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How should I sleep after giving birth?

I will have delivery this week. How should I sleep after giving birth?

Is it OK to drink lemon water while pregnant?

I am 3 weeks pregnant. Is it OK to drink lemon water while pregnant?

Pregnancy and STDs?

I recently found out I have an std. I was treated for it on Thursday. I was wondering was the std making my pregnancy test come back negative?

Low libido?

My wife has had a low libido for 12 years of marriage, with the following: - Vaginal dryness all the time - Mild obesity in the lower part - pear shape - Hair loss, low hair...

Irregular menstrual bleeding?

I'm a 47 year old female. I had a bilateral mastectomy in 2016. There was no chemo or radiation. I had a daily dose of 10mg Tamoxifen for 5 yrs ending in early October. A missed...

Menstrual cycle?

I started taking birth control pills a week after my cycle, should I be getting my next period as normal or will I get it a week later?

I have anxiety about becoming pregnant?

I have a kyleena IUD and it has been 7 months. I still get cramping and bloating. I need strong clarity that I am NOT pregnant. I get so anxious every time I have sex. I do...

I have pain in my clitoris?

I was masturbating and now I am in pain in that area.

Elevated b-12 levels?

I am currently pregnant with twins and my b-12 levels came back slightly elevated and my ob-gyn is not sure why. He says my level is 914 and they want to see it below 911. Should...

Failed epidural and spinal block for c-section?

I'm curious about what can cause a failed epidural and spinal blocks? They never worked and I ended up being put to sleep after multiple tries. I have anxiety about trying for...

I don't want to be pregnant?

I had sex with my boyfriend add took contraceptive pills. A week later I had my period and also a week later I had sex and took contraceptive pills. But I feel like I'm pregnant....

Do I have herpes?

All these happened 3 days after I hooked up with my bf and he is a new partner. This was the second time we were having sex and we used a condom. I came down with the flu, sore...

I have been having stomach pains and weird periods, could I be pregnant?

I had protected sex in September and the end of December, both times extremely quick with nothing happening during sex. Since the beginning of December, I got my period 11 days...

Painful sex?

I have been with my partner for about a year now and I am currently still having trouble having sex as it is painful. We would like to find a solution to help this pain and why...

How effective is the pregnancy pill?

I want to take pregnancy pills. How effective is the pregnancy pill?

What should I eat for menstrual cramps?

I have menstrual cramps. What should I eat for menstrual cramps?

What helps period cramps go away?

I have period cramps and want to treat them. What helps period cramps go away fast?

Is it safe to get a chest CT scan during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and need to have a chest CT scan. Is it safe to get a chest CT scan during pregnancy?

What should I eat on an empty stomach when pregnant?

I am pregnant and want to eat healthy foods. What should I eat on an empty stomach when pregnant?

Am I pregnant?

I had sex on the 13th I just got my period on the 17th. I’m on birth control the implant but it’s expired is there anyway that I’m pregnant since I had sex before my period.

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