidepressant safe?

I have depression and want to take antidepressants. Is antidepressant safe?

What is the first step in treating alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to treat it. What is the first step in treating alcohol addiction?

How should I help my mother in hospice?

My 91 year old mother has been in a convalescent hospital on hospice care for five days. She is on antibiotics for sepsis and she’s being given morphine for terrible pain in her...

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