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What medication lowers BP?

I have high blood pressure. What medication lowers BP?

How can I lower my blood pressure instantly?

I have high blood pressure. How can I lower my blood pressure instantly?

What should I do if my blood pressure is high?

I have high blood pressure. What should I do? Should I see a doctor?

An ear issue?

I recently got over covid. I'm fine now. I've noticed that when I talk or if someone talks in a different tone or pitch, my left ear makes a "buzzing" sound. There's no buzzing...

How much rest is required after coronary angioplasty?

I will have coronary angioplasty. How much rest is required after coronary angioplasty?

High blood pressure?

My number is 159/109 blood pressure. I just took meds. I'm waiting for it to come down or go to ER. I also have a headache.

Chest pain and tightness with shortness of breath?

I have had chest pain, tightness, and shortness of breath for over a week now with extremely swollen feet, legs, and abdomen. A wet cough and wheezing with fatigue, foggy head,...

Blood pressure?

My blood pressure is 72/40. What should I do?

How can I calm my heart palpitations?

I have heart palpitations. How can I calm my heart palpitations? Should I see a doctor?

What is emergency treatment for high blood pressure at home?

I have high blood pressure. What is emergency treatment for high blood pressure at home?

What is a safe medication for high blood pressure?

I have high blood pressure and want to treat it. What is a safe medication for high blood pressure?

What is causing my health problems?

I am a 30 year old male, 6'3 height and 115kg in weight. I have some health issues. I'm having issues with the chest, neck, and leg pain, and heavy chest pain, and sweating highly...

Is this serious?

I'm a 51 year old female smoker. My blood pressure averages 175/130. My pulse 125 BP gets as high as 253/154. My toes are numb all the time but experience tingling and sharp...

Are blood pressure medications safe?

I have high blood pressure and want to take medications. Are blood pressure medications safe?

Can COVID infection affect blood pressure?

I got COVID infecttion 2 weeks ago. Since then I have had high blood pressure. Can COVID infection affect blood pressure?

Pulse rate question?

If your pulse rate is around 50. . . is there any reason to be concerned?

Temperature sensitivity after heat stroke?

About 50 days ago, I made a really bad decision to smoke marijuana in a hot tub when I was tired. The hot tub is contained inside of a very small gazebo, only a couple inches...

Is my mom's condition serious and is it reversible?

My mother is age 68 and was recently advised an echo doppler test and the report is as follows: AO 26mm, AO EX 16 mm, LA 35 mm, EF SLOPE 78 mm/sec, DE 18 mm EPSS 02mm, IVS-D 12mm,...

Should I stop taking blood thinners?

I want to know should I stop taking blood thinners? I'm going for acupuncture.

What is the best breakfast for high blood pressure?

I have high blood pressure and want to have a healthy diet. What is the best breakfast for high blood pressure?

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