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Is there a safe mouthwash for toddlers?

What should I look for when buying a mouthwash for a toddler? Is there any particular mouthwash that you would recommend?

Does a teeth whitening have long-lasting effects?

I need to have my teeth whitened for an event that I have coming up. Would getting a whitening have a long-lasting effect on my teeth?

Are ayurvedic toothpastes better than flouride?

Should I prefer an ayurvedic toothpaste over a fluoride one?

How often can I use a mouthwash in a day?

I have bad breath, and use mouth wash to make my breath smell as fresh as possible. But how many times can I use mouthwash away?

Can flossing causes spaces between my teeth?

Can I get spaces between my teeth due to flossing?

My son is having a cavity filled. Will he need anesthesia?

My son is 8 years old and has to have his cavity filled. He's very sensitive to pain, and I'm worried that this is going to cause him a lot of it. Would he need to have anesthesia...

How often should a 7-year-old go to the dentist?

I have a 7-year-old son who currently goes to the dentist once a year to have a check up and a cleaning. Should I be taking him to the dentist more? How many times a year would...

What health precautions do dentist take?

I haven't gone to the dentist in years because I am afraid of them putting dirty tools or gloves in my mouth. What precautions do they take to reduce the risk of contamination?...

Is a baking soda rinse safe for my teeth?

I recently read an article that said rinsing your mouth with baking soda can help clean the teeth and prevent infections. Is this really true? Will it damage my teeth?

Are there any home remedies to treat dry mouth?

I get dry mouth often. Are there any home remedies to take care of this problem?

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