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Can massage therapy treat muscle pain?

I have chronic muscle pains in my hand, and I believe it's from work. Can massage therapy treat it? Even if it's for my hand? (I never really heard of hand massages before)

Will a breast x-ray spot any tumors?

Doctors scanned my breast for any abnormalities. How effective are these scans? Will they detect tumors?

How is a kidney stone dissolved?

My urologist told me that I have kidney stones but not to worry because they are so small. He thinks that they would dissolve. How does this usually happen?

What can cause a low sex drive?

I'm a 32 year old woman and my sex drive has gotten really low. I have no idea as this came out nowhere and it's really been disrupting my marriage. Are there medical solutions?...

Is there a cure for toenail fungus?

I've got a toenail fungus. I've tried the over the counter treatments and it hasn't even affected it. Is there a cure for toenail fungus?

Does MS cause staring?

My sister, age 22, was just diagnosed with MS. I was hoping it could explain the way that she stares. She sometimes stares out into space and can't seem to snap out of it. She...

Is a nerve conduction test painful?

I'm 30 and been having numbness in my left hand and fingers. My doctor recommended a nerve conduction test. Is it painful?

What are the symptoms of Ritalin addiction?

I'm worried that I'm becoming addicted to Ritalin. I'm 32 and I've been on a Ritalin prescription for 2 years. This month I began taking it sooner than I was supposed to because...

Is colonoscopy painful?

I'm 40 years old and my doctor is already recommending that I get a colonoscopy. I thought this was something that needed to be done in my 50s. Is this a painful procedure?

Why do I have lower back pains?

I've been having bad back pain and it is very painful to sit straight. Could this possibly be due to my posture? What could cause this pain?

Will surgery treat hemorrhoids?

I have hemorrhoids, and I tried treating them with over-the-counter medication. But it's not helping at all. Would I need surgery?

Is lock jaw the same thing as TMJ?

My dentist said that the pain I have in the left side of my jaw is TMJ. Is this the same thing as lock jaw? What can be the cause?

Can hemorrhoids cause loose stools?

I'm 30 years old, and I have hemorrhoids and realized now that I have loose stool. Can hemorrhoids cause loose stools?

Are weight loss pills safe?

I'm considered overweight. I weigh 146 lbs and I'm 5'2, and I'm strongly considering taking weight loss pills. Are they safe?

Why is my stool red?

I'm a 20 year old male, and I noticed that my stool has blood in it. Is this serious? What can be causing this, and do you think I should see a doctor?

What causes hearing loss?

My grandpa is 80 years old, and I noticed that he is losing his hearing. Can his age be the cause? Should he see a doctor?

Low A/G ratio, should I be concerned?

I had recent lab work, and one of the abnormalities was globulins 4, albumin 3. 8, resulting in a low ratio. I also had low AST (12), iron deficiency anemia, B12 and Vitamin...

How long do people stay in the hospital for pneumonia?

My mother has been in the hospital for at least week with pneumonia, and it seems like she's getting better. But the hospital insists on keeping her because of her age. She's...

How long does someone typically live in hospice?

My mom's great aunt was put into hospice care last week. I know that hospice is considered "end of life", but how long do people typically live after being put in hospice?

Does Dupuytren's contracture need surgery?

I'm a writer and I was just diagnosed with Dupuytren's contracture, and it's really devastating for me. I can't do what I love any more because of the amount of discomfort I feel....

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