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What anesthesia do you use for colon surgery?

I will have a colon biopsy. What anesthesia do you use for colon surgery?

How long is local anesthesia for a colon biopsy?

I will have a colon biopsy. How long is local anesthesia for a colon biopsy?

How long do you stay in the hospital with a fractured hip?

My friend fractured her hip. How long do you stay in the hospital with a fractured hip?

Can I drink alcohol 2 weeks after heart stent surgery?

I will have heart stent surgery. Can I drink alcohol 2 weeks after heart stent surgery?

Do I need surgery to fix my heart artery blockage?

I was diagnosed with heart artery blockage. Do I need surgery to fix my heart artery blockage?

Can a heart stent fix arrhythmia?

I have a heart arrhythmia. Can a heart stent fix arrhythmia?

How long is the hospital stay for colon resection?

I will have colon resection. How long is the hospital stay for colon resection?

What foods should you avoid after gastric sleeve?

I will have a gastric sleeve. What foods should you avoid after gastric sleeve?

How long does iodine stay in your body after a CT?

I will have a CT scan with dye. How long does iodine stay in your body after a CT?

Can I fly after radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy. Can I fly after radiotherapy?

Can radiotherapy cause tiredness?

I feel very tired after radiotherapy. Can radiotherapy cause tiredness?

How long do you get pain after radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy. How long do you get pain after radiotherapy?

How long is a hospital stay after a heart artery bypass?

I will have heart artery bypass surgery. How long is a hospital stay after a heart artery bypass?

Can I get the COVID vaccine if I have heart arrhythmia?

I have heart arrhythmia. Can I get the COVID vaccine if I have heart arrhythmia?

How long after stent surgery can I drive?

I will have stent surgery. How long after stent surgery can I drive?

Can I get the COVID vaccine if I have high blood pressure?

I have high blood pressure. Can I get the COVID vaccine if I have high blood pressure?

Can general anesthesia for a kidney biopsy cause any damage?

I will have a kidney biopsy. Can general anesthesia for a kidney biopsy cause any damage?

Can local anesthesia cause long-term side effects?

I will have surgery under local anesthesia. Can local anesthesia cause long-term side effects?

How can I prepare for local anesthesia?

I will have surgery under local anesthesia. How can I prepare for local anesthesia?

Is protein rich diet okay during pregnancy?

I am 8 weeks pregnant. Is protein rich diet okay during pregnancy?

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